ShackledCraft Forums

What can we see in the ShackledCraft Forums? In the Forums section, when I accessed it, there were not many threads. There are only about seven titles of threads where the first post was on July 21st, 2017 and the last post was on September 6th, 2021.

In the list below, you are able to read the titles of the threads in the ShackledCraft Forums.

    • ShackledCraft Rules
      It was posted on July 21st, 2017 and it has been viewed more than 4 million times.
    • ShackledCraft Record
      It was posted on July 22nd, 2017 and it has been viewed more than 8k times.
    • ShackledCraft Release, Updates and More
      It was posted on December 1st, 2020 and it has been viewed more than 152k times.
    • New Player Record & Server Maintenance
      It was posted on January 25th, 2021 and it has been viewed more than 125k times.
    • Plot World Reset & Some Updates
      It was posted on April 12th, 2021 and it has been viewed more than 46k time.s
    • Finally, some good news!
      It was posted on May 19th, 2021 and it has been viewed more than 153k times.
    • Summer Season’s Base Competition
      It was posted on September 6th, 2021 and it has been viewed more than 121k times.

ShackledCraft Forums

About ShackledCraft Rules

As you have read above, one of the titles of threads in the ShackledCraft forums is ShackledCraft Rules. So, here is the information that is posted on that thread.

There are a number of rules that you have to follow on ShackledCraft and if you fail to do it, it will result in 3 punishments as you can read below.

    • Punishment 1: You will get the original mute/ban.
    • Punishment 2: You will get 2x the original mute/ ban (depending on the rule)
    • Punishment 3: You will get 3x the original mute/ban (depending on the rule)
    • Punishment 4: You will get 4x the original mute/ban (depending on the rule)

Here are the chat offenses in ShackledCraft and if you do not follow one or more of the rules, you are able to appeal your punishment at

    • Advertising
      It includes advertising of websites or services of any kind not related to ShackledCraft. The punishment is a 1 week mute and permanent ban.
    • Provoking spam/ Msg spam
      If you provoke or promote other players to type something in chat or private message which ends up spamming chat for other players or staff members, you will be punished with 15m mute, 30m mute, 45m mute and 1 hour mute.
    • Chat Flood
      It includes the use of similar characters continuously. The punishment is 15 m mute, 30m mute, 45m mute and 1 hour mute.
    • General Harassment
      If you intimidate players in a rude or unfair manner, you will get punishment in the form of 1 hour mute, 2 hour mute, 1 day mute and permanent mute.
    • Sexual Harassment
      If you make unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks, the punishment can be 1 hour mute, 2 hour mute, 1 day mute and permanent mute.
    • Racism
      If you use any comment that would offend someone based on their religion, race, or background, you may get punishment in the form of 1 hour mute, 2 hour mute, 1 day mute and permanent mute.
    • Disrespect
      If you give any comment that would make a player or staff member feel under appreciated or bad about themselves, the punishment can be 12 hour mute, 1 day mute, 2 day mute and permanent mute.
    • Impersonation and Backseating
      If a player impersonates a staff member or player in the community, the punishment can be 15m, 30m, 1 hour mute and 1 day mute.

And here are in-game offenses according to the ShackledCraft forum.

    • Glitching
      It includes abusing a bug or error on the server that gives you an unfair advantage. The punishment can be 1 day ban, 1 day ban, 1 week ban and permanent ban. If you want to report a bug, you are able to make a post in the glitch/ bugs section.
    • Hacking
      It includes the use of a hacked client or client-side mod that gives you an unfair pvp advantage. The punishment for this action is blacklist.
    • Macros
      It includes the use of a Macro mod that gives you an unfair advantage. The punishment can be 2 day ban, 4 day ban, 8 day ban and permanent ban.
    • Personal Info
      It includes posting someone’s real name, skype, address or the same within chat. The punishment for this action is permanent ban.
    • Threats
      It includes threats to a player to hack or kill etc to someone specific. The punishment for this action is permanent ban.
    • IP Loggers/ Scam Links
      It includes giving links that track down the Ips of players and/or giving links that their scam or hack your computer. The punishment for this action is permanent ban.
    • Alting (While Banned)
      It includes the use of an alternate account to bypass a ban. The punishment for this action is permanent ban.
    • Alting (While Muted)
      It includes the use of an alternate account to bypass a mute. The punishment is double the mute time.
    • Constant Toxicity
      It includes harassing, breaking rules, or scamming; disrupting the peace in general. Sometimes, first and second punishments may be skipped if the offense is severe enough. The punishment is 1 day, 1 week and permanent ban.
    • Chargeback
      It includes charging back on your donation to the server. It does not guarantee your money will be refunded and the punishment for this action is permanent ban.
    • Advertising Youtube or Twitch
      It includes advertising a Youtube video, channel stream or a twitch stream featuring other servers than ShackledCraft and the IP of that server. It is important for you to note that videos or streams on ShackledCraft are permitted. The punishment is permanent ban.
    • Botting
      It includes flooding the server with bots to spam. The punishment depends on the situation and a shorter ban may be given.

About Summer Season’s Base Competition

As you read above, one of the posts in the ShackledCraft forums is Summer Season’s Base Competition. It was posted on September 6th, 2021 and there they announced the results of the Summer Season’s Base Competition. They announced that the winner of the Summer Season Competition was clan iAle.

There, they also announced that your task in the Fall Season Competition is simple where you have to create the best-looking and wealthiest clan base on the server and submit it. Some of the rewards are Diamond SOTS Kit for the next season, 10x Spawner of choice, 10x Crate key of your choice and many more.

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