In the world of the game called Red Dead Redemption 2 or RDR2, a term pelt is used to call the hair and skin that are removed from an animal after you have hunted and killed it. Studying about getting the perfect pelts is important if you want to earn more money and to increase the profit from hunting. Getting the perfect pelts in the game is not easy and skill is definitely required. If you have zero knowledge to do so, you come to the right page as you will be guided about it here. Please read everything until the very end.
Step 1: Only look for the pristine animals
Choosing the right target is probably the easiest thing to do to get the perfect pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2. When you are in the location of hunting and you see an animal, do not waste your time and open up your weapon wheel and use your binoculars. In order to get the closer look of the target, zoom in. then, tap R1/RB. By doing so, you should be able to see a dialogue box in the bottom left. That dialogue box will tell you the quality of the animal. Apparently, it will be either Poor, Good, or Pristine. For everyone who is on horseback, you are suggested to check the quality of the animal by aiming at it by using your gun and tapping R1/RB. Not only that, its star rating will also be seen in the bottom right of the screen when you are focused on it. This one is known to be the best thing to do to hunt a worthy animal.
In order to get the perfect pelts, it is a must for you to only get the animals that are considered as pristine. Besides, they also have to get a three star rating. Basically, when you get close to the pack, you have to aim at more than one prey until you find the right one. Usually, there is only one perfect pelt that is available in a pack. In rare cases, the perfect pelts can be up to two.
Step 2: Choose the correct tools for the job
When you are looking for the animal to be the target, you will be informed by the dialogue box if it is pristine or not. Not only that, the information will also include the thing that you need to kill that animal. Keep in mind that it varies across the whole compendium, that’s why it is important to always check before the process of shooting. Here is the list of the weapons and ammo for perfect pelts:
- Perfect pelt type: Small
Animal type: Rats, bats, squirrels, chipmunks, bullfrogs, toads, snakes, blue jays, cardinals, robins, woodpeckers, other small birds
Weapon type: Bow and arrow
Ammo type: Small game arrows - Perfect pelt type: Moderate
Animal type: Iguanas, gila monsters, rabbits, armadillos, badgers, muskrats, opossums, racoons, skunks, eagles, cranes, hawks, owls, other big birds
Weapon type: Varmint rifle
Ammo type: 0.22 ammo - Perfect pelt type: Medium
Animal type: Coyotes, foxes, pigs, beavers
Weapon type: Bow and arrow, throwing knives, rifles, sniper rifles, lasso
Ammo type: Normal arrows, poison arrows, throwing knives, poison throwing knives, any rifle ammo with the exception of explosive, any sniper rifle ammo with the exception of explosive - Perfect pelt type: Large
Animal type: Turtles, small alligators, boars, bucks, cougars, panthers, big horn rams, wolves, deer, pronghorns, goats, sheep, peccary
Weapon type: Bow and arrow, throwing knives, rifles, sniper rifles, lasso
Ammo type: Normal arrows, poison arrows, throwing knives, poison throwing knives, any rifle ammo with the exception of explosive, any sniper rifle ammo with the exception of explosive - Perfect pelt type: Massive
Animal type: Bears, bison, bulls, elk, moose, ox, cows, large alligator
Weapon type: Bow and arrow, throwing knives, rifles, sniper rifles, slug-firing shotguns
Ammo type: Poison arrow, improved arrows, poison throwing knives, any rifle ammo with the exception of explosive, any sniper ammo with the exception of explosive, shotgun slug rounds
- Perfect pelt type: Small
Step 3: Shoot to kill
It is hard to hunt in Red Dead Redemption 2. It is even harder when you are aiming to get perfect pelts in order to get tons of money when you sell everything to the Trapper. It is needed for you to give the fatal or critical damage even if a three star animal can be found. You can do it by shooting at the right organs so that you can get a perfect kill.
When your Dead Eye rank is maxed out, the process of hunting animals will be way easier for you. the likes of the brain or the heart (basically the vital organs), turn into red when you enter Dead Eye after reaching rank 4 during Chapter 5. As for the critical organs, either the lungs or the stomach, are exposed when hitting rank 5. This one happens during Chapter 6 of the campaign. In case you are having a hard time to achieve clean kills, it is better for you to push through the main story and begin the process of hunting when your journey is about to end.
Usually, it is fine for you to get away with a clean headshot on the animal. It really does not matter as long as the right weapon is used. The pelt of the animal can be damaged if you cannot hit any critical or vital organs or fill it with more than one round. It is always like this even if the animal is counted as pristine. The only thing that you can do to secure a perfect pelt is to dispatch a tree star animal with a clean shot to either a vital or critical organ. After dispatching the animal, do not forget to skin the pelt and to bring the carcass with you to the local Trapper if you want to get the extra money and crafting opportunities.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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