Legendary Redfin Pickerel RDR2 Locations

Apparently, there are 13 Legendary Fish that you can catch in Red Dead Redemption 2. One of them is the Legendary Redfin Pickerel. You will need to do a little bit of work before you are able to catch them. By the way, how to find Legendary Redfin Pickerel in RDR2? Well, here we are going to share a location where you can find the Legendary Redfin Pickerel.

Legendary Redfin Pickerel Info

    • Animal Species: Redfin Pickerel
    • Animal Class: Fish
    • Animal Family: Esocidae
    • Size: Moderate
    • Peculiarity: Legendary Fish
    • Available After Mission: A Fisher Of Fish (Legendary Fish) (Strangers Mission)
    • Hunting: Can be fished
    • Required for Achievement: No
    • Notes: This species is not needed for Zoologist and Skin Deep achievements
    • Scientific Name: Esox Americanus Americanus

Location of Legendary Redfin Pickerel RDR2

Location of Legendary Redfin Pickerel RDR2

The Legendary Redfin Pickerel has been sighted by local fishermen in Stillwater Creek. Like other pickerel, this Legendary Redfin Pickerel prefers warm sunny weather and Special Lake or River Lures. The estimated size of this fish is considered to be around 19 inches and weighing over 10 pounds. This is one of the Legendary Fish that needed to be caught for the “A Fisher of Fish” quest.

fish for the Legendary Redfin Pickerel in the largest pool of Stillwater Creek

So, you will be able to fish for the Legendary Redfin Pickerel in the largest pool of Stillwater Creek, between Thieve’s Landing and MacFarlane’s Ranch in New Austin.

Legendary Redfin Pickerel Fishing Tips

Legendary Redfin Pickerel Fishing Tips

If you want to fish for Legendary Redfin Pickerel, you have to use the Special Lake or river Lure. Need to know that special lure is an important tool in Red Dead Redemption 2. It is necessary to get a special lure in RDR2 to catch the legendary fish. Based on the research, there are three types of the special lures in Red Dead Redemption 2: River, lake and swamp. You need to use them depending on where the legendary fish you are fishing for lives.

To get the special RDR2 Legendary Fish lures, you are able to buy them in a store. The only store which sells them is Bait and Tackle. For your information, Bait and Tackle sells all kinds of Red Dead Redemption 2 special lures including River, Lake, and Swamp. There are two things to note here. One, every single special lure will cost you $20 a pop. At least they all cost the same. Two, you are able to hold only one of each lure in your inventory at any given time. So, you should make every special lure in RDR2 count.

In addition, you are also able to find the special river, lake, and swamp lures in Red Dead Redemption 2 by visiting a specific vendor. You are looking for the Bait and Tackle shop. The location is in Bayou Nwa (Lemoyne). You are able to go to the west shore of lake Lagras in the area of Bayou Nwa. There is a small settlement, hiding in the misty marsh. The Bait and Tackle store is on the edge of the lake. Even, it has a pier leading into the water which you are able to fish off of.

Other Legendary Fish RDR2 Locations

Here are other Legendary Fish RDR2 locations:

    • The Legendary Bluegill Location
      The location of the Legendary Bluegill fish south of Clemens Point off the shore of Flat Iron Lake. However, you are going to have the ability to get this fish if you accept Kieran’s offer to go fishing during Chapter 3. To catch this fish, do not forget to use a Special Lake Lure.
    • The Legendary Catfish Location
      The location of the Legendary Catfish is in the creek deltas to the west of Sisika Penitentiary on Sisika Island. If you want to catch this fish, you will need to use a RDR2 Special River Lure.
    • The Legendary Chain Pickerel Location
      The location of the Legendary Chain Pickerel fish is in the northwest of Flatneck Station. When you want to catch this fish, use a RDR2 Special River Lure.
    • The Legendary Gar Location
      You will be able to discover this fish in the marshy swamp between Lakay and Lagras. To catch the Legendary Gar, use the Special Swamp Lure.
    • The Legendary Largemouth Bass Location
      You will be able to find this Legendary fish southeast of Lake Don Julio. To catch them, make sure you use a Special River Lure.
    • The Legendary Muskie Location
      Just find the Legendary muskie by visiting the lighthouse at the south end of the Van Horn Trading Post in New Hanover. To catch them, you need to use a Special River Lure.
    • The Legendary Perch Location
      You will be able to discover this fish in Elysian Lake. To catch them, you need to use a Special Lake Lure.
    • The Legendary Rock Bass Location
      For those who want to find this Legendary fish, go to the Aurora Basin. Use a Special Lake Lure for catching this fish.
    • The Legendary Salmon Location
      You are able to fish for this Legendary fish in the waters of Lake Isabella. To catch this Legendary Salmon fish, you need to use a Special Lake or special Lure.
    • The Legendary Smallmouth Bass Location
      If you want to find this Legendary Smallmouth Bass, you need to go to Lake Owanjila. Do not forget to use a Special Lake or special lure when you catch them.
    • The Legendary Sturgeon Location
      You are able to get this Legendary Sturgeon by dropping a Special River or special Lure off the railroad bridge over the mouth of the Lannahechee River.
    • The Legendary Trout Location
      Another Legendary Fish in Red Dead Redemption 2 is Legendary Trout. If you want to discover the Legendary Trout, you have to go to the basin, which is far north of Annesburg. After that, you have to go up the Kamassa River from Brandywine Drop. When you catch this Legendary Trout fish, you have to use a RDR2 Special River Lure.

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