Minecraft Pixelmon servers are based on the third-party modification. It is inspired from the Anime series Pokemon. In the Minecraft Pixelmon server, there are many things that you can find including more than 200 Pokemon, battling and gym badges. One of the features here is that you will be able to catch Pokemon in a 3D poke ball. And you are able to see the unique attributes of Pokemon that consist of damage, habits, aggression and armor.
Minecraft Pixelmon Server List
Here is a list of Minecraft Pixelmon Servers including its address:
- Complex Gaming (sm.mc-complex.com)
- Opblocks network (sm.opblocks.com)
- Immortal Survival (play.immortal.com)
- Royale Pokemon (mc.pokeroyale.net)
- Tulipsurvival (go.tulipsurvival.com)
- Pokesaga (sm.pokesaga.org)
- Anubismc (play.anubismc.com)
- Playinabox (playinabox.minehut.gg)
- Purple Prison (fun.purpleprison.net)
- Vortex network (sm.vortexnetwork.net)
- Cyborgmc (orange.cyborgmc.com)
- Pokeparadise (play.pokeparadise.org)
- Blaze gaming (play.mc-blaze.com)
- Wildprison (play.wildnetwork.net)
- Pixelmon odyssey (join.ody.gg)
- I-Pixelmon (i-pixelmon.com)
- Phoenixblazing (mc.phoenixblazing.org)
- Royale (mc.pokeroyale.net)
- Pixelmon Rebrewed (
- Colosseumon (pixel.colosseumcraft.com)
- Poke X (play.pokexmc.xyz)
- Galthor89 (GalThor89.me)
- Chillin’ SMP (chillinsmp.apexmc.co)
- Poke Meadows (play.pokemeadows.com)
- Arago (srv2.arago.games)
- Pokeclash Reforged (play.pokeodyssey.com)
- Coral Craft (coralcraft.mcserv.fun)
- Lemoncloud (sm.lemoncloud.net)
- Pixelmon servers (play.pixelmonrealms.com)
- Pokeland (mc.pokeland.world)
- Minehut (mc.minehut.com)
- MC Prison (mc.prisonfun.com)
- Anubis (play.anubismc.com)
- Poketpixels (play.pocketpixels.net)
- Smashmc (play.smashmc.co)
- MC PGST (pixel.mc-pgst.tw)
- Pokecentral (pokecentral.org)
- Odyssey (hub.ody.gg)
- Pokemon Nomods (play.pokewild.com)
- Pixelmmo (play.pixelmmocraft.com)
- Pikacore (pikacore.sedexcraft.com)
- Poke Universe (pokeuniverse.network)
- Drakescraft Network (mc.drakescraft.net)
- Eternia (play.eterniamc.net)
- Gearfriends (play.gearfriends.net)
- Pokesplash (play.pokesplash.org)
- Pixelmon Harmony (play.pixelmonharmony.com)
- Happycloud (pixelmon.happycloudmc.com)
- Vengeancemc (play.vengeancemc.network)
- Mobcraft (mobcraft.org)
- Terriacraft (play.terriacraft.com)
- Hallowed Fantasy (play.hallowedfantasy.com)
- Pokemc (play.pokemc.com)
- Rubynet (rubynet.servegame.com)
- Squirlesquadmc (play.squirtlesquadmc.com)
- Thenodemc Pixelmon (play.thenodemc.com)
- Feargames (mc.feargames.it)
- Fixelmon Reforged (pixel.rc-gamers.com)
- Pokemayhem (play.pokemayhem.com)
- Pixelballers (play.pixelballers.com)
- Pixelmon unliked (pixel.un-linked.com)
- Pixelmon AU (pixelmon-au.com)
- Magad network (play.magad.xyz)
- Nitromon (play.nitro-mon.com)
- Dexmasters (play.dexmasters.net)
- Pixelgenesis (play.pixelgenesismc.com)
- Pokegaming (play.pokegaming.com)
- Pokemasters Reborn (mc.pokemasters.xyz:25570)
