How to Catch Walking Stick ACNH

In the Animal Crossing New Horizons, you have to be able to catch a walking stick. Do you know how to do that? Since you are reading this article, I guess that you do not know how to catch the walking stick in the game. So, here is the way to catch it.

The Steps to Catch Walking Stick

If you want to catch the Walking Stick in the Animal Crossing New Horizons, first you have to make sure that 20 bugs have been caught by you. If you have not caught them, the Walking Stick will not spawn.

If you have caught 20 bugs, there is a chance for the Walking Stick to spawn on any trees on your island. However, often it spawns on Palm Trees. When you find the Walking Stick in a tree, now the thing that you have to do is to equip your net. To equip it, you are able to press the X button to access your pockets and then you have to choose your net. You are also able to choose it from your Tool Ring.

How to Catch Walking Stick ACNH

After you equip the net, then you have to approach the Walking Stick. It is important for you to know that the Walking Stick will be able to fly away if you move too closely and too quickly. So, make sure that you move slowly. To approach this bug carefully, you have to hold down the A button and then you have to move the Right Stick.

The Steps to Catch Walking Stick

And now, after you have been close enough with the Walking Stick, you have to release the A button to swing your net. And  now, the Walking Stick has been caught with your net.

Some Youtube Videos About Catching the Walking Stick

If you still have no clue about how to catch the Walking Stick in the Animal Crossing New Horizons, you are able to watch some videos about it on Youtube. Here are some of the videos about catching the Walking Stick in ACNH on Youtube.

    • A video from Amalgia LLC entitled ACNH: How to Catch the Walking Stick which was uploaded on March 31st, 2020. The length of the video is 1 minute 30 seconds and it has been watched more than 91k times.
    • A video from King Ryrex entitled How to Catch a Walking Stick | Walking Stick Animal Crossing New Horizons | ACNH Walking Stick which was uploaded on June 25th, 2020. The length of the video is 1 minute 51 seconds and it has been watched more than 42k times.
    • A video from Gamecamiller entitled ACNH: How to Catch the Walking Stick Easy Method! which was uploaded on August 17th, 2020. The length of the video is 6 minutes and it has been watched more than 36k times.
    • A video from DrKendoCommentaries entitled How to Catch the Walking Leaf, Walking Stick, & Cicada Shell in Animal Crossing New Horizons which was uploaded on July 2nd, 2020. The length of the video is 1 minute 47 seconds and it has been watched more than  28k times.
    • A video from Evan Parcher entitled Walking Stick – How to Catch in ACNH which was uploaded on November 9th, 2020. The length of the video is 2 minutes 18 seconds and it has been watched more than 2k times.

About Walking Stick in the Animal Crossing

About Walking Stick in the Animal Crossing

The walking stick in the Animal Crossing is a bug which looks like a stick with legs. This bug was introduced in Wild World and this bug is also known as the stick insect. Finding this bug is a little bit tricky because it may blend in with the tree. This is a rare bug and when this bug is approached, it will fade away with a boop sound. This bug has a counterpart namely the Walking Leaf and it can be found in the Animal Crossing City Folk, New Leaf and New Horizons.

When can we find the Walking Stick? You are able to find the Walking Stick during July to November in the northern hemisphere. However, in the southern hemisphere, you are able to find them from January to May. During these months, you are able to catch the Walking Stick from 4 am to 8 am and 5 pm to 7 pm.

How about the selling price of the Walking Stick? The Walking Stick that you have caught can be sold for 600 Bells at Nook’s Cranny. If you find that there is Flick who is visiting your island, any bugs will be bought by him for 1.5x their normal selling price. So, a Walking Stick can be bought by him for 900 Bells.

Some Other Bugs in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Of course, the Walking Stick is not the only bug that you are able to find in the Animal Crossing New Horizons. There are the other bugs and the total number of bugs is 80 in the Animal Crossing New Horizons. Meanwhile, in the Animal Crossing New Leaf, there are 72 bugs.

Some of those bugs are listed below.

    • Common Butterfly
      The price is 160 and it can be found from January to June and from September to December at 4 am to 7 pm.
    • Yellow Butterfly
      The price is 160 and it can be found from March to June and September to October at 4 am to 7 pm.
    • Tiger Butterfly
      The price is 240 and it can be found from March to September at 4 am to 7 pm.
    • Long Locust
      The price is 200 and it can be found from April to November at 8 am to 7 pm.
    • Mantis
      The price is 430 and it can be found from March to November at 8 am to 5 pm.
    • Orchid Mantis
      The price is 2,400 and it can be found from March to November at   8 am to 5 pm.
    • Honeybee
      The price is 200 and it can be found from March to July at 8 am to 5 pm.
    • Darner Dragonfly
      The price is 230 and it can be found from April to October at 8 am to 5 pm.

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