SecurityHealthSystray.exe is known as a filename that indicates a file is able to be executed. In some cases, the executable files may risk your computer. In order to protect your computer, please read the whole article to decide for yourself whether the SecurityHealthSystray.exe on your computer is a harmful thing that you have to remove, or whether it is a safe one as it belongs to the Windows operating system or to a trusted application.
Apparently, the process called Windows Security notification icon, which is also known as SecurityHealth, belongs to software Microsoft Windows Operating System by Microsoft. The original SecuirtyHealthSystray.exe is able to be found in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. The size file on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows XP is 73,728 bytes.
As the SecurityHealthSystray.exe is a trustworthy file from Microsoft, you can trust it. This one is not visible and the process starts when Windows starts. It is said that the technical security rating is 10% dangerous.
In fact, there are some malware that disguise themselves as SecurityHealthSystray.exe, especially when not located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. To see if it is a threat, you need to check the SecurityHealthSystray.exe process on your computer. You are recommended to use the Security Task Manager to verify the security of your computer.
Security Task Manager is the name of the program with the ability to expose viruses and Trojans that may pretend to be something else and can create issues or can slow down your computer. Basically, it shows you which processes on your computer are not important and could put your system on the risk.
The latest version of Windows 10 comes with an app named Windows Security. This program, that was known as Windows Defender Security Center, has been renamed to Windows Security. It is used to help the user to control the security and privacy settings in a clean and useful way. There is an icon of the app, which is visible out of the box. If you think it is bothering you, here are some ways to hide it.
You are able to launch the Windows Security from the Start menu or with a special shortcut. Aside from that, you are also able to access it using its tray icon. You will be able to see a helper tool which draws the icon. This one is located at C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCuiL.exe. Since the update of Windows 10 version 1809, the helper tool has been renamed to C:\Windows\System32\SecurityHEalthSystray.exe. This file runs at the startup the moment you log in to your Windows 10 account and so the icon shows up in the tray. If you have a plan to remove the icon, you can get rid of the helper tool from startup. The good news is that this operation has no side effects and will make the tray icon disappear completely.
There are three methods to disable the Windows Security tray icon. Here is the explanation of each method.
Method 1: Task Manager
Disabling the Windows Security tray icon using the Task Manager is really simple. To do it, the first thing that you need to do is to open the Task Manager. It can be done by either right clicking on the taskbar and choosing the Task Manager option or pressing shortcut keyboard keys Ctrl + Shift + Esc for this. By default, the Process tab will be chosen. You will need to switch to the tab called Startup. To make it easier, the Startup tab of the Task Manager is able to be opened directly in the Windows 10 by running the following command:
Taskmgr /0 /startup
Once it is done, the next thing that should be done is to find the line named Windows Defender notification icon. Please right click it and choose Disable in the context menu.
Method 2: Using Regedit.exe
As with a lot of settings, the Windows Security System tray icon can be disabled by tweaking registry keys as well. First of all, you will have to go to the Access Registry Editor. Then, copy and paste the following path into the address bar in order to make your way to the key location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Systray
In the next step, right click on the right side and choose DWORD (32-bit) Value. Please name the value to Hidesystray. Besides, do not forget to set the data to 1. The last thing that you need to do is to restart Windows Explorer. For those who want to restore Windows Security System tray icons one day in the future, you can just simply delete the value.
Method 3: V Group Policy
Another way to remove the Windows security taskbar icon is through the Group Policy. However, you should know that this feature is available only for Windows 10 version 1809 and later. If you want to try to remove the tray icon by this method, please follow these steps. First, open the Group policy editor. Second, go to the Computer Configuration option of the left pane.
Third, choose Windows Components. Fourth, navigate to Windows Security. Fifth, choose Systray from the options available there. Sixth, find the Hide Windows Security Systray in the Edit policy settings section and then double click on it. Seventh, the Hide Windows Security Systray window will be displayed. Eighth, once you see it, select Enabled. Ninth, reboot your system.
The built-in security tool called Windows Security is the new name of the Windows Defender Security Center that comes with the Windows 10 October 2018 update. This one serves as a simple straight, meaning it offers advanced control over privacy, system protection, as well as the performance of the device. Usually, there is a tray icon that looks like a shield that you can use to quick-launch the app for you. If you are dreaming to have a neat and clean taskbar and you want to remove the Windows Security System tray icon, please perform one of the methods above. After removing, you will not be able to quick-launch Windows Defender, but you are able to open it from the Start menu.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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