CrystalDiskMark is a section of software which is offers to benchmark your hard drive or solid state drive. The main purpose of benchmarking is to make sure that your SSD or HDD or is doing effectively. For your information, CrystalDiskMark is available on Windows. It can be all major Windows Releases, even it works on Windows 10 Tech Preview.
CrystalDiskMark offers you to select any drive that you want to do many tests on them to measure achievement for writing and reading. It is going to run sequential write and read tests as well as random write and read tests. Besides, it is going to display the results in IOPS and MB/s. Roght now, you will be able to download the latest version. Apparently, there are five buttons on the left hand side.
Also, there are three boxes on the top of the UI which offer you to choose the number of runs, the file size to use for the tests and the drive to run the tests on. Usually, running the tests three times is enough to take an accurate result. Also, a file size of 1GB is a nice starting point. So, we do not suggest you mess with them too much if you only want a fast idea of your SSD or HDD performance.
In some cases, CrystalDiskMark is a test which is extremely stressful. When you have a drive that is failing already and you run many I/O tests on that drive it is able to die on you in a hurry. In alternative, CrystalDiskMark is safe to run in most cases.
You have to know that CrystalDiskMark sequential test is constantly the ones with the highest results. So, if you want to know what is a good CrystalDiskMark? The answer is CrystalDiskMark sequential test.
You may can see on some examples that the result of CrystalDiskMark sequential testis always has a good and the highest score. But, you have to know that CrystalDiskMark sequential test is not constantly representative of the real world lawsuit. An example of a streaming read is once you watch a video on your PC.
All of the data is located in a file, therefore it is very easy to read it quickly. When you copy a file, you are doing sequential writes and reads. You have to believe that CrystalMark is utilizing 1MB file block size for this test.
In an example: You are using a PNY 240GB SSD on Windows 8.1 Pro and CrystalDiskMark 3.0.3 x64. The PNY 240GB SSD receives about 336 MB/s for reads and 223 MB/s for writes. Apparently, it is not too bad, especially considering the cost. You may will notice those numbers are not as high as Amazon displays. But, it is normal for an SSD.
If you want to try measuring HDD (hard drive) speed performance by using CrystalDiskMark, atthis time, you are able to close all the running programs, and then follow these easy steps below:
- At the first step, you have to download CrystalDiskMark from the Microsoft Store.
- Then, you are able to tap on the Install button.
- After that, you have to open Start.
- You will need to search for CrystalDiskMark and choose the top result for opening the app.
- In this step, you are able to use the first drop-down menu on the left. Choose the number of runs. In this case, if the default is 5, you are able to change it to 3, which is enough to get more accurate results)
- Please use the second drop down menu, you are able to select the file size that the app is going to use to benchmark the drive. For note: The default selection is more than enough in most cases.
- The next step that you have to do is to choose the drive (HDD/SDD) which you will test.
- Lastly, tap on the All button.
In this section, we are going to explain about other types of CrystalDiskMark test. As we explain before that CrystalDiskMark sequential test is constantly the ones with the highest results. So, how about a low CrystalDiskMark score? Let us discuss it now.

There are lots of people who said that CrystalDiskMark’s 512K test seems kind of redundant to them. In fact, the results were close to the sequential tests and we feel that the 4K test is the most useful test to run. For whatever reason, I/O Operations Per Second (IOPS) is not showed at all. Even, if you hover over the results.

If you keep over the MB/s, then you can view the IOPS result. It should be shown by default. The test of CrystalDiskMark 4K is not as exacting as the QD 32 test. It only utilizes a single queue or thread to access data from your drive. SSDs will be able to perform much better than HDDs as SSDs do not have to physically move stuff around to access data. In result, lots of small accesses located all over the place can cripple a normal HDD. Trust us, if you do not own an SSD, you need to own this one.

The tests of Crystaldiskmark 4K QD32 are utilizing 4KB file sizes. Your computer easily can do lots of things at a speed. Unfortunately, it cannot do 32 things at the exact same point in time.
So, it utilizes the queues and buffers to track of requests that still need to take place. For note: Each of queued requests only brings a small fraction of a second to complete. As a result, you are able to do many operations in a second of time. If you are able to perform a write operation in only 0.10 seconds, it means that you can perform 10 IOPS for random writes.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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