Gloom BitLife Gold Digger

This page will explain about the BitLife Gold Digger challenge. If you want to complete the Gold Digger challenge, you should read this entire article. Here we are going to show you what you need to do for completing the Gold Digger challenge with as little effort as possible.

BitLife Gold Digger Challenge Overview

The BitLife Gold Digger challenge is harder than the other BitLife challenges put together. This is an extremely tricky challenge that boils down to earn $1 Million total from divorce settlements, and divorce settlements alone. You must not get a job during this time, and any money you earn through other means like inheritances from deceased family members or loved ones, or money earned by selling other items. However, that is not the trickiest part of this challenge because you are going to find out soon. The easiest part of this challenge is owning any Lamborghini model available from the car dealer. To get the challenge done through the minimum of four marriages, most players will need more than four marriages and next divorces to get things right. Because of that, we will be focusing on the rather complicated process of marrying the right people while managing your bank account at the same time.

BitLife Gold Digger Challenge – Here’s Guide

BitLife Gold Digger Challenge Rules

Let us take a look at the rules for this BitLife Gold Digger challenge!

    • You never have a job
    • You marry 3+ times
    • You have to get $1 Million from spouses through divorce
    • You must have a Lamborghini

BitLife Gold Digger Challenge – Here’s Guide

When you start your next character, it does not matter what gender you select or which country you start out with. Now, we are going to recommend starting in a country which is popular for being the first world and having a lot of money. After that, you are able to roll your character and try to start out with at least 70 percent in the looks department. We are going to be looking to marry rich people, so we will need to bring something to the table.

Please bring your character to age 8 – 9. And you have to get the choice to go for Walks (do speed walking and go for a long time) and also do Martial Arts. You want to ensure to do each of these, at least once to start raising your looks even higher. Always keep all of your other stats as high as possible by going to the movies and also studying in the school. To get some early money, you are able to do Freelance Gigs to earn enough money to purchase a ring and get to the gym after you are out of school.

At around age 12 years, you are going to get the choice to go to the Gym. Please be sure to start doing that and continue aging up. After you get to 18 years old and out of high school, then you are able to start going to the Love menu and using the Dating Application. You have to max out the age limit and the desired income choice. Afterwards, you have to try finding someone where the money bar is full or almost full.

After you have got your potential partner, just go ahead and lay on the charm. You are able to use the Compliment, Conversation, Spend Time, Movie Theater, and Make Love options with them. After you have got your relationship meter maxed out, then you are able to go ahead and get married. Propose to them, of course you will need a ring. After that, you have to get married all in the same year. Now, you are going to have two options, you are able to kill them or just age up until they die of old age. For your information, the old age method is safer, however you need to get divorced several times so you have to do that quickly.

The money you get here will not count, however you need to do this so your potentially rich partner will not want to sign a prenup. Therefore, now that you are hopefully rich, and you are going to look for another rich person to marry. The next step that you have to do is to play the charm game again and then get married. After you get married, you need to buy several high-cost houses. You need to make it so you do not have very low net worth. After you buy the house, then you have to give it away to a daughter, son, your partner, or a friend. Now that you look broke, age a few years and then get divorced. Afterwards, you have to repeat this process a few times until you have accumulated a million dollars. Also, you must have enough money at this point to buy a Lamborghini from a Car Dealer.

About BitLife Game

Some of you may not know about the game of BitLife. In this paragraph, we are going to share some information about the BitLife game. For your information, BitLife: Life Simulator, is a mobile life simulator game made by CandyWriter on September 29, 2018. The game of BitLife: Life Simulator uses a text-based format to try and make a somewhat accurate simulator while still having a strong level of playability and pessimistic humor. Based on the research, the game has already risen to be one of the most downloaded applications in the Google Play Store and App Store in the year 2019. In October 2018, the application made its official accounts on Twitter and Reddit. And in February 2019, it launched a channel on YouTube. Later, on October 18, 2019, BitLife started selling their merchandise.

We get information that on September 30th, 2021, Candywriter announced BitLife’s first spin-off game (indicating that BitLife: Life Simulator will be a series of games, not a one-off), called DogLife. It focuses on the player controlling a dog instead of a human character. Candywriter will continue to update those games later on.

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