7DS Tier List (Best Characters Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross)

The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is a turn-based free mobile game developed by Netmarble based on the popular anime “The Seven Deadly Sins”. It was first launched in Japan and Korea prior to a global launch in 2020. Even using the cutscenes closely followed ground of animation itself.

The fight consists of two rival teams. The team has 4 main characters and 4 supporting characters. The first three main characters are activated at the beginning of the war. If someone dies the submarine will take over. Each main character is given a help mark to improve the statistics and in some cases to increase the final skill. Could not be done if the same character used more than once in a team.

At the beginning of the battle you will get 7 random cards. The cards represent the skill of the character. When your turn comes, you can do activities equal to the number of life units in your team. Available events:

  • Play a card by tapping
  • Move a card by dragging

Each card has 3 different ratings marked with an asterisk. The more stars, the harder the card. In addition to increasing the power of the pick cards, it sometimes adds strong new effects. To increase the value of a card, two cards of the same rank and row must be placed side by side. This can be done by dragging cards to change the position of the hand or to play cards. This will move all the cards to the left to fill in the blanks.

This character adds 1 point to the last table each time a card is traded, played or moved. When the scales reach 5 points, the character’s last power in the next round is rewarded.

About 7DS Tier List

The most common way to unlock new characters is to spend precious gems or tickets on random Gacha supplies. Some teams have different banners that increase the chances of getting it, some for limited time events like Halloween, and the general banner rate below:

  • SSR : 3%
  • SR : 37%
  • R : 60%

Pulls can be purchased for 3 gems or 30 gems in 10 + 1 packs (11 in total). There are also daily operations that can be used once per gem. Unlock all characters from the pulls. If the character already exists it will become the currency used in the coin store. When you can’t get the SSR team in the 10 + 1 set, you get 20% of the empathy bar. When 100% is obtained, the next set will contain the SSR block. Each banner has its own custom bar.

7DS Grand Cross Tier List – SS Grade

(Holy Knight)

(The Lion Sin of Pride)

(The Goat Sin of Lust)



(Elite Demon) – Unreleased

7DS Grand Cross Tier List – S Grade

(The Grizzly Sin of Sloth)

(Camelot’s sword)

(Ten Commandments)

(Reincarnation of Revenge)

(Knight of Wrath)

(The Boar Sin of Gluttony)



7DS Grand Cross Tier List – A Grade

(Destined Heir)

(Elite Demon)

(The Serpent sin of Envy)

(Ruler of Stormy Seas)

Eren Jaeger
(Cadet Corps)

(Elite Demon)

(Ten Commandments)


(Elite Demon) – unreleased
