The Far Lands Minecraft Seed

When you are creating a new adventure world in Minecraft, you can use a seed to control the type of world you spawn into. Seeds here means a numerical code that represents the foundations of your Minecraft world. There will be seed for you, no matter the kind of starting area you choose such as craggy icebergs, sprawling villages and lofty clifftops.

If you are just creating your new world in Far Lands, you definitely need to choose the correct seed that will make your starting area more perfect. Unfortunately, you do not know what the proper seeds to use in Far Lands. No worries! You can get the proper seeds to place in your starting area in our post. Here you go!

The Far Lands Minecraft Seed

What is the Best Seed to Use in Far Lands?

In Minecraft, there are dozens of seeds that you can use in a certain area. Certainly, you may need to use certain seeds, depending on the area you want to open in Minecraft. Well, if you’re currently starting to open your own world in Far Lands, you need to use the Far Lands seed too.

The proper seed that you can use in Far Lands is Corner of the Farlands (seed: –1813740965).

To use this seed in Far Lands, you can just choose the option to make a new world and go to ‘more options’. Here, you need to scroll down to the Seed field. Then, you need to enter your seed value. As you want to use seed in Far Lands, you have to enter the code ‘-1813740965’. Make sure to type out your seed and make sure to include the minus symbol if there is one.

Okay, that’s how to use the seed on Far Lands. Now, it’s your turn to start creating your new world on Far Lands and make sure to enter the seed code if you want to perfectly control your own area.

How Long Does It Take to Reach Far Lands?

You may need about 4 weeks and 6 days of continuous walking to reach the Far Lands. However, the fastest way to reach the Far Lands is by teleporting there. The starting edge of the Far Lands is at (x: 12550821, y: 64, z: 12550821). The teleportation command can be typed as  /tp [PlayerName] 12550821 64 12550821.

Talking about Far Lands, it refers to an area that was generated at the calculated end of Minecraft maps. This bug is generated from the breakage and mathematical limitation of Minecraft’s noise and terrain generation, starting to calculate impossible numbers, even sometimes exceeding infinite numbers and the negative integers.

Technically, Minecraft relies on the client’s computing capabilities in generating random numbers. It’s used to randomize terrain generation and then smoothen by copying the same number. After that, it’s scaling them down each by from the last by a factor of 2, once the initial calculation, offsets and factors that are included into the equation produce seamless, but randomized terrains and biomes.

Furthermore, it also relies on the technical capabilities on the computer that Minecraft is running, as the computer cannot calculate the aforementioned equation.  Well, the noise generator which draws the height map of Minecraft increases by 171.103 for every block. So, it causes an integer overflow at roughly ±12550824 (sometimes ±12550821).

Multiplying those numbers will produce the 32-bit signed integer max value that when overflowed, it will generate in an extreme noise seed. The overflowed results will be ‘clamped’ (that is to set to the minimum or the maximum value in the representable range), though 64-bit machines will be able to handle terrain generation in the Far Lands well.

So, that’s why 64-bit Far Lands are far less chaotic than 32-bit Far Lands, even though using some modifications to how Java variables interact with integer overflow and to some extent.

What Are the Types of Far Lands?

The Far Lands consist of a wide array of terrain generation bugs. Its effect will depend on which noise generator breaks and also the player’s distance on each axis where the Edge Far Lands refer to when noise brakes on only one axis.

However, other noise generators can also break down. In this case, the selector noise that determines whether high noise or low noise is used at a given position in the world, is breaking down 80 times further than high or low noise by default, causing what is known as the ‘Father Lands’.

We’ll also show you the list of noise generators in Minecraft Java Edition that are known to break down and give rise to their own unique effects. Well, many of which really require mods to see. Here they are:

Noise generator Breaks down at… (32-bit)
Low noise 12,550,824
High noise
Selector noise 1,004,065,924
Depth noise 42,949,672
Scale noise 7,662,742,722
Classic world noise 33,554,432
Island carver noise 933,688,542
Soil depth 34,359,738,368
Sand beaches 68,719,476,736
Gravel beaches 68,719,476,736

What Should You Do in the Far Lands?

When you are already at Far Lands, you need to prepare for lag especially if you do not own a large computer. However, a decently good computer or laptop is really required for a great experience. After you are at Far Lands, you just enjoy the area and try to see some corruptions in terrain that are very inviting to explore.

First, you need to avoid lag. Because of excessive coordination and entities, Far Lands are known as a very laggy place. But the lag can be lowered in some ways.

At Far Lands, you can stop mobs from spawning by using the command ‘/gamerule doMobSpawning false’ and you can also kill excessive entities in the vicinity by using the command ‘/kill @e[type=!player,r=300]’.

Second, you can also port the terrain. You definitely can convert the world into modern versions once generating the desired amount of terrain. Sure, you will have the Far Lands terrain to do things with. Certainly, you’re allowed to port the Far Lands terrain to the modern version from Pre-Beta 1.8 if it is possible. Alternatively, you can use a mod and load as much terrain as you can. After that, you can convert it to vanilla Minecraft of the same version.

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