RDR2 Treasure Map Locations Online

RDR2 Online has unique treasure maps. Since money is such a crucial commodity, you may want to find some as soon as possible. By the way, where do you find more? Need to know that the best place to do this is in Gang Hideouts. What is a possible reward? Gold Bars. Well, here is where to find the treasure maps.

How to Find Treasure Maps in RDR2 Online?

There are two methods to find Treasure Maps in RDR2 Online:

    • Rank Unlocks
    • Gang Hideouts

RDR2 Treasure Map Locations Online

Method 1: Rank Unlocks

After you reach Rank 10, then you are going to get a Treasure Map every 5 levels as you progress through RDR2 Online (Rank 15, Rank 20, Rank 25, etc).

Method 2: Gang Hideouts

When you explore the world, you have to keep an eye out for Gang Hideouts, marked with a red splotch and a skull on your own map. Usually, they are going to spawn in many locations around the world, such as Quaker’s Cove in West Elizabeth, Fort Mercer in New Austin, or Cumberland Falls in New Hanover.

Keep in mind that each Gang Hideout has a Gang Leader. If you eliminate all of the other gang members in the hideout, then the Leader will surrender. After that, you are able to select to kill or spare the gang leader. Regardless of what you select to do, there is an opportunity that you are going to find a Treasure Map when looting the Leader’s body, a lock box, or a chest hidden in the camp.

How to Use Treasure Maps in RDR2 Online?

    • When you find a Treasure Map, you are able to go into your Satchel, open the Documents tab, and “Use” the Treasure Map to have its treasure location marked on your map. Warning: You are only able to have one Treasure Map activated at a time.
    • After that, you are able to go to that location.
    • After you reach there, you have to use Eagle Eye by pressing the thumbsticks to discover the specific location.

Gang Hideout Locations in RDR2 Online

You are going to find your first Gang Hideout during the tutorial. But, there are more Gang Hideout locations to encounter throughout the world.

Here is a list of Gang Hideout we have found so far:

    • Jorge’s Gap

Jorge's Gap
Jorge’s Gap is one of potential spawn points for a Gang Hideout. You are able to find Jorge’s Gap in the New Austin region, located in the southwestern part of the map, southwest of Armadillo.

    • Cumberland Falls

Cumberland Falls
You are able to find Cumberland in the northern part of the map, west of Valentine and north of Blackwater.

    • Bacchus Station

Bacchus Station
Bacchus Station is another potential spawn point for a Gang Hideout. You are able to find Bacchus Station in the northernmost part of the map, in the Ambarino area, north of Cumberland Forest.

    • Rattlesnake Hollow

Rattlesnake Hollow
Rattlesnake Hollow is also a potential spawn point for a Gang Hideout. You are able to find Rattlesnake Hollow in the New Austin region towards the western edge of the map, northwest of Armadillo.

    • Sea of Coronado

Sea of Coronado
This is a potential spawn point for a Gang Hideout. You are able to find the Sea of Coronado in the New Austin region on the southwestern edge of the map, just southwest of Tumbleweed.

    • Hanging Dog Ranch

Hanging Dog Ranch
Hanging Dog Ranch is also a potential spawn point for a Gang Hideout. You are able to find Hanging Dog Ranch in the West Elizabeth region towards the centre of the map, west of Valentine, and north of the Little Creek River.

    • Quaker Cove

Quaker Cove
Quaker Cove is one of potential spawn points for a Gang Hideout too. You are able to find Quaker Cove towards the centre of the map in the Great Plains area, just southwest of Blackwater.

    • Twin Rocks

Twin Rocks
This is a potential spawn point for Gang Hideouts. You are able to find Twin Rocks Northeast of Armadillo around 2 structures in the Cholla Springs area.

    • Solomon’s Folly

Solomon's Folly
Solomon’s Folly is another potential spawn point for Gang Hideouts. You are able to find this location Southeast of Tumbleweed.

    • Fort Mercer

Fort Mercer
Fort Mercer is a potential spawn point for Gang Hideouts. You are able to find Fort Mercer between Tumbleweed and Armadillo near Rio Bravo in the New Austin area of the map.

    • Clemens Point

Clemens Point
Also, Clemens Point is a potential spawn location. You are able to find Clemens Point along the edge of Flat Iron Lake, West of Rhodes in the Lemoyne region. You will be able to find the leader of the gang hidden inside a nearby boat.

    • Lakay

You have to know that Lakay is also a potential spawn point for a Gang Hideout. You are able to find Lakay in the northern area of the Lemoyne region, directly south of the “R” in Lagras.

    • Colter

Colter is another potential spawn point for a Gang Hideout. You are able to find Colter northwest of Cairn Lake, in the Northern area of the Grizzlies west region.

    • Ewing Basin

Ewing Basin
You are able to find Ewing Basin directly west of Mount Hagen and directly north of the “G” in Grizzlies West.

    • Mount Hagen

Mount Hagen
This is a potential spawn point for a Gang Hideout. It is located directly west of the first “E” in Grizzlies West, you are going to come across a small mining cabin. Please enter through the large doors which are built into the side of the mountain and then you are going to discover the Gang Hideout inside the hidden mine.

    • Willard’s Rest

Willard's Rest
It is a potential spawn point for a Gang Hideout. You are able to find Willard’s Rest northeast of Brandywine Drop, in the northeastern most corner of the map.

    • The Loft

The Loft
You will be able to find the location just north east of the “O” in Ambarino, not far from the Roanoke Ridge border.

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