What is AsScrPro.exe Process in Task Manager by ASUS?

ASScrPro stands for ASUS Screen Saver Protector Launcher. It is a file which is a piece of ASUS Screen Saver Protector made by ASUS Corporation. Usually, Windows 7 version is approximately 3058304 bytes in size, However the Windows version you have can differ.

The .exe extension of a file name shows an executable file. Sometimes, the executable programs or files are able to harm your computer. Please read the following text to get more information related to AsScrPro.exe.


The original AsScrPro.exe file is a software component of ASUS Screen Saver Protector by ASUS. Remember that ASScrPro (ASUS Screen Saver Protector) is a pre-installed screensaver application which is built on the systems manufactured by ASUS. The AsScrPro.exe launches the ASUS Screen Saver Protector program. Actually, this is not an essential Windows process.

So, it is able to be disabled if known to make issues. ASScrPro (ASUS Screen Saver Protector) is a software program that is designed for the Windows platform. The program has already reported to be a protected bloatware application and of little use. It will be able to be deleted with the password, 8777.


As we know that ASUS is a Chinese personal computer vendor which manufactures everything from desktops and laptops to mobile phones, graphics cards, monitors, and optical storage devices. Based on the research, in 2013s, it was the world’s fifth biggest computer seller, in terms of sales. ASUS Corporation started launching the graphics cards in the 2005s with their initial PhysX accelerator card. ASUS was made in 1989 in Taipei by Tung, Ted Hsu, Wayne, and M.T. Liao, all previously employed by Acer. Currently, the company is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. In some cases, executable files may endanger your computer. So, you need to check and decide for yourself whether the AsScrPro.exe on your computer is a virus or malware that you should delete, or whether it is a file belonging to the Windows operating system or to a trusted app.


Now, you may want to know whether the AsScrPro.exe on your computer is a virus or malware that you should delete, or whether it is a file belonging to the Windows operating system or to a trusted app. For this case, the first thing that can help you decide whether a particular file is a legitimate Windows process or a virus/malware is the location of the executable itself. With asscrpro.exe for instance, maybe it’s path is going to be something like C:\Program Files\ASUS Corporation\ASUS Screen Saver Protector\asscrpro.exe. To specify it’s path, you are able to open Task Manager, then go to View. After that, you have to choose Columns and select “Image Path Name” to add a location column to your Task Manager. If you discover a suspicious directory there, it may be a nice idea to investigate this process further.


Sometimes, another tool which is able to help you detect bad processes is Microsoft’s Process Explorer. Now, you will be able to start the program (it does not need installation) and activate “Check Legends” under Options. Then, you have to go to View. After that, you have to choose Columns and add “Verified Signer” as one of the columns. If the “Verified Signer” status of a process is listed as “Unable to Verify”, you have to take a moment to look at the process. Apparently, not all Windows processes have a Verified Signature label. If you have any difficulties with this executable, you have to decide if it is trustworthy before removing asscrpro.exe. To do that, you are able to find this process in Task Manager. Please find its location and compare the size etc with the above facts.

If you think that you may be infected with a virus or malware, so you have to try to solve it immediately. To remove the asscrpro.exe virus, you need to download and install a full security application. You have to note that not all tools are able to detect every type of malware, so you may need to try some options before you are successful. Additionally, Virus functionality itself may affect asscrpro.exe removal. For this case, you have to enable Safe Mode with Networking, a secure environment which disables most processes and loads only the most required services and drivers. Once there, you are able to run a security program and a complete system analysis.


Actually, you should not remove a safe executable file without a valid reason, because this may affect the performance of any associated programs which use that file. Please be sure to keep your software and programs up to date to avoid future issues caused by corrupted files. With regard to software functionality problems, check driver and software updates more often, so there is little or no risk of such issues occurring.

The best way for those suspicious programs/files is a complete system analysis with ASR Pro or the antivirus and malware remover. If the file is classified as malicious, these applications will also remove asscrpro.exe and get rid of the associated malware.

But, if it is not a virus or malware and you want to remove, simply you are able to uninstall the ASUS Screen Saver Protector from your computer by using its uninstaller. If you cannot find it’s uninstaller, you have to uninstall ASUS Screen Saver Protector to completely remove asscrpro.exe. Aside from that, you are able to use the Add/Remove Program function in the Windows Control Panel.

1. In the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen’s bottom-left corner), please click Control Panel, and then under Programs:

  • Windows Vista/7/8.1/10: Simply, click Uninstall a Program.
  • Windows XP: You are able to click Add or Remove Programs.

2. When you discover the program ASUS Screen Saver Protector, click it, and then:

  • Windows Vista/7/8.1/10: Simply, click Uninstall.
  • Windows XP: You are able to click the Remove or Change/Remove tab.

3. Follow the prompts to delete ASUS Screen Saver Protector.

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