Minecraft Inventory iOS 14 Wallpaper / Background

Wallpaper is a background of your smartphone screen. Usually, wallpaper is customizable which means that you are able to change it as you want. Are you an iOS 14 user and now you are looking for a Minecraft Inventory wallpaper for your iOS? Here, we will inform you about it so that you will know where to get the wallpaper.

Minecraft Inventory Wallpaper for iOS 14

As a Minecraft player, you may want to use a Minecraft wallpaper on your smartphone. You may think that it will be nice if you see that your wallpaper is something related to Minecfraft. Specifically, you may want to use a wallpaper with a Minecraft Inventory in it.

You really like crafting and you want to put something that you like as a wallpaper on your smartphone. Well, it is okay to do that. But, the problem is your smartphone is iOS 14 which was just released recently to the public on September 16th, 2020. Is there any Minecraft Inventory wallpaper to use for iOS 14?

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Well, you do not have to be sad about it. Even though iOS 14 is new, you are able to find Minecraft wallpaper in the following site.

  • Imgur

custom Minecraft Wallpaper by Lukalot

On that site, you are able to find custom Minecraft Wallpaper by Lukalot with working inventory slots for iOS 14. You can download the wallpaper there for free and then apply it to your iOS 14 smartphone.

  • Pinterest

ios 14 home screen and it is uploaded by anna beth

Pinterest is one of the platforms that you are able to use for getting wallpaper. There, you are able to find a lot of pictures that you can use for wallpaper including wallpaper about Minecraft. When we tried to search Minecraft Inventory wallpaper there, we found one.

The name of the image is “ios 14 home screen” and it is uploaded by anna beth. But, the unique thing from this wallpaper is that the name of the items in the Minecraft Inventory are not the name of Minecraft items but the name of smartphone’s apps such as Chrome, Google Maps, Instagram, Messenger, Youtube, and some more apps.

  • Reddit

for iOS 14

Reddit is a forum that you can use for exchanging information about a lot of things. Gamers usually share the information about gaming there. Almost every information related to the game can be found here. Minecraft Inventory wallpaper for iOS 14 can also be found here.

Same as the previous wallpaper above, the wallpaper that you can find in Reddit is also a Minecraft Inventory with the app’s name. It is very cool and you are able to get it if you are interested in this wallpaper which then you can apply in your iOS 14 smartphone.

For your information, iOS 14 is the 14th and current major release of the iOS mobile OS. It is developed by Apple Inc for iPhone and iPod Touch lines. This operating system was announced on June 22nd, 2020.

This new operating system carries a fresh look to the things you do most often and it makes it easier. There are also new features that can help you to get what you need in the moment. And even the apps that you use all the time can be even more personal, more intelligent and more private.

About Minecraft Inventory

In Minecraft, inventory is the pop-up menu which you can use to be able to manage items that you get. From the screen that shows inventory, you are able to equip armor, equip tools, blocks and items on the Hotbar shown at the bottom of the screen and craft items on a 2×2 grid. Here, your Minecraft skin is shown as well.

As a Minecraft player, you need to know the four components of the inventory as you can see below.

  • Inventory Slots

They are four rows of squares that can be seen at the bottom of the screen. There, you will be able to see your items. You are able to choose the items in the bottom row outside the inventory screen with the 1 to 9 keys on the keyboard or the scroll wheel.

  • Crafting Grid

It is 2 x 2 square which is followed by an arrow pointing to another square to the right. If you want to craft basic items like mushrooms stew or torches, you have to put the ingredients on the grid so that they will appear on the other side of the arrow.

  • Character Portrait

It is a small screen which shows what your character looks like now. When your character sleeps, sits, wears armor, drinks invisibility potions, gets hit by arrows, catches fire and more, this portrait can change.

  • Armor Slots

They are four squares in the upper left corner which represents a helmet, a suit, boots and legging. If then, you can get armor in the game, you are able to put it in these slots. If you shift-click a piece of armor, it will automatically equip it in the suitable slot.

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When you are viewing the full inventory, these basic commands can be used by you to manipulate items in the inventory.

    • You are able to pick up the items in an inventory square by clicking a square in the inventory.
    • You are able to pick up half of the items in an inventory square by right clicking a square in the inventory.
    • You are able to put all items that you are holding by clicking an empty square.
    • You are able to put a single item that you are holding by right clicking an empty square. The rest will remain on the cursor and you have to right click some times to put some items.
    • You are able to drop the item on the ground when you are holding an item by clicking outside the inventory screen.
    • You are able to press 1 to 9 keys to choose an item from the bottom row of the inventory when you are outside the inventory screen. Then, you are able to press Q to drop the item.

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