- Anarmon (anarmon.com:25573)
- Aroma network (play.aromamc.net)
- Astral Pixel (
- Autisticraft (mc.autisticraft.net)
- Choccy Pixelmon (
- Cloud Signature (cloudsignature.holy.gg)
- Craftbros V2 Pixelmon (craftbros.apexmc.co:25577)
- Deltapixel (play.deltapixel.net)
- Ecletia Pixelmon (ecletiapixelmon.apexmc.co)
- Energizedmc Pixelmon (EnergizedMC.com)
- Ethereal Pixelmon (play.etherealpixelmon.com)
- Furry Valley Pixelmon (pixelmon.furryvalley.com:25265)
- Guardian Pixelmon (play.guardianpixelmon.com)
- Infinitymc Pixelmon Reforged (play.infinitymc.net)
- Instamc (mc.instamc.com.br)
- Jayopixels (JayoPixels.plox. best:25620)
- Jimbocraft (play.jimbocraft.tk)
- Lunar Pixelmon (
- Maxnetic Pixelmon (pixel.maxnetic.xyz)
- Monarch Pixelmon (legends.monarchpixelmon.net)
- Mythical League (
- Nightshade Pixelmon (play.nightshadepixelmon.com)
- Notinregsmc (
- Phantom Pixelman (mc.phantom-pixel.com)
- Pikapinga (pokemon.renshu.cc)
- Pixelchaser (play.pixelchaser.me)
- Pixelmmo (
- Pixelmania (Pixelmania.co)
- Pixelmon Og Reforged (play.pixelmonog.com)
- Pixelmon Origins (pixelmonorigins.com)
- Pixelmon Universe Reborn (
- Pokeatlas (play.pokeatlas.tk:25622)
- Pokecosmos (mc.pokecosmos.com)
- Pokeforge Pixelmon (play.pokeforge.com)
- Pokeglobe (play.pokeglobe.net)
- Pokehub (
- Poketrek (play.poketrek.com)
- Royalcraft Pixelmon (
- Sagasnetwork (play.mcsagas.ml)
- Serverspixelmon.com (play.serverpixelmon.com)
- Sykehub (play.sykehub.com)
- Trollandia (mc.trollandia.it)
- CMAK & Friends (cmakandfriends.com)
- Nueva Region Luminin (
- Pokehills (play.pokehills.com)
- Angelic Pixelmon (angelicpixelmon.xyz:25597)
- Argon Gaming (Argon-Gaming.com)
- Aria of Aegis (
- Aroma Network (play.aromamc.net)
- BSMC Pixelmon (pixelmon.blackspigot.com)
- Brightcraft Pixelmon (
- CPS (play.chikopx.com)
- Celestial Pokemon (
- Clapity Pixelmon (mc.clapity.eu)
- Coolax Gaming Pixelmon (pixelmon.coolax-gaming.net)
- Cosmic Unity (cosmicunity.serverminer.com)
- DDS Gaming (dds.nodecraft.gg)
- Darkpixel (darkpixel.servegame.com)
- Dragon Block Raging Blast (
- Dragon Universe (mc.dragonuniverse.net)
- Dragonbladegaming Pixelmon (
- Evermoon (evermoon.no-ip.org)
- FTOsurvive (mc.ftosurvive.es)
- Generationspixelmon (
- Gengar Galaxy (play.GengarGalaxy.com)
- Glitterpixel (glitterpixel.apexmc.co)
- Golden Age Network (newgoldenage.xyz)
- Goobs Pixelmon Server (mc.goobs.me)
- Heartcraft (play.heartcraft.xyz)
- Hexskull (play.hexskull.com:25774)
- Isolatedpixel (ult3.falix.gg:26970)
- KDC Pixelmon Reforged (
- Karp Rebellion (Karprebellion.com)
- LKpixelcraft (play.lkcn-mc.com:25587)
- Local boys Pixelmon (
- Lunarglaceon (play.lunarsylveon.com)
- Maelstrom Pixelmon (pixel.maelstromuniverse.com)
- Masterleaguemc Pixelmon (MasterLeague.apexmc.co)
- Mergical Gaming (play.mergicalgaming.com)
Most Fun Minecraft Pixelmon Servers to Play
On these Minecraft Pixelmon servers, you will be able to battle, collect, and train Pokemon all within the blocky world of Minecraft.
