Best Monk Glamour FFXIV

If we talk about the best monk glamour, it may be different from one player to another as every player has their own preference. I tried to find the information about the best monk glamour in Final Fantasy XIV from a number of online sources, but I could not find the information about it. Instead, I found a monk glam on a site and also the best glamour that look amazing from another site.

A Monk Glam

On the website of Eorzea Collection which can be accessed at, there is a Monk glam where the equipment are listed below.

    • Eikon Leather Corselet of Striking (Wine Red)
    • Eikon Leather Armguards of Striking (Wine Red)
    • Pagos Culottes (Soot Black)
    • Anemos Expeditionary’s Boots (Soot Black)
    • Folded High Steel Knuckles (Undyed)

Best Monk Glamour FFXIV

The Best Glamour That Look Amazing in FFXIV

According to the Gamers Decide, here are some best glamours that look amazing.

    • Best Man’s Jacket
      This is a suit jacket and it looks good and formal on men and women as well. With it, the character will have a dashing and charismatic look to the overall look. You are able to purchase the suit from Rianne in Ul’dah for 18k Gil. Alternatively, you are able to craft it by a Weaver in Final Fantasy XIV.
    • Spring Dress
      If your character wears a spring dress, your character will have a fresh and lovely look. It also gives a sweet and innocent look. In addition, it is also able to give out a different aura when a player selects to dye it with different color palettes. If you choose the black Spring Dress, it can make the character more elegant and fresh. If you want to wear this dress for your character, you are able to craft it with a Weaver or you are able to buy it through the Market Board where the price ranges from 150k to 300k depending on the server.
    • Elemental Armor
      Elemental Armor is the only shiny gear which is available in Final Fantasy XIV. It has been gaining attention from a lot of players, both battle and casual players out there. The sets of armors are stunning, eye-catching and also different from the rest. It is unique and it makes it an armor which is desired to have by a lot of players. If you wear this armor in public, it will attract attention from a lot of other players. If you want to get this set of armor, you need to grind through Eureka, the instance available after clearing Stormblood’s Main Quest Scenario.
    • Neo Ishgardian’s Armours
      If you see this outfit, you will realize that it looks beautiful, stunning and elegant. As explained on the Gamers Decide site that they differ from job to job. However, they all look the same in design. If you wear this outfit, you will look elegant and also fierce and even cool. If you use different dyes and colors, it can also change the overall style and look that you have. You are able to craft the dresses and outfit or you can buy from the Market Board with a price which ranges from 50 to 200k depending on the type of Neo-Ishgardian armor that you are trying to get and the server that you are playing in.
    • Quan
      Quan is silky satin trousers which look beautiful. If your character wears this, your character will look majestic and elegant. Also, the trousers are suitable for all genders and races in Eorzea. If your character wears these trousers, you are able to pair them with a lot of different kinds of tops and jackets that you have so that it can create a unique look. You are able to craft your own Quan or you are able to buy it from the Market Board with a price which ranges from 300 to 400k depending on the server.
    • Calfskin Rider’s Jacket
      This is a set of attire. It can be worn by both genders and all races which are available in Final Fantasy XIV. If your character wears this, it will give a dashing and cool look to your character. Besides, the set of attire is also able to be mixed and matched with different pieces of glamour that you have on your glamour dressers so that it will create a unique look. The jacket is able to be made by a Leatherworker or it can be purchased off the Market Board where the price ranges from 80 to 200k depending on the server of the player.
    • Kupo Jacket
      This jacket is one of the most flexible tops that your character can wear. This jacket is also suitable for both genders. Let’s say that your character wears this jacket. If so, you will see that it can give an elegant, cool and a cute look for your character. If you use different dyes, it can also give a different look. If you want to have this jacket, you are able to buy it from the Market Board for 30 to 100k depending on the server of the player.
    • Frontier Dress
      This is one of the most latest glamours updated in Final Fantasy XIV. Now, it is one of the desired ones. If your female character wears this dress, your character will have a feminine, cute and beautiful look at the same time. You are able to buy this dress from the Market Board for 200 to 400k Gil depending on the server. Alternatively, you are able to craft it.
    • Casual Jacket
      Casual Attire Coffers are one of the most wanted outfits in Final Fantasy XIV. This outfit is suitable for both genders and if you want, you can mix and match it with a lot of different bottoms and shoes which are available in Eorzea. Besides, if you create different combinations, it can give a different look to your character. Usually, players want to have it because of its casual and laid-back style. Not only that, it is also because of the cute and innocent image which it can bring.

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