If you want to screenshot something on your PC, actually you are able to use the Snipping Tool. This tool can be used by you to capture a whole window, a rectangular part of your screen. But, you may not use it because you do not know the location of Snipping Tool shortcuts in Windows 10.
The Snipping Tools Shortcuts in Windows 10
According to the CNET site, the Snipping Tool has been around since Windows Vista and Windows has stated that for a couple years the Snipping Tool is moving away. From the list of apps from the Start menu, The Snipping Tool has been removed. However, you are still able to access it via the search bar.
You are able to click on the New button to start the screenshot process. The default snip type is a rectangular snip, but you are also able to take free-form, window snips or full screen. It is important for you to note that Snipping Tool does not save your screenshots automatically. It will ask you to save them manually in the tool before you exit.
If you are looking for the Snipping Tool shortcut location, you are able to find it in Accessories. To know where it is, you can click on Start and then choose All Apps. After that, select Windows Accessories and right click on the Snipping Tool. Now, click on More and then Open File Location to open Windows Accessories. There, you can find the shortcut of Snipping Tool.
Using Keyboard Shortcuts In Snipping Tool
If you want the shortcuts to work, you have to open the Snipping Tool and also you have to make it the app which has the focus. If you want to open the Snipping Tool, there is no keyboard shortcut to open. However, you are able to make a keyboard shortcut to be able to open Snipping Tools. Here are some of the keyboard shortcuts of Snipping Tools.
- Alt + N or Ctrl + N :
It will start a new screen capture.
- Alt + M :
It will set the screen capture mode. You are able to use up arrow and down arrow keys to be able to choose from: free-form snip, window snip, rectangular tool, full-screen snip. Then, you have to hit Enter to commit the choice.
- Alt + D :
It is for setting the delay for starting the capture. You are able to use up arrow and down arrow keys to choose from: no delay, 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds, 5 seconds. And then, do not forget to hit Enter to commit the choice.
- Ctrl + S :
It saves the screen capture.
- Ctrl + C :
It will copy the screen capture.
- Ctrl + E :
It edits in Paint 3D.
- Ctrl + P : It prints the screen capture.
- Alt + F : It can access the File menu.
- Alt + F and then T: It can send as an email but it requires Outlook installed.
- Alt + T and then O : It will set Snipping Tool options.
- F1 : It is for Snipping Tool help.
- Alt + T and then P: If you use this shortcut, it will select the Pen tool.
- Alt + T and then P and then R : If you use this shortcut, it means you will use Red Pen.
- Alt + T and then P and then B: If you use this shortcut, it means that you will use Blue Pen.
- Alt + T and then P and then L: If you use this shortcut, it means that you will use Black Pen.
- Alt + T and then P and then P: If you use this shortcut, it means that you will use Custom Pen.
- Alt + T and then P and then C: If you use this shortcut, you will use a customized Pen.
- Alt + T + and then H:
This shortcut is for selecting a Highlighter tool.
- Alt + T and then E:
This shortcut is for choosing an Eraser tool.
- Esc : If you are in the middle of getting a screen capture, this key will cancel it out by escaping.
Making Snipping Tool Using Hotkey in Windows 10
If you use a Snipping Tool often, you are able to create a hotkey for it so that it will make you easier to access. To do this, you are able to follow the steps below.
- The first thing that you have to do to make a keyboard shortcut for the Snipping Tool on Windows 10 is to click on Start and then choose All Apps. After that, you have to choose Windows Accessories and then you have to right click on the Snipping Tool and then click on More. Next, you have to click on Open File Location to be able to open folder Windows Accessories.
- The next thing that you have to do is to right click on the shortcut Snipping Tool and then you have to click on Properties.
- In this step in the Shortcut tab, you have to click on the column next to the Shortcut key. Then, you have to enter the keyboard shortcut that you want to use to run the Snipping Tool. It is important for you to know that Windows will automatically add Ctrl + Alt in the beginning of the shortcut. So, you are able to type the shortcut like this: Ctrl + Alt + S as keyboard shortcut for Snipping Tool.
Using The Snipping Tool If You Have A Mouse and Keyboard
- First, you must choose Start and then type the Snipping Tool and choose it in the search results.
- After that, you have to take a new screenshot by using the similar mode that you used last, and choose New. Or, if you want to choose the type of snip that you want, you are able to choose Mode and then choose a capture mode. When you are making free-form or rectangular snips, you are able to use your mouse to choose the area that you want to capture.
- Now, you can use the Save and Copy buttons at the top of the snip to save or copy it to the clipboard.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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