Why Are the Call of Duty Servers Lagging?

There are common issues that you can get on Call of Duty. One of the common issues is lag or latency when in multiplayer mode. If you face lagging problems on Call of Duty servers, this page will show you the reasons and steps on how to solve your troubles.

The Reasons for Call of Duty Servers Lag

Apparently, there are some possible reasons why the Call of Duty server may lag. Well, let us discuss each of them below.

Server problems

Sometimes Call of Duty multiplayer servers may encounter problems which can make the game unplayable. If you keep on obtaining an error message when online, however the offline or campaign mode of the game works fine, you may have a problem with the servers. Usually, server-related problems are indicated by the errors. If you are having an error message when there is high ping or latency, there may be a problem with the servers.

Local network issues

For some Call of Duty players, for example, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare may still lag although there are no game server problems at all because of their home network. The scenarios which can lead to connection problems when playing Call of Duty game like COD: Modern Warfare includes the following:

    • Slow internet connection
    • Intermittent connection
    • Network congestion

Interference from third party applications

In some cases, third party programs will be able to cause problems with other apps or games. If the Call of Duty server lags after you have installed a new app, then you are able to try removing that new app to see if it will solve the issue.

Why Are the Call of Duty Servers Lagging

How to Solve lag when playing Call of Duty?

If you are facing server lag when you are playing Call of Duty, here are some possible methods that you are able to try.

Method 1: Check for the server issues

Most of Call of Duty connection problems are due to the server issues. The first thing that you have to do is to check the official Activision server status. If you are active on Twitter, you are also able to follow the official Activision Twitter account. In addition, you are able to make use of a famous third party website outage monitoring named DownDetector.com for checking the server issues.

If there is a known server issue going-on, you only need to wait it out. Activision is recognized to work quickly on problems regarding updates so the issue will most likely go away soon.

Method 2: Restart Call of Duty game

A simple solution, but sometimes an effective solution for this problem is to force quit the game. For example, if you are playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, ensure that you completely restart the game. For those who are on PC and using a disc, you are able to try taking out the game disc before reloading the game.

Method 3: Reboot your console or PC

Another crucial thing that you have to do is to make sure that you reboot your console or PC. This will be able to help you if the cause of the issue is due to a random network bug.

Method 4: Check for slow connection

Having slow connection when you are playing Call of Duty may lead to matchmaking issues or errors. Now, you are able to try doing a speed test to view how fast your current download speed is. Although not the only factor that can cause lag, having slow download speed of 5Mbps or below will not be able to connect you to the game servers.

The other reason why you need to do a speed test is to check the ping on your network. Keep in mind that having more than 100ms ping can be an indication that your network configuration is not ideal for online play, especially for Call of Duty game.

Method 5: Check for intermittent connection issues

Similar to slow connection, you are able to encounter lag or high ping when you are playing a Call of Duty game if your connection regularly disconnects. Diagnosing intermittent connection issues is more difficult to deal with compared to slow connection, thus we suggest you ask help from your Internet Server Provider or ISP.

Method 6: Check for the network congestion or low bandwidth

Network congestion will be able to occur if there are some devices using the internet all at the same time. If a Call of Duty game only lags during the evening when everyone is at home and there are some devices downloading files, streaming Netflix, or playing online game, then you may get a low bandwidth problem. It means that your console or PC is unable to maintain a strong enough connection to talk to the servers reliably.

For checking if you are dealing with the network congestion, simply you are able to try to disconnect all other devices from your router and just leave your console or  PC. If Call of Duty lag goes away when there are no other connected devices, then you have a network congestion problem.

Method 7: Use wired connection

Need to note that wired connection is more reliable than wifi. Now, you are able to try connecting your console or PC directly to the router with a network cable and then see if that can solve the issue.

Method 8: Use QoS (Quality of Service)

Several routers are capable of prioritizing the game packets to reduce network lag in the games. The feature is called QoS (Quality of Service). If your router owns this capability, then you are able to do some research by using Google on how to enable QoS (Quality of Service) as exact steps vary for every device.

In alternative, you are able to consult the documentation or manual of your router to find out. If your router is provided by your ISP (Internet Service Provider), just contact their technical support team to get help to enable QoS (Quality of Service).

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