In Windows, group policy is known as the account management utility. With this one, you are allowed to predefine a few things, including the terms of use and interaction of user accounts in a specific group. As for the group, it can varies ranging from the standard or limited group, administrators group, guest group, and any other ones that you have created. In the end, the policy that you created will be in charge of guiding the groups that you created before.
A few users have complained about getting the issues related to login. Some of them encountered the error with the error message “Group Policy Client service failed to logon: Access denied. If you are having the same issue and have no idea what to do, here are some solutions for you to try:
Solution 1: Editing registry by using an administrator account
- First of all, you need to press Windows Key + R to open run.
- Next, enter regedit in Run dialog box and press enter to open the registry Editor.
- Go to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\gpsvc.
- Be sure the key is intact and do not change a thing.
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SVCHOST.
- It is a must for the Multi-String value named GPSvcGroup to be there. If you find nothing, right click on the panel on the right and create a new one with the same name and assign it value GPSvc.
- Make a key and name it GPSvcGroup.
- Open the new key and right click on the panel on the right and make 2 DWORD values: AuthenticationCapabilities and ColnitializeSecurityParam. For the first one, the value must be 0x00003020 or 12320 in decimal. As for the second one, the value must be 1.
- Lastly, restart your PC.
Solution 2: Taking ownership of group policy registry key and force the GPSVC in order to start as a separate process from the start instead of acting as shared process
- The first thing that you have to do is to press Windows Key + R to open run.
- When it opens, enter regedit in Run dialog box and press Enter to open the registry key.
- Go to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\gpsvc.
- In the next step, right click on the gpsvc key and choose Permissions.
- trustedInstaller should be the default owner. Please click on Change in the window that shows up.
- Then, click on advanced in Select User or Group window.
- The ninth step is to click Find Now.
- After that, choose the user name and click OK.
- Click OK in Select User or Group window.
- Close Registry editor and open elevated or administrative Command Prompt/PowerShell, enter the following command and press Enter: reg add “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\gpsvc” /v Type /t REG_DWORD /d 0x10 /f.
- After getting the message informing that the operation completed successfully, restart your PC.
Solution 3: Restoring the system to an earlier point when it worked
- First and foremost, right click the start button and select system.
- Choose System Protection.
- Time to click the System restore button.
- Then, click the Next button.
- Please check the box at the bottom that says Show more restore points if needed.
- Choose a date or point in time and restore the system.
Solution 4: Resetting Google Chrome
- The processing of resetting Google Chrome can be started by pressing Windows Key + R to open run.
- After opening run, enter appwiz.cpl and hit enter to open the programs and features window.
- Find Google Chrome and uninstall it.
- Reinstall it without using admin privileges if you want.
Solution 5: Turning off fast startup
- If you want to turn off fast startup, you should click on Start.
- Secondly, go to Settings.
- Then, click on System icon.
- Afterward, go to the Power and sleep section and clock on additional power settings.
- The next thing that you have to do is to click on choose what the power buttons do.
- Then, scroll down t9o Shutdown settings.
- Do not forget to uncheck the box located beside turn on fast startup.
- Make sure to save changes.
- Finally, restart your PC.
Solution 6: Restarting group policy service and resetting Winsock
- Restarting the group policy service and resetting Winsock san be done by pressing Windows Key + R to open run as the first step.
- After following the first step, enter service and press Enter.
- Thirdly, look for Group Policy Client and right click on the services and go to properties.
- You will need to change its Startup type to Automatic, click on the Start button and then Apply and OK.
- After that, right click on the Start button and choose Command Prompt (Admin) or Powershell (Admin).
- Enter the following command and press Enter: .netsh winsock reset.
- Enter exit and press Enter to be able to exit the command.
- When everything is done, restart your PC.
Solution 7: Relogging in a certain order
In case no one of the solutions above works for you, the last thing that you can try is to relog into your accounts in a certain order. While there is no guarantee that it will work, it did wonder for a number of users. If you are interested in trying this solution, here is every single step to follow:
- Firstly, switch all the users so all three are logged in.
- Then, log off each account in order.
- Next, log into the first working account and try to do several tasks. Besides, you can also play some games.
- Afterward, log in to the second working account and do some activities as well.
- After logging into all the accounts, it is time for you to log into the problematic one. After doing so, do not forget to check if the issue is fixed.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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