How to Break Rocks in Animal Crossing

In Animal Crossing New Horizons, you are able to break and move rocks to make your own Rock Garden. Well, let us find out how you are able to break and move rocks by eating fruit to obtain stamina, what items you are able to find by breaking rocks, as well as how you are able to control where the rock will respawn by reading this page.

How to Break Rocks In Animal Crossing New Horizons?

What you need:

    • Axe or Shovel
    • Fruit


    • Get an Axe or Shovel.
    • Eat Fruit to Gain Stamina.
    • Hit and Break the Rock.

Here is explanation of breaking Rocks in Animal Crossing New Horizons step by step:

    • Get an Axe or Shovel 
      Get an Axe or Shovel
      The first thing that you will need is an Axe or Shovel. Any kind will do, so you are able to make a Flimsy Axe or Flimsy Shovel if you have not made one yet.
    • Eat Fruit to Gain Stamina
      Eat Fruit to Gain Stamina
      After that, you have to eat fruit to obtain Stamina that will allow you to break rocks by using a Shovel or an Axe. For your information, the Stamina meter is able to be found on the top left corner of the screen after you eat a fruit.
    • Hit and Break the Rock
      Hit and Break the Rock
      At least with one stamina point, you are able to press A while you are standing next to it with a Shovel or Axe to break a rock. Please ensure that it is not a Money Rock, so you do not lose any bells in the process.

What You Can Find Inside the Rocks?

According to research, these items have been confirmed to be found inside the Rocks. When searching for the items like Iron Nuggets, we highly suggest you to hit rocks without breaking them for getting more items because breaking a rock is going to limit you to only one item.

    • 1 Iron Nugget
    • 1 Stone
    • 8,000 Bells

How to Move Rocks In Animal Crossing New Horizons?

To move the placement of your rocks, first you have to destroy them. You are able to control where they respawn by covering your island with items or fences.

You have to note that this process is long. It may take from hours to days to finish. Also, you are able to time-travel to create the rocks appear faster and speed up the process.

The Rocks Respawn In A Random Spot The Next Day

You have to know that the Rocks in Animal Crossing respawn the next day. And a maximum of 6 Rocks are able to exist on your island at a time. When breaking some Rocks at a time, they are going to reappear one by one each day.

Aside from that, the rocks only appear on the land. In fact, the rocks cannot appear next to buildings, water, cliffs, and infrastructures. Also, rocks do not spawn on the beach.

How To Make A Rock Garden?

How To Make A Rock Garden

After you know the way to break and move the rocks in Animal Crossing, now you may want to know how to make a rock garden. Do not worry, now we are going to share some steps to make a rock garden for you.

Here are steps to make a rock garden:

Step 1: Pick a Location

At the first step, you have to choose a location on your island where you want your Rock Garden to be placed. A 7×5 or 9×7 grid area will be our recommendation as the Rock Garden would contain 6 Rocks in total. Of course, you are free to decorate the Rock Garden to your desire.

Step 2: Destroy All Rocks

The next step to make a rock garden is you have to destroy all the rocks on your island. For this case, you are able to see the previous page on how to break the rocks.

Step 3: Clear Out Rock Spawn Locations

Now, you will need to clear out all the other rock spawn locations to make sure that they only appear at the location you chose.

The rocks will not spawn on locations such as:

    • The Beach
    • The Edge of a River
    • The Edge of the Cliff
    • Next to a Tree
    • Next to a Building
    • On a Hard Path via the Island Designer App (wood, stone, etc.)

Currently, there are two methods for clearing out Rock Spawn locations effectively.

    • Custom Designs
      You have to place down custom designs by using the Island Designer App to prevent the rocks from spawning. Remember to edit and clean up after your Rock Garden is complete with all the rocks.
    • Drop Items
      Also, dropping solid objects on the ground every fourth tile works, since rocks cannot spawn next to physical objects or items. But, you will have to spend several days navigating through an odd maze of your own creation.

About Rocks In Animal Crossing

Rocks are known as giant rocks. They are natural objects that appear in the Animal Crossing series game. Permanent rocks are impassable and also they cannot be destroyed, although in Animal Forest e+ one rock will be able to be removed for a single day to access the Resetti Surveillance Center. Then, games such as Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Animal Crossing: New Horizons feature destructible rocks. For your information, rocks are randomly generated at town creation. The number of rocks varies, from 5 to 10.

Because the rocks are solid objects, so the items cannot be dropped on the space they occupy. Also, the tree will not grow adjacent to them. In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, they obstruct Public Works Projects; the Welcome Amiibo update added the ability for the player to sit on the rocks. There are three species of bugs that occur in the rocks: Centipedes, pill bugs, and house centipedes. These bugs, if present, are just revealed if the rock is struck with an axe or shovel.

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