Latest ACNH Villager Tier List Popularity

You may need the information about the popularity of the Villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. However, knowing the tier list popularity of the villagers will offer you a great reference to use a certain villager to guide you picking out the best of the best one in this game.

Thankfully, this post will show you the tier list popularity of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons villagers based on the votes held by So, who are the most popular of the villagers in ACNH? To get the answer, let’s find out the list in our post below!

Latest ACNH Villager Tier List Popularity

Villager Popularity Tier List

Here’s the order of villager popularity from highest popularity to least popular

Tier 1: Highest Popularity

Rank Villager Personality Note
1st Raymond/ Cat Smug Up from #2
2nd Marshal/ Squirrel Smug Down from #1
3rd Zucker/ Octopus Lazy
4th Sherb/ Goat Lazy
5th Judy/ Bearcub Snooty
6th Marina/ Octopus Normal Up from #8
7th Stitches/ Bearcub Lazy Down from #6
8th Audie/ Wolf Peppy Up from #11
9th Beau/ Deer Lazy Up from #15
10th Fauna/ Deer Normal Down from #9
11th Erik/ Deer Lazy Up from #2 of tier 2
12th Molly/ Duck Normal Down from #10
13th Maple/ Bearcub Normal Up from #14
14th Coco/ Rabbit Normal Up from #3 of tire 2
15th Ankha/ Cat Snooty Down from #7

Tier 2: Very Popular

Rank Villager Personality Note
1st Diana/ Deer Snooty Up from #4
2nd Merengue/ Rhino Normal Down from #12 tier 1
3rd Lolly/ Cat Normal Down from #13 tier 1
4th Dom/ Sheep Jock Down from #1
5th Bob/ Cat Lazy
6th Lucky/ Dog Lazy
7th Ketchup/ Duck Peppy
8th Julian/Horse Smug Up from #11
9th Bluebear/ Bearcub Peppy Up from #18
10th Appolo/ Eagle Cranky Up from #15
11th Apple/ Hamster Peppy Up from #14
12th Cherry/ Dog Sisterly Down from #8
13th Poppy/ Squirrel Normal Down  fom #9
14th Merry/ Cat Peppy Down  from #12
15th Flora/Ostrich Peppy Up  from #7 of tier 3
16th Roald/ Penguin Jock Down  from #10
17th Tangy/ Cat Peppy Up from #21
18th Octavian/  Octopus Cranky Up from #24
19th Rosie/ Cat Peppy Down from #16
20th Tia/ Elephant Normal
21th Goldie/ Dog Normal Up from #5 of tier 3
22th Pietro/ Sheep Smug Down  from #19
23th Filbert/ Squirrel Lazy
24th Punchy/ Cat Lazy Up from #6 of tier 3
25th Cookie/ Dog Peppy Down from #17

Tier 3: Fairly Popular

Rank Villager Personality Note
1st Lily/ Frog Normal Up from #2
2nd Fang/ Wolf Cranky Down from #1
3rd Ohare/ Rabbit Smug Up  from #53 tier 5
4th Kiki/ Cat Normal Up from #8
5th Melba/ Koala Normal Down from #25 of tier 2
6th Zell/ Deer Smug Up from #12
7th Etoile/ Sheep Normal Down from #13 of tier 2
8th Dobie/ Wolf Cranky Up from #29
9th Pekoe/ Bearcub Normal Down from #4
10th Wolfgang/ Wolf Cranky Up from #11

Here are the other villagers included in Fairly Popular Tier List:

Apollo Julian
Audie Ketchup
Benjamin Lobo
Blanche Margie
Boone Marina
Camofrog Marty
Cherry Mira
Coco Molly
Chrissy Phoebe
Diana Poppy
Dobie Raddle
Dom Ribbot
Drago Roald
Erik Rosie
Epona Shep
Fauna Sly
Felyne Snake
Francine Sprinkle
Frita Sprocket
Ganon Tucker
Gaston Walt
Genji Whitney
Hopper Wolf Link
Judy Woolio

