Call of Duty Modern Warfare Installation Suspended: How to Fix

Are you getting the installation suspended error when you are playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare? Do not worry as this problem is easy to solve. The best thing that you are able to do is to ensure that you install all the different packs before playing again. If you have already installed the full parts of the game but the error exists, the cause can be entirely something else. In this page, we are going to show you the possible solutions that you are able to try.

What Happens When You Get Call of Duty: Modern Warfare “Install Suspended” Error?

According to research, there are many users of PlayStation5 who reported that they got the installation suspended error when they were installing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. This error seems special to the PlayStation5 as no similar error has been detected for PC or Xbox versions of the game. The issue occurs when trying to load Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, or when trying to install a DLC. In several cases, the install suspended error was also reported in the middle of a campaign, multiplayer or special ops mode.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Installation Suspended How to Fix

How to Fix Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Installation Suspended Error?

By the way, how to fix Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Installation Suspended error? If you are having installation suspended error when playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, you are able to try doing some methods below.

Method 1: Download and install the complete game packs or add-ons

This is the easiest method to fix installation suspended error.

    • At the first step, you have to go to your PlayStation5 Home screen.
    • Spotlight the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare game.
    • After that, you are able to press the D-pad or the left stick down to see the game information.
    • Please scroll down to the PlayStation Store and choose it.
    • Then, choose add-ons. This is going to allow you to view if there are add-ons that are yet to be downloaded. Ensure that you install all required packs for the game

Method 2: Delete the saved game data

As long as you have installed required packs for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare completely, the installation suspended error will not appear again. But if your PlayStation5 continues to show the error, you are able to try deleting the saved game data. Need to note that deleting the saved game data will permanently remove your game progress in the campaign. For this case, you should back up your game data before you do that.

Here are steps to access the System Storage and delete the saved game data:

    • At the first step, you have to open the Settings menu at the top of the dashboard.
    • After that, you are able to choose Storage, then choose System Storage.
    • Now, simply choose the Saved Data.
    • In this step, you need to select a game to access the game’s saved data.
    • Please press the Options button and choose Delete.
    • Please choose the saved data files to remove, and then choose Delete.

Method 3: Re-install the game

If the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare error cannot go away at all, even after installing all the required packs or add-ons and removing your saved game data, there can be a problem with the game files. In this situation, you have to consider deleting and reinstalling the game.

Here are steps to delete a game on your PlayStation5:

    • At the first step, go to the Home screen.
    • After that, choose the Library.
    • Then, you are able to find and highlight the game you want to delete.
    • Please press the Options button on the controller.
    • Now, you are able to choose Delete.

Causes of Install Suspended error on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

The main reason for the install suspended error on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare appears to be running the game while other game packs are incomplete. As we know that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is packaged in some parts and playing the game while there is a missing pack can trigger the problem. The installation suspended error on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare does not mean that your PlayStation5 is broken or the game files are corrupt. Simply, it means that you are trying to play a part of the game which is not installed completely.

Some Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players continue to experience install suspended error even after they have completed the installation of the packs. In this case, the cause can be due to corrupted game files. You will need to re-install the game to solve the issue.

Installing Required Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer Packs on Playstation

Some of you may not know how to install required Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer packs on Playstation. For your information, the best way to install the missing multiplayer packs is from the game itself. You are also able to do it from the Playstation Store.

Here are some steps to install required Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer Packs on Playstation:

    • The first thing that you have to do is to ensure that you have many free internal space on your Playstation, at least 90 GB.
    • Then, you have to open Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Wait until you get to the home screen.
    • Once you are at the screen which contains all modes of the game, you are able to press R3 on your controller to enter into the Manage Installs menu.
    • Inside the Manage Installs menu, select the Modern Warfare Game Packs by using the ribbon above. Then, install all required packs: Multiplayer Pack, Multiplayer Pack 2 and Multiplayer and Special Ops Pack. For note: It is very vital to stay inside the game while those packs are installed.
    • After the required Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer packs are finished installing, you are able to reboot your console.

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