Evergreen Huckleberry is the name of the plant that features in the game known as Red Dead Redemption 2 or RDR2. This one is like the medical herb that has the ability to recharged the Health Core when it is consumed raw. Aside from being known as the thing that gives a lot of health benefits, this one is also used as an ingredient in two things, which are the Predator Bait and Potent Predator Bait. It is no doubt that you will want to keep healthy to complete the Daily Challenges in Red Dead Online. In addition, another advantage of harvesting huckleberry is to help you pick and pluck your way to getting the RDO’s Picked to Perfection trophy.
Rather than evergreen, the broad leaves of Evergreen Huckleberry are more like olive. There are clusters of little black barriers and all of them are tiny. They are really tiny to the point it is unlikely for you to spot them unless you put some effort into inspecting the plant well. While it is true that they are not known as the most challenging plant species to find, you may face some difficulties when trying to find them as they are the kinds of plants able to blend in with the other foliage that usually grow across the American West.
In order to find the Evergreen Huckleberry in Red Dead Redemption 2 or RDR2 easily, you might need this following guide:
While you may think of Ambardino when thinking of the term “evergreen”, the plant called Evergreen Huckleberry actually grows well in the more humid climate of Lemoyne. Aside from the Scarlett Meadows that produce a lot of them, in Bayou Nwa, you are also able to get multiple of them as they grow well in the area.
- Northwest of Rhodes: The Evergreen Huckleberry is able to be found growing along a stretch of land between the Southfield Flats and Flat Iron Lake.
- Southwest border of Calliga Hall: The second location to find the Evergreen Huckleberry is on the southeast border of Calliga Hall. The location is right before the land breaks up into the boggy mire that makes up the southern tip of the Bayou Nwa.
- In the central Bayou Nwa: In the central Bayou Nwa close to the waterway between Saint Denis and Lakay, you will be able to find more huckleberry.
It should be easy for you to find the Evergreen Huckleberry in Red Dead Redemption 2 if you follow the guide given above well. In case you cannot find the Evergreen Huckleberry in those locations mentioned above, you are recommended to try resorting to riding up and down the banks of the Kamassa River. Still, the chance of finding them in Lemoyne is still higher compared to the banks in New Hanover.
These followings will talk about the place where you can find the Evergreen Huckleberry in Red Dead Redemption 2 called Lamoyne. If you are interested in this location, keep going.
Lamoyne refers to the southern American state. If you find the name unique and want to know about it, it is actually from the French word “le moine” that means the monk. Not only that, it is also a common surname in France, even though the spelling and even pronunciation is not always like that. It is one of the five American States in the game. It is also known as the smallest one when it comes to the size. This state is the one with the most civilized settlement in the state called Saint Denis.
There are a total of three smaller regions in Lemoyne. Those three include Scarlett Meadows, Bayou Nwa, and Bluewater Marsh. In these three smaller regions, there are some locations, including:
- Scarlett Meadows: Abandoned Church, Aberdeen Pig Farm, Argil Rise, Braithwaite Manor, Bolger Glade, Catfish Jacksons, Clemens Cove, Clemens Point, Compson’s Stead, Dewberry Creek, Eris Field, Face Rock, Flat Iron Lake, Hill Haven Ranch, Lannahechee River, Lonnie’s Shack, Mattock Pond, Old Greenbank Mill, Old Harry Fen, Old Trail Rise, Pleasance, Radley’s House, Radley’s Pasture, Rhodes, Robard Farm, Ringneck Creek, Siltwater Strand, Southfield Flats
- Bayou Nwa: Bayall Edge, Caliga Hall, Crawdad Willies, Fishing Spot, Hagen Orchards, Lagras, Lakay, Lannahechee River, Macomb’s End, Merkins Waller, Prinz & Co., Saint Denis, Shady Belle, The Grand Korrigan
- Bluewater Marsh: Canebreak Manor, Copperhead Landing, Houseboat, Kamassa River, Lannahechee River, Sisika Penitentiary, Trapper’s Cabin
The Evergreen Huckleberry is not the only plant that is able to be found in Lemoyne. Apart from that, there are also some other ones such as:
- Chanterelles
- Hummingbird Sage
- Indian Tobacco
- Milkweed
- Yarrow
- Acuna’s Star Orchid
- Cigar Orchid
- Clamshell Orchid
- Ghost Orchid
- Lady of the Night Orchid
- Night Scented Orchid
- Queen’s Orchid
- Rat Tail Orchid
- Spider Orchid
In the same location, there are a total of two fishes that can be found. The first one is Bullhead Catfish and the second one is called Longnose Gar.
In addition to the plants and fishes, Lemoyne is also a home to some different kinds of animals, including:
- Alligator Snapping Turtle
- American Alligator
- American Alligator (small)
- American Gray Fox
- American Muskat
- American Red Fox
- American White Pelican
- Angus Ox
- Bluetick Coonhound
- Border Collie
- Brown Pelican
- California Valley Coyote
- Canada Goose
- Cottonmouth Snake
- Devon Ox
- Diamondback Rattlesnake
- Dominique Rooster
- Double-crested Cormorant
- Eastern Turkey Vulture
- Eastern Wild Turkey
- Florida Panther
- Great Blue Heron
- Java Rooster
- Laughing Gull
- Legendary Fox
- Legendary Giaguaro Panther
- Leghorn Chicken
- Leghorn Rooster
- Mallard Duck
- Midland Water Snake
- Neotropic Cormorant
- North American Raccoon
- Northern Copperhead Snake
- Northern water Snake
- Panther
- Pekin Duck
- Sandhill Crane
- Scarlet Tanager Songbird
- Snowy Egret
- Southern Copperhead Snake
- Timber Rattlesnake
- Tricolored Heron
- Western Chipmunk
- Western Toad
- Whitetail Deer
- Whooping Crane
- Wild Boar
Apparently, the western part of Lemoyne has some small forests and some open spaces, which are loved by the animals. As for the eastern part, it is both interesting and dangerous. In the location, there are also several meshes that are called homes by some unique animal species.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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