Here are most fun Minecraft Pixelmon Servers to play:
1. Mox MC (Server IP Address: Moxmc.net)
Mox MC is one of the most fun Minecraft Pixelmon servers to play. On this Pixelmon server, you are welcomed with a free shiny starter Pokemon just for joining. Pokemon battles and trading are a huge part of this server. Every week this Pixelmon server hosts Pokemon ranked ladder battles in which the players are able to compete with their best Pokemon in ladder-based tournaments to win prizes and exclusive rare shiny Pokemon.
2. Pixelmon Realms (Server IP Address: play.pixelmonrealms.com)
Pixelmon Realms is the second-fun Minecraft Pixelmon server. It runs on Pixelmon reforged. With a x5 Pokemon spawn rate present on this Pixelmon server, there is no question of feeling bored while waiting around to catch Pokemon. This Pixelmon server makes a great choice, mainly for those who looking to take the grind out of Pixelmon. Also, this Pixelmon server boasts a stable economy, EV training, grief protection, and usage of the “wondertrade” system.
3. GRM Pixelmon (Server IP Address: grmpixelmon.com)
GRM Pixelmon is a fun Minecraft Pixelmon server which offers a free rank, backpack and pokeheal for everyone who joins. In terms of gameplay, the players are able to explore a variety of regions inspired by the Pokemon games, including the Johto and Kanto regions. Also, the players are able to go on PokeHunts, collect daily rewards, explore the safari zone, and participate in regular server events.
4. CyborgMC (Server IP Address: pizza.cyborgmc.com)
On this Pixelmon server, the players play on a replicated map of the real-life earth landscape in which they are able to catch Pokemon and battle them with other players. What is cool about this Pixelmon server is that Pokemon logically spawn in specific parts of the world. For instance, Charizard is known to spawn near volcanic parts of the world, whereas Ice-based Pokemon such as Abomnasnow can be found in the North Pole and South Pole.
5. Complex Gaming Pixelmon (Server IP Address: hub.mc-complex.com)
Another fun Minecraft Pixelmon server is ComplexMC. It boasts hundreds of players during all hours of the day. On this Pixelmon server, the players are able to become the Pokemon trainer that they have always dreamed to be, beating gyms, participating in Pokemon battles, trading rare Pokemon with others, and much more.
Best Minecraft Pixelmon Servers
These are the best Minecraft Pixelmon servers that are available right now:
- Blaze Gaming IP: top.mc-blaze.com
- Complex Gaming IP: hub.mc-complex.com
- DestinyMC Network IP: play.thedestinymc.com
- DirtCraft Pixelmon IP: pixelmon.gg
- Eternia Pixelmon IP: play.eterniamc.net
- Hallowed Fantasy IP: play.hallowedfantasy.com
- HappyCloud IP: play.happycloudmc.com
- Holocraft SEA IP: play.holocraft.net
- MinerGG Pixelmon IP: poke.miner.gg
- NobleRealms IP: play.noblerealms.com
- Pikadex IP: pikadex.sedexcraft.com
- Pixelmon Harmoney IP: play.pixelmonharmony.com
- Pixelmon Realms IP: play.pixelmonrealms.com
- PocketPixels IP: play.pocketpixels.net
- Poke Islands IP: play.pokeislands.com
- Pokecentral IP: pokecentral.org
- PokeLand IP: mc.pokeland.world
- PokeNinjas IP: PlayPokeNinjas.com
- PokeResort IP: pokeresort.com
- PokeSaga IP: play.pokesaga.org
- Purple Prison IP: purpleprison.org
- RC-Gamers IP: pixel.rc-gamers.com
- SmashMC IP: play.smashmc.co
- TheNodeMC IP: play.thenodemc.com
- TreeMC IP: top.treemc.net
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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