How to Import a Character Sheet into Roll20 from Another Game

Everyone is allowed to import a character sheet to the Vault from any game that you are a player or GM in. However, for those who are the players in the game, you need to get the permission if you want to edit the character so that you can import it to your Vault.

Importing characters is really easy. The first thing that you will have to do is to click the Import Character button on your Character Vault page. Doing so will make you able to see a list of games that you can select.

Once you have selected a game, a list of characters that you have permission to edit will be shown. Upon seeing it, all that should be done is to select the character that you want to import and press the Import Character button. Please be patient as the process might take a while to finish.

It is worth noting that once the character is in your vault, it is located as a snapshot. It means it will no longer update or get changes from the game it was originally from. For those who want to import an updated version of a character, you can just delete the character that has been existing from your vault and then re-import it from the game.

Vault Location: Home (out of game) > Tools > Character Vault

How to Import a Character Sheet into Roll20 from Another Game

Exporting character sheet

Talking about importing character sheets into Roll20 from another game, you might also want to know how to export it. Exporting characters refers to the process of exporting a character sheet from your Character Vault to a game.

If you think it is the best time to use a character from your Vault in a game, everything can be started by clicking a link named Export to Game that is located on the right side of the Character. It is when you are on the main Vault page. A list of eligible games to export the character to will be shown.

There are several requirements to export the characters to the game, including:

  1. It is possible to export the characters to the games if you are the GM of the game.
  • You are able to export to any game if you are Pro or Plus subscriber.
  • For those who are free users, the game is made with a marketplace module that has Full Access.
  1. It is possible to export the characters to the games if you are a player of the game and the GM has expressly turned on the settings option named Allow Players to Import Characters on the Game Settings page.
  • You can export the characters if you are one of the Plus or Pro subscribers or the GM Game Creator.
  • In case both you and the Game Creators are considered free users, but the game is made with a marketplace module that has Full Access.
Exporting character sheet

If you are a user, do not forget that the game should also get the All Access Vault enabled. For your information, every game will have one of two access levels, which all of them determine the ones that can export characters into the game.

Limited Vault is the first one. It is the default one. With this one, people who are allowed to import the characters into the game include the Plus or Pro subscribers and therefore, they have All Access Vault enabled for their entire account.

All Access Vault is the second one. It is a premium level of vault access. Everyone, including the players in the game who do not have a subscription, can import characters into the game. Apart from them, GMs of the game are also allowed to import characters into the game.

Remember that the subscription level of the game that the creator of the account has determines the level of the game. In general, the game will have the Limited Vault level if the creator of the game does not have a subscription and if they have one, the game will have an All Access Vault level.

In addition, all the selected Marketplace modules feature the All Access Vault level for every game based on that module. For instance, if the Lost Mine of Phandelver is purchased, each game that you make with that module will have the All Access Vault unlocked, even though the creator of the game does not have a subscription.

Character vault

Character vault..

The Character Vault, which was used to be referred to as My Vault, is the thing that allows you to place your own characters so that you can use them if you want to put it in more than just a game. Basically, you can use the same character that has been used in the new game. It is really helpful since you do not have to recreate them from scratch each line. Before, you would need to keep track of the character yourself and then remake it in each new game that you make.

With the existence of the Vault feature, it is now possible for you to import the character out of the game and into your vault and then re-export it out of your vault and into a new game. In general, the entire concept is rinse and repeat. The feature makes people have characters that travel with you between games.

If you are a GM or Game Master, it is also beneficial for you to store pre-generated Player Characters that you might want to share in multiple games or a few interesting NPCs, spaceships, monsters, and many more.


If you find the guide to import the character and the other things not clear, you can try to visit the communities or forums of Roll20 to get the better explanation. You can ask someone on these platforms by starting a thread or replying to a thread that has been made. In addition, it is also possible to reach out to the representative of Roll20.

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