XMEye DVR Password Reset Guide

For anyone who has lost or forgotten your password for XMeye DVR, please do not be panic. Fortunately, there is a simple way that you can follow to reset the password. These following instructions will show all the steps that you will need to perform if you want to reset the password for H.264 XMeye DVR, which is also known as HD iDVR or H264 DVR. Apart from that, you will be informed to get the right super password by using a password generator.

How to Reset the XMeye or iDVR or H264 Password

  • The first thing that you will need to do is to go to the DVR and bring up the login screen.

go to the DVR and bring up the login screen

  • Then, click the question mark sign (?) to exit the extra settings.

click the question mark sign to exit the extra settings

  • The next thing that should be done is to write down the key number which is located at the bottom left of the screen.

write down the key number which is located at the bottom left of the screen

 please enter the key code which is named safe code

  • A master password will be generated by the tool. In this case, the master password is 335377.

A master password will be generated by the tool

  • In the sixth step, you will have to enter the master password to the recorder.
  • In the end, the Xmeye HD iDVR will reboot. After the machine is back online, the old and forgotten password will be deleted. In this case, you should login by using the username “admin” and as for the password, please leave the box empty or blank.

If you want to know the other super password, here is the list:

Date Password
20200101 uw9qM49000
20200102 Oe5VFo6471
20200103 jSNcEE6288
20200104 z3GzQx8457
20200105 ON0UP22984
20200106 rLpDDg9875
20200107 0ttbUv9136
20200108 VCBLxg773
20200109 fll6eu4792
20200110 jfogWn9000
20200111 0YfOgM6471
20200112 QGS7Rv6288
20200113 nKKN1G8457
20200114 Do82gk9875
20200115 gl5d0K9875
20200116 W0jn6d9136
20200117 cqshNt773
20200118 G50h9g4792
20200119 eYvUQN1199
20200120 uoOt0e1201
20200121 LQJCzD4808
20200122 OONAuZ827
20200123 DayEnR9264
20200124 Kp74gR125
20200125 taB0Cb3416
20200126 dH1e39143
20200127 VBQQsw7312
20200128 qyAae57929
20200129 IqzCQe1000
20200130 UR7H4i4808
20200131 bDSMBa627
Date Password
20191201 HNWwssi0
20191202 9qUUMJ1201
20191203 skBHuD4808
20191204 jXw2wM827
20191205 lifQoT9264
20191206 1CuUmK125
20191207 WDQVDB3416
20191208 xIAQQi9143
20191209 jTdzTy7312
20191210 ecAfHH0
20191211 PwHoPG1201
20191212 sqwcGN4808
20191213 43xPoP827
20191214 X3RSE69264
20191215 DxvNoh125
20191216 3BgOhD3416
20191217 wWTRbr9143
20191218 B6GQht7312
20191219 DwEk4r79929
20191220 uoOt0e1201
20191221 LQJCzD4808
20191222 OONauZ827
20191223 DayEnR9264
20191224 Kp74gR125
20191225 taB0Cb3416
20191226 dH1e3v9143
20191227 VBQQsw7312
20191228 qyAae57929
20191229 IqzCQe1000
20191230 UR7H4i808
20191231 bDSMBa827
Date Password
 20191101 wns7HO1199
 20191102 ZDXwiU0
 20191103  WwOZsO1201
 20191104  rLKyK4808
 20191105  Mb2hIL827
 20191106  5zfbc89264
 20191107  GB7Odg125
 20191108  Gz9GQq3416
 20191109  K6zNDg9143
 20191110  SPZ8re1199
 20191111  nRPoDK0
 20191112  TRO4ac4208
 20191113  KhhSCK6977
 20191114  DVS7MY1864
 20191115  m5DUxd8875
 20191116  sXjwV08016
 20191117  ouO3Rc9293
 20191118  ASPZ222712
 20191119  NMnLKJ8279
 20191120  0M3uw90
 20191121  Wndykk1201
 20191122  64KizW4808
 20191123  sK1qSI827
 20191124  P2szI29264
 20191125  QloYye125
 20191126  DRX7vL3416
 20191127  HXDLcQ9143
 20191128  fTkBp17312
 20191129  uNgXka7929
 20191130  E2AUeH1201
Date Password
20191001 7Z85SvM4792
20191002 A6D3N81199
20191003 26641z0
20191004 aBVfZC1201
20191005 MbAMnq4808
20191006 spQ7wx827
20191007 ykG2IK9264
20191008 vibUA5125
20191009 G4G4qh3416
20191010 UWKnpj4792
20191011 CeJCJR1199
20191012 RsaAvJ0
20191013 6OKIEZ1201
20191014 YU8nf4808
20191015 O8HKI17827
20191016 akA4Fx9264
20191017 gt7AyP125
20191018 vxmXmI3416
20191019 95zeeM9143
20191020 4Raobu1199
20191021 hwn1Kp0
20191022 EfoNI71201
20191023 A82ZMF4808
20191024 Y6pgcx827
20191025 3ypues9264
20191026 piMgR6125
20191027 RyqiX13416
20191028 FoFt129143
20191029 3xrfr67312
20191030 HEJtxV0
20191031 oD5kAA1201
Date Password
20191001 6qvVx33416
20191002 CZL9DU9143
20191003 P5OIIX7312
20191004 WrpEWR7929
20191005 vefU0r1000
20191006 d8D3CS6531
20191007 hqdopv4528
20191008 IAvOpN4997
20191009 AUzGet7944
20191010 3V9Xeh3416
20191011 61NQRR9143
20191012 svRQZj7312
20191013 JeSpQM7929
20191014 heX5mD1000
20191015 B66TdQ6531
20191016 7VLkyk4528
20191017 SR9XLQ4997
20191018 yloOqD7944
20191019 dsKfCu3375
20191020 DkFfPp9143
20191021 6ksyFI7312
20191022 06dujD7929
20191023 6lbqds1000
20191024 UOln3U6531
20191025 wVamP84528
20191026 ODgvgi4997
20191027 krCtUQ7944
20191028 E12Oeu3375
20191029 aFthAX1296
20191030 RJ49VZ7312

