What is Fortnite Shared Wallet

Since the Fortnite v20.40 update, there is a new feature which is very useful for all players namely shared wallet. What is it and how to use this shared wallet? You are able to read the explanation about shared wallet in Fortnite here.

Fortnite Shared Wallet Is Explained

Now, you are able to use your V-Bucks across almost all platforms. It can be done by using a single wallet. With this shared wallet, players are permitted to access a single wallet for V-Bucks across all platforms which means that if players have earned and bought some V-Bucks while playing Fortnite on PC, for instance, you are also able to use and spend it on consoles. So, you do not have to worry about migrating from one platform to another because all of them will use this wallet which stores all your V-Bucks.

What is Fortnite Shared Wallet

Using Shared Wallet in Fortnite

How to use this Shared Wallet in Fortnite? According to the DualShockers site, here is the explanation about using Shared Wallet in Fortnite. If you want to use this wallet, you have to make sure that you have an Epic Games account. However, if you do not have it yet, you can make it now. Then, you have to go to the Accounts tab in your profile. After that, you have to click on the Connections and then link your Epic Games account to any platform that you have. It is important for you to note that Shared Wallet in now supported between PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC, Android, and Cloud Gaming.

However, if you have a Nintendo Switch, it seems that for now you cannot use this feature on that platform. Even though there is no explanation when this feature will come up in Nintendo Switch, we hope that it can come soon.

If you have linked the accounts, now your Shared Wallet will be active and you are able to use your V-Bucks on any platforms mentioned earlier. However, you need to know that it will not be implemented to your previously owned V-Bucks before v20.40.

Some FAQs About Fortnite Shared Wallet

According to the Fortnite site, here are some FAQs about Fortnite Shared Wallet.

    • Let’s say that I have bought V-Bucks on a platform that supports Fortnite Shared Wallet. However, I do not see the V-Bucks on another platform that supports Shared Wallet. What do I have to do?
      Answer: If it happens, the thing that you can do is to make sure that the account you are logging into Fortnite with is the similar Epic Games account, or connected to the similar Epic Games account that you use across other platforms. If you want to link your console account to your Epic account, you can use the methods below.
      Here are the steps to link your console account to your Epic Games account using the web and note that you may have to enable pop-up windows on your web browser.

      • First, you have to open the Epic Games website.
      • After that, you have to click on Sign-in which can be found in the top right corner and then you have to sign into your Epic Games account.
      • Now, you have to hover over your display name and then click on the Account.
      • Then, you have to click on the Connections and choose Accounts.
      • You have to click on Connect for the account that you want to link to your Epic account.
      • Here, you have to click on Link Account.
      • Next, there will be a pop-up window which appears and you have to sign in to your console account and confirm that you want to link your account.
      • Then, you must click on Continue.
      • Finally, your Epic Games account is linked to your console account.

And here are the steps to link your console account to your Epic Games account using your console and you may have to enable pop-up windows on your browser.

      • First, you have to launch Fortnite on your console.
      • Then, you need to click on Link An Account.
      • Here, you have to enter the code on this: https://www.epicgames.com/id/activate by using your smartphone or computer.
      • Now, you must click on the Continue button.
      • Then, you have to sign in to your Epic Games account.
      • There will be a confirmation message which will appear and you can play on your console.

However, if you bought V-Bucks through the Microsoft or PlayStation Store, you have to log into Fortnite on the corresponding platform to get them before you access them across all other Shared Wallet platforms.

    • If I find that my purchased V-Bucks do not transfer across all platforms, what do I have to do?
      Answer: First, it is important for you to know that for now Fortnite Shared Wallet is only supported on PlayStation, PC, Xbox, Android, and cloud gaming services. So, your V-Bucks balance may change depending on the platform you are on. Let’s take an example. Let’s say that you bought 1,000 V-Bucks on PC. So, if you play Fortnite on other platforms such as PS, PC, Xbox, Android and cloud gaming services, it will display 1,000 V-Bucks. However, if you access Fortnite on Nintendo Switch, it will display 0 V-Bucks because this platform does not support Shared Wallet. Now, let’s take another example. Let’s say that you bought 1,000 V-Bucks on your Nintendo Switch. Then, it will display 0 V-Bucks on PlayStation, PC, Xbox, Android, and cloud gaming services. However, in your Nintendo Switch, it will display 1,000 V-Bucks. How about buying 1,000 V-Bucks on PS and earning 500 V-Bucks from unlocking Battle Pass tiers on any platform. If this is the case, it will display 1,500 V-Bucks on PS, PC, Xbox, Android, and cloud gaming services, but it will only display 500 V-Bucks on Nintendo Switch.

Well, that’s the explanation about Fortnite Shared Wallet and also how to use it. I also give you two questions and Answers about this new feature above according to the Epic Games site. Hopefully, this information can make you understand about using the Shared Wallet in Fortnite.

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