How to Add or Import .ICS / iCal to Google Calendar

You may want to try to add or import .ICS or iCal to Google Calendar. However, you may not know how to do that. As you know that today if you do not understand about the advance of technology, you will be left behind. So, here we will explain to you how to import or add .ICS to Google Calendar.

Steps to Import an ICS to Google Calendar

If you want to import an ICS calendar file on your computer, you are able to follow the steps below.

  • The first thing that you have to do is to export your events as a file that you are able to import into Google. You are able to export from another calendar application or you are able to export from a different Google account.
  • After you export your events, now you are able to import them into Google Calendar with ICS and CSV files on a PC. To do this, you have to open Google Calendar.
  • Then, you have to click on Settings in the top right and choose Settings.

choose Settings

  • In the menu on the left, you have to click on Import and Export.

click on Import and Export.

  • In this step, you have to click ‘Select File From Your Computer’ and then you have to choose the file that you exported. The files must end in .ics or .csv.

click 'Select File From Your Computer

  • Now, you need to select which calendar to add the imported events to. It is important for you to note that by default, events are imported to your primary calendar.
  • Next, you have to click on Import.
  • In case you have a .zip file, you have to find it on your computer and then open it. You will find .ics files for each of your calendars. Now, you have to take the individual files out of the .zip and then you have to import each .ics file individually.

It is important for you to know that in case you import repeat events from a .csv file, they may not display that way. They will be on your calendar as a series of one-time events.

Exporting From Another Calendar Application

As explained above that if you want to import events to Google Calendar, you have to export your events first. So, how to export events from another Calendar application? You are able to follow the steps below. You can export events from calendar apps like Apple Calendar or Outlook Calendar.

  • The first thing that you have to do is to open the calendar application where your events are currently stored. It is better for you to do this task from a PC than a mobile device because it will be easier.
  • Next thing that you have to do is to find an option to Export.
  • Then, you have to select a file format. In case you can select from different file formats, you can choose CSV. But, if you are able to use an Apple device, you are able to select vCard.

That’s all the steps to export events from another calendar application. If you need help, you are able to check your calendar application’s help center. Alternatively, you are able to try to use the words ‘export calendar’ in your search.

Note that your file is saved on your PC where your downloads are generally saved or in the place you selected when you exported.

Exporting From A Different Google Account

You may have more than one Google account and you want to export your calendars from one account and import them into another. How to do that? You are able to follow the steps below to export your calendars from a different Google account.

  • The first thing that you have to do is to sign in to the Google account that you want to export from. You are able to do it on your PC because you are only able to export from a computer, not a tablet or a phone.
  • Now, you are able to export your calendar.
  • When you export your calendar, you have to download an .ics file to your computer.
  • Now, you have to sign in to the Google account where you want to export.
  • If you want to import your calendar, you have to continue to ‘Create or edit .csv and iCal files before you import’.

It is important for you to note that events which are imported do not stay in sync between your 2 accounts. If you wish that your calendar can sync, you are able to share your calendar with the other account.

Importing an ICS File By Adding URL

You are also able to import an ICS file by adding an URL in Google Calendar. How to do that? You are able to follow the steps below.

  • First, you have to log into your Google Calendar.
  • After that, on the left side of the page, you need to find Other Calendars and then click on the pull down arrow on the right.

find Other Calendars and then click on the pull down arrow on the right

  • Then, click on Add By URL.

click on Add By URL.

  • There, you have to enter the URL of the calendar which you want to subscribe to.
  • Here, you have to click on the Add Calendar and wait for Google to import your events.

Add Calendar and wait for Google to import your events.

Solution If Calendars Not Showing On Mac, iPad and iPhone

You may wonder why the calendar cannot show up on Mac, iPad and iPhone. It is important for you to know that after you have subscribed to a calendar in Google Calendar, it may not show up on your Mac, iPad or iPhone. Why can it happen? It is because Google turns sync off by default for new calendars, especially the ones which are shared. If you face this situation, here is the solution that you can do to fix it.

  • You have to login to Google Calendar in a web browser.
  • Then, you need to change the URL on the browser address line to
  • After that, give a tick to the calendar called ‘Training schedule…’.
  • And at last, you can save it.

It may take a few minutes to wait for calendars to appear. You are able to close and open the calendar app again.

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