When you are completing the Herbalist 3 challenge in Red Dead Redemption 2, you are going to asked to craft 7 items using Sage as an ingredient. This may be a complicated step for several reasons. First, there are some types of Sage in Red Dead Redemption 2. Second, they are not easy to find. Some are locked in end-game areas, while others are discovered in parts of the game world not frequently visited. By the way, where to find Oleander Sage in Red Dead Redemption 2? Well, here we are going to show you where to find the Sage you need to complete the Herbalist 3 challenge.
Where to Find Oleander Sage RDR2?
You have to know that Oleander Sage is a useful, however dangerous to go hunting for in Red Dead Redemption 2. You must have this Oleander Sage if you want to make the Poison arrows or poison throwing knives. If you have your own character consume them, they are going to begin to vomit a lose a little bit of health. What’s worse is you are able to use it to kill them.
So, where to find Oleander Sage RDR2? You are able to find Oleander Sage in a certain location in the middle of Lemoyne. It is to the west of Saint-Denis, and also along the sides of the Kamassa River. Just wander around the stream for checking out these locations. They are a decent gap away from each other, so you should take your horse down these ways and getting off it when you arrive. We get information that there is a location closer to Saint-Denis to the northwest which can be a great starting point.
Actually, you not only will find Oleander Sage there, but also a stranger walking around, looking like he is drunk. But, he is not drunk. He poisoned himself when attempting a fancy herb he found. This herb is Oleander Sage Javier asked you for. You are able to press L3 + R3 to enter eagle eye mode and highlight the plants in yellow color. You will be able to help the stranger by giving him medicine. Grab some Oleander Sage from there and go back to your camp. Approach Javier and give him what he asked to finish the errand mission.
When you are ready to make poison arrows or poison throwing knives, then you are able to make those when you have all of the supplies. Here is what you need for each of them:
- Poison arrows
To make poison arrow, you will need 1 Arrow, 1 Flight Feather, and Oleander Sage - Poison throwing knife
To make poison throwing knife, you will need 1 Throwing Knife and Oleander Sage
- Poison arrows
Both of them are useful if you want to make sure your opponents take additional damage after you attack them. Warning: Ensure you do not eat Oleander Sage because it will be able to kill your character if they overeat it.
About Oleander Sage RDR2
Oleander Sage is a plant that can be discovered and sold in Red Dead Redemption 2. Oleander Sage shrubs are able to be identified by the thin leaves and small 5 petal pink flowers. The famous herb is able to be seen growing near the river banks of Bayou Nwa. According to research, the Oleander Sage shrub is considered to be one of the most poisonous plants in America. It should never be consumed. The cardiac glycoside poisons resulted by this Oleander Sage can be used to make deadly poison.
If consumed, then the protagonist will be able to vomit and lose a big amount of health. Eating 4 or 5 with maximum health will result in the death. Actually, this is useful for manually causing a fail screen if a mission is glitched or broken. Due to Oleander Sage being a poison, it is necessary to make poisonous weapons such as Poison Arrows and Poison Throwing Knives.
Where to find Hummingbird Sage in Red Dead Redemption 2?
in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, there are two types of Sage for the players to find. The first type of Sage is Oleander Sage, which is a poisonous plant which is used to make specific types of poisonous items for you to use. The second type is Hummingbird Sage. Usually, this type of Sage is used when cooking and making items which will heal you in certain way. In the text above, we share a way to find Oleander Sage. Now, you may want to know where to find Hummingbird Sage in Red Dead Redemption 2.
For the Herbalist 3 challenge, you will need to look for Hummingbird Sage. But, this is going to show up in your inventory as Sage. It is the one you need to find to complete the Herbalist 3 challenge. To find this Hummingbird Sage, you have to go to New Hanover, north of Bluewater Marsh and also along the Kamassa River. If you look at the map, you are going to see the location of the Hummingbird Sage is just below the A in Kamassa.
When you arrive in that area, you are able to expect to find many Sage. More than you will need for completing the Herbalist 3 challenge. Based on our experience, we found eight plants without trying, all within 10 second of each other. The area is all forest. We walked up on a Black Bear. So, you are able to consider saving something like the Springfield Rifle handy if you meet a predator.
For your information, Hummingbird sage is a purple plant which sticks up out of the ground some inches, maybe even a foot or so. Hummingbird sage tends to be discovered in the clusters of two or three plants. Also, Hummingbird sage is easier to find than most plants in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online. Just grab as much as you can, because it is unlikely you are going to be back in this area any time soon.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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