What Packs are Needed for Modern Warfare Multiplayer

In order to play Modern Warfare multiplayer, you may need to download the multiplayer Pack 3, as the latest required download. You may worry about its size, as the file size of Modern Warfare always continues to grow larger with each update.

However, it is different from the Multiplayer Pack 3 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, as it is not large in size and also should not take too long to download. Then, you may wonder how to download the multiplayer Pack 3 and what packs you will need for Modern Warfare Multiplayer. To know more about it, let’s see our post below!

Here’s A List of Packs You Will Need for Modern Warfare Multiplayer?

What Packs are Needed for Modern Warfare Multiplayer

The developers of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare have allowed the players to select what data to download, because of the huge amount of the storage which the game takes up. That’s why the players who only play the Multiplayer will be able to uninstall the data for the campaign and any extra modes.

Well, this way is performed to prevent storage from being taken up by modes that you do not play. Thankfully, there is not much that the players need to play Modern Warfare’s Multiplayer.

So, here are the  packs that you will need to download to play Modern Warfare Multiplayer:

    • Data Pack 1
    • Multiplayer Pack (Xbox One Only)
    • Multiplayer Pack 2

If you are playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on Xbox One, you will need all packs above to play Modern Warfare Multiplayer mode.

If you are playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on PlayStation or PC, to play Modern Warfare’s Multiplayer, you will only need Data Pack 1 and the Multiplayer Pack 2.

Additionally, Modern Warfare’s multiplayer is a great classic gameplay that allows you to experience the new CX-9 SMG. This game is especially intended for people who are either bored of Warzone.

What Is Modern Warfare Multiplayer Pack 3?

What Is Modern Warfare Multiplayer Pack 3

Just like previous Multiplayer Packs in Modern Warfare, the Multiplayer Pack 3 can be mentioned as an additional download required in order to access multiplayer once installing the latest patch.

The Multiplayer Pack 3 is a little over 3GB. So, it may not take a while to download and install. If you want to install the pack, you just simply begin Modern Warfare once downloading the latest update and try to play multiplayer.

Afterwards, the Modern Warfare Multiplayer will ask you to download any multiplayer packs that you are missing. If you have kept up-to-date with Modern Warfare, you will only need the most recent one. However, if you are a beginner to the game, you may need to install the first two as well.

If you want to play Call of Duty: Warzone, you may not have to install Multiplayer pack 3, however, you will still need the latest update to play the game online. Then, if you have Modern Warfare, the required update will be 22 – 23 GB, depending on your platform.

If you are a free-to-play Warzone player, depending on your platform, you may only need to download 22 – 30 GB. Well, that is still a lot, but it is not as much as the Modern Warfare update.

If you are PS4 owners, you can preload the update to play at release. Meanwhile, if you are Xbox One and PC players, you need to wait until the patch drops to begin downloading it.

In fact, there are thousands of new changes that have been added to Modern Warfare Multiplayer including a new map, a new assault rifle and a brand-new sniper. Aside from that, the Warzone players will encounter new items in Verdansk and also new loadouts in the Gulag with this new update.

Why Does Modern Warfare Still Have Best Multiplayer?

In Call of Duty, Modern Warfare is still the best when it comes to multiplayer mode. With some gorgeous graphics to boot, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare delivered a bunch of excellent quality of life upgrades, along with several tightest shooting mechanics in any modern FPS.

In other words, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare impressed long-time fans so much, even a lot of players still consider it to be the best modern entry in the series that indicates some key aspects of the game, making it stand out.

Here are some reasons why Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is still the best:

    1. Having a nostalgically map

It is not a secret if Modern Warfare has nostalgia maps. There are at least 10 maps in the base game’s core multiplayer playlists with a healthy selection of maps. Of course, each map has their own unique environment, scenery and obstacles.

The tactics used by the players in each map will vary dynamically between play sessions. In fact, over the course of the subsequent two years, the developer of Infinity Ward gave the players a range of free DLC maps. Certainly, it gave the players some original maps, but also included a handful of maps from previous Call of Duty titles.

    1. Feasible selection of weapons

Need to know, the Call of Duty multiplayer always forces the players to use one type of weapon to get kills. Of course, there will be a new meta in the game every week, so if players do not keep up on the latest trends, it will be at an inherent disadvantage.

That’s why Modern Warfare seems to give easy access for players to have a few options to choose  from. Sure, each one will have unique advantages and disadvantages. The unlockable weapon attachments also added to this level of variety. So, the player will be able to choose the weapons to get kills.

    1. Unparalleled graphics and sound design

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has a distinctive and realistic style. With naturalistic lighting, the maps seem to love it. The environment also often reacted to the player’s actions. Moreover, the sound design in Call of Duty Modern Warfare is also the best audio design that won a Game Award for Audio Design in 2019’s ceremony.

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