It is very upset when you encounter Aternos Server so Laggy. Here, let us discuss the reasons of why your Aternos Server so laggy and find out the ways to fix it.
Common Reasons For Server Lag
Based on the research, there are many reasons why server lag can occur. Here are some reasons:
1. You use 1.13 – 1.16 Minecraft
Since 1.13 Minecraft has a completely new world format to allow the new water changes. However, this new world format is not really optimized yet. Even, it causes many performance issues. The developers have already increased the resources (RAM + CPU) for Vanilla 1.13 and newer servers, however there are still performance issues that cannot be fixed with more resources. For this case, we suggest you to always use the latest version, it will contains the latest optimizations and fixes. The basic performance issue is still occur in the newer versions, but we hope will improve with the newer versions.
Since 1.14.4 Mojang recommends to make a debug report and send it to them once you have performance issues so that they are able to find and fix the causes. You will be able to make a debug report with the command: /debug report. Also, you are able to execute that command either in-game or in the console. After that, you will be able to find and download the report here: You have to note that the download is only possible while your server is offline. You are able to find the Mojang bug tracker to report performance issues or other bugs here:
2. There are too many or misused mods
You have to note that too many or misused mods are able to cause server lags. In this issue, you will need to ensure to install a reasonable amount of mods. Besides, you do not make too many worlds because it can cause server lags too. For example, Mod features, machines or chunk loaders will be able to cause server lags. To indicate the problem, you are able to click this link;
We get information that it is probably that a single mod has a bug. Or it is not really performance and then make down your server. For this issue, you have to check mod by mod to find whether you are affected by mods or not.
The developer always try to get the best balance between their limited resources and the best performance. For modpacks in particular, this will hard to achieve. They test the modpacks in their system to ensure that they are at least starting and that basic playing is possible. However, they cannot guarantee anything as modpacks are a bit different and the load on the host systems is different. They decided to offer modpacks on their platform because they want to offer as many choices to customize your server as possible and most of the modpacks are good playable most of the time.
3. There are too many plugins that running on your server
The more plugins you have the more RAM you will need. If you have many plugins but you do not have enough RAM, it will overload your server causing it gets lag or crash. The best thing that you have to do is to limit the amount of plugins you require to run your server, as several plugins such as Survival Games will use up to 1GB of RAM.
4. Your Internet connection is not stable
If your internet connection is bad or temporarily overloaded, lags may happen. To check this, you are able to try playing on other servers and check if there are any lags. Latency or Internet lag is usually a result of being geographically far from the server host. It means that the electrical impulses take many milliseconds to get the server and then have to travel all that way back. So, there can be a lag between input from your computer to it appearing on your screen and other screens.
To check your latency with a server, you have to log onto Minecraft and then add the server you want to test to your list of servers. When it’s added, there is going to be a small icon in the right on the server field. If you hover over the icon it is going to tell you the ping of the server. For your information, Latency lag is when you are too far away from your server so the connection is slightly delayed. Please check your server location and see whether you are the closest you can be to their servers. If you see that any of their server locations are closer to you than your current server’s location, you are able to enter a ticket and request a transfer free of charge.
4. Other reasons
It is not really likely, but possible, that an Aternos host machine is overloaded temporarily. This should be only for a few minutes and only happen rarely. For this case, you are only able to wait or completely stop and start (not restart) your server.
About TPS Lag (Server Lag)
In Minecraft, Server lag described as TPS. For your information, TPS stands for Ticks Per Second. Otherwise TPS is known as game ticks and is a maximum of 20. 20 It is hardwired into Minecraft as the universal speed. We are able to say that the smallest amount of time possible which is distinguishable from the game’s perspective. Each tick makes the game to recalculate directions of the mobs, as well as other things like growing crops that adjusting direction of the mobs. Get an idea of how long it is, each redstone tick is equivalent to two game ticks. Also, this is incidentally the reason redstone half ticks exist, being one game tick. You have to remember that TPS and FPS are different. TPS, on the server which is controlled by the speed and capabilities of the server. While FPS is based on the player’s PC.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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