Tier 4: Middle Ground

Rank Villager Personality Note
1st Kid Cat/ Cat Jock Down from #17 of tier 3
2nd Chevre/ Goat Normal Up from #7
3rd Sprinkle/ Penguin Peppy Down  from #10 tier 3
4th Bianca/ Tiger Peppy Down from #25 of tier 3
5th Bones/ Dog Lazy Down from #26 of tier 3
6th Phoebe/ Ostrich Sisterly Down from #18 of tier 3
7th Kyle/ Wolf Smug Up from #11
8th Sylvana/ Squirrel Normal Up from #22
9th Blaire/ Squirrel Snooty Up from #26
10th Chai/ Elephant Peppy Down  from #16 of tier 3

Here are the other villagers included in Middle Ground Tier List;

Alfonso Colton
Alice Cousteau
Amelia Daisy
Annalisa Deirdre
Apple Dozer
Aurora Drift
Avery Ellie
Bea Eugene
Beardo Eunice
Beau Fang
Becky Felicity
Bianca Filly
Bill Flora
Billy Freya
Biskit Gala
Bones Gayle
Bud Goldie
Bunnie Graham
Celia Hamlet
Chadder Hans
Chelsea Hopkins
Cheri Hornsby
Chief Rooney
Claude Rory
Clay Victoria

Tier 5: Less Popular

Rank Villager Personality Note
1st Celia/ Eagle Normal Down from #32 of tier 4
2nd Vivian/ Wolf Snooty Up from #37 of tier 4
3rd Broccolo/ Mouse Lazy Down  from #56 tier 4
4th Mira / Rabbit Sisterly Down from #60 of tier 4
5th Cranston/ Ostrich Lazy Down from #3
6th Savannah/ Horse Normal Up from #21
7th Maddie/ Dog Peppy Up from #24
8th Lobo/ Wolf Peppy Up from #26
9th Bruce/ Deer Cranky Up from #30
10th Bree/ Mouse Snooty Up  from #44

Here are the other villagers included in Less Popular  Tier List;

Pompom Tammi
Poncho Tammy
Pudge Teddy
Purrl Tybalt
Queenie Ursala
Quetzal Valise
Reneigh Weber
Rex Winnie
Rhoda Yuka
Rio Filbert
Rocco Flip
Rolf Flo
Rowan Flurry
Sally Frank
Sandy Friga
Sheldon Frobert
Soleil Fuchsia
Sparro Gabi
Stella Gladys
St Gloria
Sue E. Gonzo
Sven Goose
Sydney Greta
Sylvia Grizzly
Tad Groucho

Tier 6: Least Popular

Rank Villager Personality Note
1st Drake/ Duck Lazy Down from #53 of tier 5
2nd Norma/ Cow Normal Down from #64 of tier 5
3rd Tiffany/ Rabbit Snooty Down  from #65 tier 5
4th Sterling / Eagle Jock Down from #79 of tier 5
5th Sylvia / Kangaroo Sisterly Down from #82 of tier 5
6th Mac/ Dog Jock Down from #86 of tier 5
7th Marcel/ Dog Lazy Down from #88 of tier 5
8th Piper/ Bird Peppy Down from #91 of tier 5
9th Beardo/ Bear Smug Down from #95 of tier 5
10th Kitt/ Kangaroo Normal Down from #8

Here are the other villagers included in Least Popular Tier List:

Gigi Marcy
Gruff Mint
Hambo Anicotti
Hamphrey Astrid
Hank Barold
Harry Belle
Hazel Bessie
Hector Betty
 Hippeux Biff
Huggy Bitty
Iggy Boyd
Ike Bree
Jacob Broccolo
Jambette Broffina
Jane Callie
Jitters Canberra
Joey Candi
Kaitlin Caroline
Kitt Cashmere
Klaus Chester
Leigh Chico
Limberg Chow
 Lulu Chuck
Maelle Clyde
Mallary Coach

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