FFXIV Aether Currents Endwalker

In order to fly in each region in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker, you will need to find 10 Aether Currents where you can find five of them through quests. Aether Currents are the greenish magical currents that can be found floating in the air.

Since the Aether Currents can be found in a specific zone and also through quests, it may be hard for you to find the exact location and the ways to complete the quest. No worries! This post will show you all the locations that you need to visit and also the quests that you need to complete in order to find the Aether Currents. Here you go!

FFXIV Aether Currents Endwalker

Here’s a List of Aether Currents Locations in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker!

There are at least six locations that will give you 10 Aether Currents and also allow you to complete five quests. The last Aether Current in each location is awarded by the Main Scenario Quest that is usually the very last one in that zone. Certainly, you cannot fly until you have just about finished the zone completely.

In the case of looking for the Aether Currents, you can also use the Aether Compass that will tell you how close or far you’re away from the nearest Aether Currents. You can get Aether Compass by opening the Duty menu. Then, you can choose the ‘Collections’ option and set it to your hot bar from there.

It’s important to note, each Endwalker zone contains four Aether Currents that you can obtain as side quest rewards and one more current that you can obtain from doing the main scenario quests.

Let’s see all the locations that will give you Aether Currents!

Location 1: Labyrinthos Aether Currents

Labyrinthos Aether Currents

Early on during Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker’s main scenario quest line, you will enter Labyrinthos. However, it will be one of the last zones that you can unlock flying in with its level 80 quest requirement.

It will not be hard to find the Aether Currents in this area, but you need to carefully move between teleports, since some of the locations ask you to use an elevator until you can fly.

Here are all the Aether Current Locations in this are:

    • Labyrinthos (X:36.5, Y:22.6)
    • Labyrinthos (X:28.5, Y:6.0 )
    • Labyrinthos (X:22.5, Y:24.9 )
    • Labyrinthos (X:18.0, Y:16.5 )
    • Labyrinthos (X:22.2, Y:15.6 )
    • Labyrinthos (X:15.2, Y:13.4 )
    • Labyrinthos (X:19.0, Y:34.8 )
    • Labyrinthos (X:10.7, Y:34.5 )
    • Labyrinthos (X:31.5, Y:16.0 )
    • Labyrinthos (X:11.4, Y:18.9 )

Here are all the quests to complete in this area:

    1. Gleaner’s Wish – (X:23.3, Y:20) allows you to talk to Viera Gleaner.
    2. The Lad in Labyrinthos – (X:21.0, Y:20.9) allows you to talk to Mussalfret.
    3. Let the Good Times Troll – (X:21.1, Y:21.4) allows you to talk to Vexed Veterinarian.
    4. Lost Little Troll – (X: 30.3, Y:19.3) allows you to talk to N’welhi Tia.
    5. Bonds of Adamant(ite) allows you to talk to complete the Level 88 Main Scenario Quest

Location 2: Thavnair Aether Currents

Thavnair Aether Currents

Thavnair is the same spot that is gated by the Main Scenario Quest. The Aether Current Compass may be a little confusing, since it will try to lead you down into a swampy area early on.

Here are all the Aether Current Locations in this are:

    • Thavnair (X:27.6, Y:30.8)
    • Thavnair (X:17.9, Y:32.2)
    • Thavnair (X:19.1, Y:15.7)
    • Thavnair (X:28.5, Y:29.2)
    • Thavnair (X:22.6, Y:25.1)
    • Thavnair (X:23.9, Y:14.5)
    • Thavnair (X:23.4, Y:12.4)
    • Thavnair (X:20.6, Y:7.1)
    • Thavnair (X:32.6, Y:18.2)
    • Thavnair (X:11.9, Y:10.2)

Here are all the quests to complete in this area:

    1. Steppe Child (X:25.5, Y:33.0) allows you to talk to Ogul.
    2. Alchemist or Dancer – (X:11.3, Y:21.0) allows you to talk to Jalamuc.
    3. In Agma’s Footsteps – (X:30.7, Y:17.0) allows you to talk to Weary Radiant.
    4. Radiant Patrol allows you to talk to Radiant Host Captain.
    5. Simple Pleasures allows you to complete Level 85 Main Scenario Quest

Location 3: Garlemald Aether Currents

Garlemald Aether Currents

Among Endwalker areas, the war-torn city of Garlemald is one of the first zones that you can complete, making it fully available at level 83 during the Main Scenario.

