FFXIV Lancer (LNC) Leveling Guide

Are you looking for a way to level up your Lancer (LNC) fast in the game known as Final Fantasy 14 or FFXIV? If the answer to the question is yes, you can keep reading the post until the end as you will be guided on how to do that.

There are a total of three major segments of the FFXIV Lancer (LNC) leveling guide. All of the are as follows:

Lancer Leveling Rotation & Skill Changes

In this first segment, you will be able to find how each skill and trait affects the rotation of your Lancer during the process of leveling.

    • L1 SkillUnlocked True Thrust:
    • L4 Skill Unlocked Vorpal Thrust: This one is from True Thrust. It is needed for the combo actions to be pressed within a certain timeframe or else the combo opportunity falls off.
    • L6 Skill Unlocked Life Surge: This one causes your next weaponskill to do increased damage. Not only that, it also heals you. Make sure to always use this right before your most powerful weaponskill, in this case it si Vorpal Thrust.
    • L8 Role Action Unlocked Second Wind: This one is known as a personal, instant self heal. It is useful for both in soloing and leveling, dungeons, raids, and some other things. The one that will help you in the leveling process is the Second Wind. If you want to use it again soon, you are suggested to use it early. For instance, when soloing a FATE boss.
    • L10 Role Action Unlocked Leg Sweep: This one is an instant OGCD stun. The most basic use of it is interrupting the spells of the enemy. However, it should be noted that in dungeons stunning an enemy will greatly reduce the damage your tank gets. Besides, it also helps your healer out.
    • L12 Role Action Unlocked Bloodbath: This one is known as the third self heal. It is important as it gives you a lifesteal effect that scales on your own DPS. There is no doubt that it is a great one. For those who know you are soloing a long fight or just to help your healer out, you are recommended to use these kinds of skills early.
    • L15 Skill Unlocked Piercing Talon: This one is a ranged attack that is usually only used if you are not in a range of your enemy. Remember to not use this simply when approaching an enemy as it is usually a DPS loss compared to just using your skill straight up.
    • L18 Skill Unlocked Disembowel: This one gives you an increased damage buff that you have to try and keep up at all times.
    • L22 Role Action Unlocked Feint: This one has the ability to reduce the physical damage dealt of the enemy. Apparently, it is pretty useful in soloing and it reduces mostly auto attacks and the rare physical boss skill. The good thing about it is that it is really good in terms of group mitigation options in a group scenario. Unfortunately, it is almost useless in the leveling process.
    • L26 Skill Unlocked Full Thrust: This one is your combo finisher. Feel free to press Vorpal Thrust anytime you want.
    • L30 Skill Unlocked Lance Charge: This one is a straight up damage steroid. This one is used early and often in solo, leveling, and dungeon type content. Right now, there is no much to optimize. However, optimizing DPS cooldowns are something you will grow into over time.

Your final class quest as Lancer is marked by completing this quest and unlocking Windbite marks. Just like that, you have the right to be a Dragoon.

Lancer L1 to L16

It is important for you to keep in mind the universal truths: Main Scenario Quest is king and always have your passive EXP buffs (FC, Food, Chocobo, and so on).

Renewable EXP sources:

    • FATES: This one is great when you are in queue.
    • Levequests: This one is actually good EXP. However, it is a better saved for DoH or DoL.
    • Deep Dungeon –Palace of the Dead: This one is repetitive and not good for LOW levels.

Burst EXP sources:

    • Challenge Log: This one completes passively until nearing reset and then force it. Apparently, there is no way for you to unlock it if it is your first time around. While it is true that you need to be L16 to initially unlock it, you can use it by any level character thereafter.
    • Guildhests: The mega bonus EXP is the first completions per class.
    • Hunting Log: This one is a great source of EXP on the early on.
    • Sidequests: This one is better if in tandem with MSQ.
    • Duty Roulette: Guildhest: This one is pretty irrelevant.

Lancer L15 to 30

It is important for you to keep in mind the universal truths: Main Scenario Quest is king and always have your passive EXP buffs (FC, Food, Chocobo, and so on).

Renewable EXP sources:

    • Dungeons: This one is stable, fun, and massive EXP, especially with rested bonus.
    • FATES: This one is great when you are in queue.
    • Deep Dungeon – Palace of the Dead: While it is repetitive, it is fast.
    • Levequests: This one is actually good EXP. However, it is better for you to save it for DoH or DoL.
    • Beast Tribe: This EXP is not good. However, it is great for getting cosmetic items.

Burst EXP sources:

    • Duty Roulette: Leveling: This one is the ultimate EXP source until L50.
    • Challenge Log: This one completes passively until nearing reset and then force it.
    • Guildhests: The mega bonus EXP is the first completions per class.
    • Hunting Log: This one is alright for completionism or first timers.
    • Sidequests: This one is better if in tandem with MSQ.
    • Duty Roulette: Guildhest: This one is pretty useless.

Those are some adjustments to your leveling mentality, mostly the addition of Duty Roulette: Leveling, as a daily burst, and straight queuing Dungeons as an option as well. Talking about adjustments, feel free to adjust this to your personal preference.

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