FFXIV Botanist Leveling Guide

You may access this site and read this article because you may want to know about the Botanist Leveling guide in Final Fantasy. Well, you come to the right site because here I have the information about that according to The Gamer site.

However, I only provide you until level 60. To know more guides for more levels, you can read other sources or you can directly access The Gamer.

FFXIV Botanist Leveling Guide

Level 1 to 20

If you want to be a botanist, you have to meet two requirements. The first one is that you need to reach level ten in a Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic class. Also, you must have access to the city-state of Gridania. It will automatically be the case if you select the Lancer, Archer or Conjurer job. Let’s say that your job places you in Ul’dah or Limsa. If so, it will take several hours before you are able to make the trip to Gridania.

You need to go to the Botanist’s Guild in Gridania. You can go there when you are ready. There, you have to talk to the receptionist and you will be acquainted with Fufucha who is the guild’s stalwart leader.

It is better if you focus on these level one through 20 guild quests. You can go to the Central Shroud for this batch and you will get to 20 only in several hours.

Here is the table of quest name, quest level and also gathered items in these levels according to the The Gamer site.

Quest Name

Quest Level

Gathered Items

Way of the Botanist 1 N/A
My First Hatchet 1 10x Latex
Sap for Smiles 5 10x Maple Sap
Weapons of a Father 10 10x Crow Feather
Haste Makes Waste 15 10x Marjoram
Dressed to Harvest 20 15x Grade One Carbonized Matter

And here is the information about recommended gathering  items, suggested level and locations according to the The Gamer site.

Recommended Gathering Item: Maple Log
Suggested Level: 1
Locations: Central Shroud (Jadeite Thick), North Shroud (Treespeak)

    • Recommended Gathering Items: Earth/ Wind/ Water Shards
      Suggested Level: 1
      Location: Central Shroud (Everywhere)
    • Recommended Gathering Item: Ash Log
      Suggested Level: 5
      Locations: Central Shroud (Greentear), North Shroud (Treespeak)
    • Recommended Gathering Item: Crow Feather
      Suggested Level: 8
      Location: Central Shroud (Greentear)

You may wonder why you are suggested to gather certain items to expedite the levelling process. As explained on the The Gamer site, there are two approaches. Let’s say that you are also leveling a crafting class. If so, you have to check whether you can use them in your recipes. If nothing else, you will find a use for the elemental shards. Let’s say that you are sticking to gathering for now. If so, you have to consider selling excess materials on the marketboard.

Now, how about the things that we should be wearing? There are a lot of gear options for Gatherers. If you do not have much coin, you may want to avoid buying them. So, here are some recommended sets for you.

    • Amateur’s Double Set
      Vendor Name/ Location: Domitien, Old Gridania (X: 14.3, Y: 9.8)
      Viability Range: 10 – 15
    • Cotton Shepherd’s Gathering Set
      Vendor Name/ Location: Domitien, Old Gridania (X: 14.3, Y: 9.8)
      Viability Range: 15 – 22

Leveling to 40

From level 21 to 40, there are still some great items that you can gather. However, you may find that leves become more appealing. However, since you will be in Gridania often, you can stick to the ones that you will find at the Carline Canopy where they will take you to 25.

In the table below, you can see the information of quest name, quest level and gathered items according to the The Gamer site.

Quest Name

Quest Level

Gathered Items

Aromatic Aspirations 25 10x Marjoram
What Nature Giveth 30 15x Alligator Pear
A Feast to Say the Least 35 20x Laurel
Crisis of Faith 40 20x Ramhorn Zucchini

And here is the information about recommended gathering items, suggested level and locations according to the The Gamer site.

Recommended Gathering Item

Suggested Level


Yew Log 20 East Shroud
Gridanian Walnut 25 South Shroud
Oak Log 32 South Shroud
Mahogany Log 37 Eastern La Noscea

And here is the information about the recommended gear set, vendor name/ location and viability range according to the The Gamer site.

    • Velveteen Gown Set
      Vendor Name/ Location: Domitien, Old Gridania (X: 14.3, Y: 9.8)
      Viability Range: 30 – 35
    • Cotton Doublet Vest of Gathering Set
      Vendor Name/ Location: Domitien, Old Gridania (X: 14.3, Y: 9.8)
      Viability Range: 35 – 42

Leveling to 60

We can say that this is the slowest phase. With Botanist quests in Ishgard and at the end out in the Far East, you will have a lot of chances to sign up for local leves and the like. The thing that we should emphasize is Company-issued Survival Manuals. You can be helped by Your Grand Company en route to level 60. After that, you will want to turn to Revised Survival Manuals. Those can be found in Kugane, Crystarium, and some other locales.

In the table below, you can see the quest name, quest level and also gathered items according to The Gamer site.

Quest Name

Quest Level

Gathered Items

Botanist in a Bind 45 20x Mistletoe
Seeds of Hope 50 3x Spruce Log
Call from the Clouds 50 N/A
Onions of Life Bestowing 53 10x Cyclops Onion
Two Nations, One Seed 55 10x Emerald Beans
Love for Harmony 58 10x Birch Log
Seeds Know No Borders 60 3x Chrysahl Greens
Never Meet Your Heroes 60 N/A

In the table below, you can read the information about the recommended gathering item, suggested level and locations.

Recommended Gathering Item

Suggested Level


Mirror Apple 45 Coerthas Central Highlands
Rosewood Log 50 East Shroud (Near Bramble Patch)
Camphorwood Log 60 The Churning Mists
Bloodhemp 60 The Fringes

Now, how about the recommended gear set? You can read the information about that below.

    • Boarskin Jerkin Set
      Vendor name/ Location: Domitien, Old Gridania (X: 14.3, Y: 9.8)
      Viability Range: 43 – 48
    • Raptors Jerskin Set
      Vendor name/ Location: Domitien, Old Gridania (X: 14.3, Y: 9.8)
      Viability Range: 48 – 53
    • Botanist’s Set
      Vendor name/ Location: Rowena’s Representatives
      Viability Range: 50 – 60

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