How to Fix There Was a Problem Starting winscomrssrv.dll Error at Startup on Windows

For those who are encountering an error message saying there was a problem starting winscomrssrv.dll The specified module could not be found, it means a program on your computer is trying to start up using the wincomrssrv.dll file during the boot process but could not manage to do it due to the absence of the dll file on your computer. In this case, you can check which application process is using the dll file and create the error and then delete the process or uninstall the application if it is needed.

If you want to fix the wincomrssrv.dll error at startup on Windows, you can use a program with the ability to detect which programs are starting up during the booting process. This one program is called Autoruns. It will show the process handles of the programs which start during the boot, based on the registry keys mainly.

How to Fix There Was a Problem Starting winscomrssrv.dll Error at Startup on Windows

In order to use Autoruns to fix the issue, the first thing that you will need to do is to go to the official website of Microsoft or visit this page, scroll down and click on Download Autoruns and Autorunsc to download it on your computer. After you have downloaded the package, please go to the download location on your computer. Then, extract the Autoruns package that you just downloaded in any location that you want on your computer. After that, go to the location where you have extracted the package. The next thing that should be done is to right click on Autoruns64 if you are using a 64-bit Windows and then click on Run as administrator. For those who are using a 32-bit Windows 10, then you can right click on Autoruns and click on Run as administrator instead. In the AutoRuns License Agreement window, please click on Agree as the sign that you agree with the license agreement. In the AutoRuns window, you will have to click on the box next to Filter: and then type winscomrssrv to see all the processes related to it. From the search results, it is time for you to right click on the process which is using the dll file, and then click on Delete to delete it. After you have deleted the process from your computer, please close the Autoruns window. The last thing that you will need to do is to restart your computer. In the end, the issue should be solved and the error message should not appear again.

Autoruns is the name of a free Sysinternals tool created by Microsoft that counts all the programs that automatically start on a Windows machine. Then, you can examine the list of the programs if they should be running or should be disabled. Making the unnecessary startups disabled allows your computer to run faster by reducing the CPU usage and memory consumption.

When you are using Autoruns, you will be able to see a list of all the executables on your computer that are starting automatically, including Windows services, Run services, and many other less popular auto-start methods. When you do a research about the startup entries, the thing called BleepingComputer will recommend you the first search within the Startup Database to see if they are popular malware or the programs that are not required automatically start. By using this information, you can determine if the autostart should be disabled.

There is the command line version of Autoruns called Autorunsc. The usage syntax of it is:

Usage: autorunsc [-a <*|bdeghiklmoprsw>] [-c|-ct] [-h] [-m] [-s] [-u] [-vt] [[-z] | [user]]]

Parameter Description
-a Autostart entry selection
* All
b Boot execute
d Appinit DLLs
e Explorer addons
g Sidebar gadgets (Windows Vista and higher)
h Image hijacks
i Internet Explorer addons
k Popular DLLs
l Logon startups (it is default)
m WMI entries
n Winsock protocol and network providers
o Codecs
p Printer monitor DLLs
r LSA security providers
s Autostart service sand non-disabled drivers
t Scheduled tasks
w Winlogon entries
-c It prints the output as CSV.
-ct It prints the output as tab-delimited values.
-h It displays file hashes.
-m It hides Microsoft entries (signed entries if used with -v).
-s It verifies digital signatures.
-t It displays timestamps in normalized UTC (YYYYMMDD-hhmmss).
-u If VIrustTotal check is enabled, display files that are known by VirusTotal or have non-zero detection, otherwise display only unsigned files.
-x It prints output as XML.
-v[rs] Question VirusTotal for malware based on file hash. You can add “r” if you want to open reports for files with non-zero detection. Apparently, the files reported as not previously scanned will be uploaded to VirusTotal if the “s” option is specified. Please take a note that the scan results may not be available for five or more minutes.
-vt Before using the features of the VirusTotal, you will have to accept the terms of service of VirusTotal. For those who have not accepted the terms and you get rid of this option, you will be interactively prompted.
-z It specifies the offline Windows system to scan.
user It specifies the name of the user account for which autorun items will be displayed. You can specify * if you want to scan all user profiles.

The winscomrssrv.dll is known as the trash of the malware that was present before. Aside from it, there is also another one called the startupchecklibrary.dll error. If you want to fix startupchecklibrary.dll error, you can use the same method as the one for wincomrssrv.dll. First of all, download and unzip Autoruns from the official website of Microsoft. Once it has been downloaded, right click the downloaded Autoruns.exe and select Run as Administrator. Please type startupchecklibrary in the Filter box. After that, view the result. Keep in mind that each File not Found image path is safe to delete.

Malware usually leaves traces behind, even when it is removed by our antivirus program. However, the error named The specified module could not be found  as well as some other ones are not always caused by malware.

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