Minecraft Cross-Play Server List

Minecraft servers vary. One of the most popular is cross play servers. With these kinds of servers, you are allowed to play on these servers with your friends even though you and your friends use different platforms to play Minecraft.

Minecraft cross play servers are different compared to the Minecraft Java Edition servers. What makes them different is that the Minecraft cross play servers are able to be played by the users of the Minecraft Bedrock Edition as well using multiple devices such as an Xbox, a Nintendo Switch, a PlayStation console, mobile devices, or any other platforms while the traditional Minecraft Java Edition servers are able to be only played on a Windows, Mac or Linux PC.

Minecraft Cross-Play Server List

For those who are looking for Minecraft cross play servers to give a try with your friends, here is the list of these servers that you can consider:

1. BlossomCraft

Server IP: play.blossomcraft.org
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.8
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 138 players online
Server type: Cross platform

2. Pixelblock

Server IP: buzz.pixelblockmc.com
Server version: Version 1.17 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 133 players online
Server type: Cross platform


Server IP: play.immortal.com
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 56 players online
Server type: Cross platform

4. JartexNetwork

Server IP: buzz.jartex.fun
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Prison server
Players online: 469 players online
Server type: Cross platform

5. Cosmic Survival

Server IP: buzz.cosmicsurvival.com
Server version: Version 1.16 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 199 players online
Server type: Cross platform

6. BumbleCraft

Server IP: play.bumblecraft.net
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 134 players online
Server type: Cross platform

7. LifestealMC

Server IP: lifestealmc.net
Server version: Version 1.9 to 1.18
Main gamemode: PvP server
Players online: 135 players online
Server type: Cross platform

8. Vanilla Realms

Server IP: buzz.vanillarealms.com
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 103 players online
Server type: Cross platform

9. Vanilla Europa

Server IP: play.vanillaeuropa.com
Server version: Version 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 40 players online
Server type: Cross platform

10. CatCraft

Server IP: buzz.catcraft.net
Server version: Version 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 64 players online
Server type: Cross platform

11. LunarSurvival SMP

Server IP: buzz.lunarsmp.org
Server version: Version 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 60 players online
Server type: Cross platform

12. Mineseed

Server IP: buzz.mineseed.org
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 177 players online
Server type: Cross platform

13. CraftYourTown

Server IP: buzz.craftyourtown.com
Server version: Version 1.18
Main gamemode: Towny server
Players online: 77 players online
Server type: Cross platform

14. Maritime Survival

Server IP: play.maritime.gg
Server version: Version 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 48 players online
Server type: Cross platform

15. SemiSurvivalCraft

Server IP: buzz.semisurvivalcraft.com
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 31 players online
Server type: Cross platform

16. KiwiSMP

Server IP: play.kiwismp.fun:19132
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 49 players online
Server type: Cross platform

17. PlayFuse

Server IP: buzz.playfuse.net
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Skyblock server
Players online: 20 players online
Server type: Cross platform

18. Advancius Network

Server IP: mc.advancius.net
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Skyblock server
Players online: 95 players online
Server type: Cross platform

19. The Cavern Towny

Server IP: mc.thecavern.net
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Towny server
Players online: 42 players online
Server type: Cross platform


Server IP: mc.projects.gg
Server version: Version 1.8 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 16 players online
Server type: Cross platform

21. HuabaCraft

Server IP: play.huabacraft.com
Server version: Version 1.17 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 42 players online
Server type: Cross platform

22. 6b6t

Server IP: 6b6t.org
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Anarchy server
Players online: 79 players online
Server type: Cross platform

23. HavenCraft Survival

Server IP: buzz.havencraftmc.com
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.8
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 18 players online
Server type: Cross platform

24. Avalon Craft

Server IP: 200.9.154:10061:10061
Server version: Version 1.8 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Survival server
Players online: 34 players online
Server type: Cross platform

25. MC Ages

Server IP: play.mc-ages.com
Server version: Version 1.7 to 1.18
Main gamemode: Towny server
Players online: 20 players online
Server type: Cross platform

Take note that each Minecraft cross play server mentioned above is able to be played on all Minecraft clients, including both Minecraft Bedrock Edition, which is also more known as MCPE in short, and Minecraft Java Edition. By using these servers, the players of Minecraft Java Edition and Minecraft Bedrock Editions have the chance to connect to the same world and play game together. In some cases, there will be no need for you to run the same version due to the fact that most of them use the ViaVersion plugin. The statement means that you will need to use a different IP address for every client type to be able to join the server.

If you are a Nintendo Switch user and are wondering whether you are able to join the same Minecraft world as your friends by using Xbox, the good news is that you are allowed to do that. There will not even be a need for you to use a cross play server to be able to do that as all the consoles run the same game platform, which is Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Feel free to invite your friends and the other console players to play games together with you on any Minecraft Bedrock server.

What about Minecraft Realms? Can it be cross platform? Sadly, the answer to the question is no. Minecraft Realm is known to be a small server hosted by Mojang. This one is only able to be joined by a few friends using an invite code on the Minecraft Bedrock Edition.

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