Here are all the Aether Current Locations in this are:

    • Garlemald (X:29.2, Y:11.7)
    • Garlemald (X:17.8, Y:29.9 )
    • Garlemald (X:23.2, Y:23.4 )
    • Garlemald (X:24.2, Y:17.9 )
    • Garlemald (X:23.2, Y:11.0 )
    • Garlemald (X:18.7, Y:12.9 )
    • Garlemald (X:9.5, Y:14.8 )
    • Garlemald (X:11.2, Y:22.7 )
    • Garlemald (X:25.5, Y:34.2 )
    • Garlemald (X:29.7, Y:31.8 )

Here are all the quests to complete in this area:

    1. Children Are Our Future – (X:31.3, Y:13.0) allows you to talk to Azure-haired Woman.
    2. In Pursuit of Power – (X:15.1, Y:30.0) allows you to talk to Rimelnaud.
    3. Stranded at the Station – (X:15.0, Y:31.3) allows you to talk to Galla.
    4. Best Delivered Cold – (X:12.8, Y:30.7) allows you to talk to Commissary Officer.
    5. Gateway of the Gods allows you to complete the Level 83 Main Scenario Quest.

Location 4: Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents

Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents

Since Mare Lamentorum’s big gaps cannot be crossed with ground travel only, you definitely have to zoom into the map closer and search for any small land bridges that connect canyons together.

Here are all the Aether Current Locations in this are:

    • Mare Lamentorum (X:19.2, Y:19.9)
    • Mare Lamentorum (X:22.4, Y:18.0)
    • Mare Lamentorum (X:22.1, Y:13.5)
    • Mare Lamentorum (X:22.2, Y:10.3)
    • Mare Lamentorum (X:27.8, Y:9.5)
    • Mare Lamentorum (X:34.6, Y:13.2)
    • Mare Lamentorum (X:33.3, Y:23.7)
    • Mare Lamentorum (X:29.3, Y:27.6)
    • Mare Lamentorum (X:11.9, Y:9.4)
    • Mare Lamentorum (X:6.9, Y:6.7)

Here are all the quests to complete in this area:

    1. True Carrot Crimes – (X:15.5, Y:11.5) allows you to talk to Watchingway.
    2. Carrots: It’s What’s for Dinner – (X:15.7, Y:11.0) allows you to talk to Yawningway.
    3. Alurring Allag – (X:19.9, Y:10.9) allows you to talk to Brusque Loporrit.
    4. Name That Way – (X:22.0, Y:10.7) allows you to talk to Knockingway.
    5. Heart of the Matter allows you to complete the Level 84 Main Scenario Quest.

Location 5: Elpis Aether Currents

Elpis Aether Currents

Elpis has some islands scattered about, but your targets will be relatively easy to spy just from riding around on your ground mount. Sure, adjusting to everything at Elpis is a must for you.

Here are all the Aether Current Locations in this are:

    • Elpis (X:24.5, Y:21.5)
    • Elpis (X:16.3, Y:20.7)
    • Elpis (X:13.6, Y:15.6)
    • Elpis (X:6.2, Y:19.2)
    • Elpis (X:10.3, Y:24.9)
    • Elpis (X:6.3, Y:29.7)
    • Elpis (X:11.8, Y:31.2)
    • Elpis (X:18.5, Y:32.5)
    • Elpis (X:34.0, Y:23.6)
    • Elpis (X:13.4, Y:7.6)

Here are all the quests to complete in this area:

    1. Touring Anagnorisis, Part I – (X:24.7, Y:26.2) allows you to talk to Sokles.
    2. An Expected Guest – (X:8.6, Y:17.6) allows you to talk to Maira.
    3. The Perks of Being a Lost Flower – (X:11.7, Y:19.5) allows you to talk to  Akadaemia Student.
    4. You and the Ailouros – (X:9.2, Y:31.6) allows you to talk to Hippothoe.
    5. Caging the Messenger allows you to complete the Level 87 Main Scenario Quest

Location 6: Ultima Thule Aether Currents

Ultima Thule Aether Currents

If you are in the Ultima Thule zone, you will often feel a bit confused, as you will see the bright sky, but the ground is all the same shade of blue or brown. Sure, you need to mark your map with your own flags in this area to ensure that you do not go speeding by too many similar hills, when trailing the next Aether Current.

Here are all the Aether Current Locations in this are:

    • Ultima Thule (X:32.2, Y:26.2)
    • Ultima Thule (X:34.2, Y:27.2)
    • Ultima Thule (X:32.8, Y:29.5)
    • Ultima Thule (X:34.7, Y:29.7)
    • Ultima Thule (X:36.5, Y:28.6)
    • Ultima Thule (X:21.7, Y:6.3)
    • Ultima Thule (X:13.7, Y:8.8)
    • Ultima Thule (X:14.8, Y:14.2)
    • Ultima Thule (X:16.7, Y:15.5)
    • Ultima Thule (X:29.9, Y:7.8)

Here are all the quests to complete in this area:

    1. Combat Evolved – (X:30.8, Y:27.7) allows you to talk to N-4486.
    2. Learn to Love – (X:31.6, Y:27.6) allows you to talk to Inquisitive Omicron.
    3. Ending as One – (X:22.4, Y:11.0) allows you to talk to Thinking Ea.
    4. A Most Stimulating Discussion – (X:23.5, Y:12.3) allows you to talk to Noh-nookh.
    5. You’re Not Alone allows you to complete the  Level 90 Main Scenario Quest.

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