In general, the DVR password can be reset with a tool called Superadmin. For those who have no idea of what the Superadmin tool is, it refers to an executable file. This one is compatible with Windows 32/64-bit OS. You can just double click the .exe file so that it can run immediately. The good news about it is it does not need installation. Based on the algorithm, it can calculate a password after you enter date and time. The password works for Hisilicon based DVR or NVR, including recorders that use Hi350, Hi3520D, Hi3521A, Hi3521D, Hi3535, Hi3536.

If you want to use the Superadmin tool, first of all, you will need to connect the device to the monitor and note the current data and time displayed on the screen. Then, double click Superadmin.exe executable file. In the next step, choose the date and time from calendar to match the date and time of the DVR or NVR. Please click Do it to generate a temporary password. The last thing that you should do is to input the username “admin” by using a mouse to operate the DVR or NVR, and then enter the temporary password, and now you are able to enter the system to tweak it again.

XMEye is known as a cloud storage and service system for CCTV. This free thing allows remote monitoring through multiple devices. This one can be described as a CCTV app that is able to store varied videos in some different sizes and it works well on PCs when it is viewed using an emulator such as Bluestack.

Some of the features offered by XMEye

    • Remote playback
    • Live view monitoring
    • Cloud login support
    • Modification of cloud registry
    • Playing and recording feature and screenshot
    • Etc.

XMEye is a product by trusted experts who are the best in the industry and it has a lot of benefits compared to its counterparts. One of the best things of it is a Cloud 3.0 that makes it works faster than before. XMEye is not only easy to use but is also compatible with most IP security cameras. The cloud storage of it is regularly saved and backed up so that the security footage can be protected and the errors can be prevented.

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