What Does Wordle Score Mean?

Your social media feeds probably are being plastered with the little yellow and green boxes of Wordle scores. There are many of your friends sharing their Wordle numbers on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and now you are curious what the Wordle score means. Well, here is all you need to know.

What Does Your Wordle Score Mean?

You have to know that there are two numbers you get when you complete the Wordle of the day and hit ‘Share’. The first number is the Wordle number and the second number is the number of tries you took to guess the word correctly. If you look at it in passing, it probably looks like the first number is the number of seconds you took to guess the word, and the second number is the number of tries. However, the first number is more similar to a serial number. It only shows which Wordle you are in.

Per day, only one Wordle puzzle is released. Therefore, the first Wordle, which Josh Wardle released to the public in October 2021, would be Wordle 1, that denoting it is the Wordle game #1. If you got it right in four tries, your result would have said ‘Wordle 1 4/6′. Yes, here 4/6 denotes ‘attempts used’ or total attempts available’. Likewise, if you completed the Wordle game for 7 January 2022 that was Wordle game #203 in four tries, then your result would be ‘Wordle 203 4/6’. In another example, if you took 3 tries for Wordle released on 22 January 2022, then the score would be ‘Wordle 217 3/6.

Sharing Wordle Score on Facebook on PC – Here’s Way

Sharing your Wordle score on Facebook on PC is easy.

Here are some steps you can do to share your Wordle score on Facebook on PC:

    • First, you are able to visit Wordle’s website.
    • After that, click the Leaderboards icon on the upper right-hand side of the page.
    • Then, click Share. This is going to copy the results to your clipboard.
    • Please open another browser tab on your browser and visit facebook.com. Please log in with your account if you are logged out.
    • On your profile homepage, you are able to click on the typing area marked by the text What’s on your mind.
    • Afterwards, press Ctrl+V from your keyboard to paste the copied result from the Wordle site.
    • With the results pasted, just click Post.
    • Finally, your Wordle score will be posted on your Facebook timeline. Your friends will be able to see it, as allowed by your sharing settings.

What Does Wordle Score Mean

Sharing Wordle Score on Facebook on Phone – Here’s Way

Sharing your Wordle score on Facebook on the phone is also easy.

Here are some steps you can do to share your Wordle score on Facebook on phone:

    • Firstly, open any browser on your Android phone or iPhone.
    • After that, you are able to visit Wordle’s website.
    • Then, you have to tap the Leaderboards icon near the top right corner of your browser window.
    • Now, you need to tap SHARE.
    • Please swipe left until you view Facebook as a sharing option. And tap on the Facebook icon.
    • Please tap Next.
    • Also, tap Share. In addition, you are able to change sharing options based on your preferences.
    • Finally, your Wordle score has been successfully posted.

Why Wordle Score Numbers Important?

In fact, the numbers are the key reason for Wordle’s fame. Because there is only one Wordle puzzle per day for everyone, we are all competing against each other, across the globe, to guess the word the fastest in the least number of tries. Another reason for Wordle’s growth in fame is that it is free-to-play and everyone gets the same challenge every day.

The Asterisk in Wordle Score – What Does It Mean?

In all trials, the asterisk only showed up in your score if you played the game on Hard mode. Need to note, Hard mode will force the players to use every letter which has been revealed in a previous answer in their next guess. You are going to see the same Wordle result with Hard mode off, and with Hard mode switched on. Keep in mind that the asterisk just shows up when you play with Hard mode active. So, how to enable Hard mode on Wordle? To find out that information, you are able to continue reading the text below.

Enable Hard Mode in Wordle to Get the Asterisk in Your Score – Here’s Way

Now, you may want to try enabling Hard mode in Wordle to get the Asterisk show up in your score.

Here are some steps to do that:

    • At the first step, you are able to visit the Wordle homepage.
    • After that, click on the Settings icon at the right top.
    • Now, you are able to click or tap on the toggle for ‘Hard mode’ to turn it on for your current session.
    • Need to note: Simply playing on Normal mode according to the rules of Hard mode is not adequate to obtain the coveted asterisk next to your score. Finishing the game quickly on normal mode while following hard mode rules does not net the asterisk either, from your trials.
    • In this case, you have to switch on Hard mode to get that asterisk on your score.

Does Wordle Number Denote Date and Month?

Some of you may think that Wordle number denotes date and month. Of course, no. As we explained above, the first 3-digit number is the game number, while the second number shows the attempts taken or total attempts.

Common Misconceptions About the Wordle Numbers

Actually, the numbers only indicate what Wordle number you played and how many tries you took to guess the correct word. The numbers do not show how much time you took to get the right answer, how long you took on each guess, or how close you were to each guess. There is no timer. So, you have to keep that in mind when you play the game, and you will do much better.

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