In short, Windows computers always have a technical ID card outside of the device or laptop. However, in recent years, manufacturers have begun processing data into computers, including UEFI / BIOS, and this is used in the process of data collection and retrieval. This is the best way. In some cases, your keys are tied to your Microsoft account when you create and install your software, so don’t worry about losing them again.
Microsoft has changed and improved the way Windows licenses. This license covers all types of restrictions applicable through the department, starting with the modern way to make the most of your licenses.
Windows 10 includes a “digital owner” feature for Microsoft licenses related to identity keys on a computer. A device update, including the annual Annual Memory Update (1607) of 201 Ann, may result in significant changes, so this right applies to your “digital license”.

However, with a Windows 10 license, you can now link your Windows key to your Microsoft account to access it with the correct information and system copy.
So, if you have a new Windows computer or are signed in with a Microsoft account, you usually need to make sure the correct Windows 10 key I will let you know in a minute.
However, if you are looking for a Windows key that is manually stored in UEFI / BIOS, or if you want to prevent it from being used automatically during installation, there may be other situations. Of course, there are other conditions for non-OM retail keys, not for users who have upgraded to Windows 10 for free. In the worst case, you’ll get a licensed version of Windows that hasn’t started yet.

The difference between Windows OEM keys, Retail, and Free Upgrade
Typically, Microsoft has Windows licenses with different license terms, depending on the terms of the vendor below.
Do I have a digital license?
- OEM – The key has been moved to another computer and cannot be moved to another computer. Also, when you install Windows on a new computer, it will be installed automatically using UEFI / BIOS, but you can restart.
- Retail – The key are purchased directly from Microsoft as a seller and can also be used in online stores such as Amazon. – Buttons can be transferred to another computer, and in the case of digital licenses, the process is automated, although some Windows restrictions may “override”. Computer.
- Upgrading – There is no free key in Windows 10 from Windows 7 and 8. It can only be transferred from one computer to another and is used as a digital right to renew a free license (OEM licenses cannot be renewed).
The installer of Windows 10 has a page that displays activation information, including information about whether or not you have a digital license, even if the key is not displayed here:
Go to: Settings > Update & Security > Activation

If you have a digital license, you should always say “Windows is activated with a digital license” or “Windows is activated with a digital license associated with your Microsoft account”.
Add your Microsoft account to the Microsoft account at the bottom of the same page and you can associate it with your Windows license by entering your login information.
Find your key in Windows
At the request of the administrator or PowerShell enter the following line and verify the OEM button installed on the UEFI / BIOS system. However, although this command allows Windows 10, no key is assigned to the other two computers used for testing.
wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey
powershell “(Get-WmiObject -query ‘select * from SoftwareLicensingService’).OA3xOriginalProductKey”

Visual Basic Script Windows Registry Key Recovery (not stored in UEFI / BIOS) has started and the script can be downloaded. Copy this text, paste it into your notebook, save it as a .vbs file, and double-click to play the file.

Third-party tools that find Windows keys
Download various utilities to recover Windows keys and UEFI / BIOS-related sales keys. In recent tests, some applications have searched for UEFI / BIOS logs and keys, others have only run once on the current system.
Nirsoft ProduKey – Look for an OEM button and a commercial key for your Windows version. The key applies to many other applications, such as Microsoft Office and Adobe products (surprisingly, included in the Internet Explorer keyless display).
ShowKey Plus – This tool can detect campaign buttons and OEM buttons and download software packages to other Windows devices.
Windows 10 Product Key Tool – Developed by EasyBCD developers, this application contains authentic OEM UEFI, but Windows Go Go drivers do not have an advertising license.

Winkeyfinder – Our retail key was found but Dell’s UEFI key is not displayed.
Magical Jelly Bean KeyFinder – Transmits retail switches, but does not generate OEM UEFI switches. The tools can download the Windows Registry key on another drive (Tools > Download) selected for Windows 10 professional installation.
Find your key from the outside of Windows
Even if you can’t install Windows and don’t want to recover the key, you can access this information through external media such as Windows to Go drivers, or by connecting an uninstalled Windows driver to another computer.
When retrieving keys in the Windows to Go workspace, a non-bootable Windows key disk is disabled and must be downloaded from Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc). Right click on the disk and bring it online. As mentioned above, some of the third party tools listed allow you to load drunken documents from other Windows functions in the registry.
Additional resources
Windows Key is easy to find automatically in UAFI / BIOS, but if you want to use another license, you need to change the Windows installer.
Open the installer in File Explorer, then open the resource folder and create a new text file in the resource folder called PID.txt. The following text is required for PID.txt where X is the default script.
If you can delete the ad button from another computer and it does not automatically update the information about the Microsoft server, you can use the same button to prevent future conflicts on multiple computers.

When prompted to delete existing product licenses and delete Windows registry keys, enter the following line (some slmgr commands are given here):
slmgr.vbs /upk
slmgr /cpky

As a final test, I used this copy of Windows by clicking the Troubleshoot button on the activation page when I removed the button from the Windows installation location.

OneClick Wizard gets a digital license, even if it is not related to a Microsoft account. This is a sales key that was originally created by Windows To Go drivers and used on desktops connected to other computers with different hardware profiles. Fortunately, Microsoft’s performance is very durable and I have no problem checking operating system licenses or changing hardware on new devices.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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