Secret Recipe List: How to Get Gold Ornaments Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH)

In Animal Crossing New Horizon, you are able to find and get ornaments such as red, blue and gold ornaments. But, how to get the ornaments in the game, especially the gold ornaments? Here, we will explain about it for you.

Getting the Gold Ornaments

If you want to get the gold ornaments, you have to shake the pine trees and then you will see they fall out of the trees. You can do it during the Holiday season from December 15th to January 6th. You are able to shake the tree on and on to get an unlimited amount of ornaments, but if there have been 10 ornaments which fall to the ground, they will stop spawning, So, you are able to get those 10 ornaments and then go back to shake the tree.

How to Get Gold Ornaments Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH)

It is important for you to know that when you shake the tree, the Gold variant is relatively uncommon. So, the blue or red ones may fall more frequently. Usually, for every 10 ornaments, there is one Gold ornament.

It is important for you to note before you shake a pine tree that only pine trees with decorations on them that can give you ornaments. Ornaments will not be dropped by Fruit-bearing deciduous trees and coconut trees. If you think that your island is rather low on pine trees, you are able to consider planting some of them in advance.

You are able to see how others get ornaments in the game by watching videos on Youtube about it. Here are the videos that you are able to watch.

  • A video of AbdallahSmash026 entitled How to Get Infinite Ornaments Easy & 10 Decorated Tree Facts In Animal Crossing New Horizons which premiered on December 14th, 2020. The duration of the video is 10 minutes and 56 seconds and it has been watched more than 65k times.
  • A video of AbdallahSmash026 entitled All Ornament Items & How to Get Them Easy In Animal Crossing New Horizons which premiered on December 15th, 2020. The duration of the video is 13 minutes and it has been watched more than 109k times.
  • A video of Mayor Mori entitled Animal Crossing New Horizons 14 Ornament Items Revealed & Festive Tree Lights (Winter Update Items) which was uploaded on December 14th, 2020. The duration of the video is 5 minutes and 35 seconds and it has been watched more than 82k times.

The List Of DIY Recipe

In ACNH games, there is a festive season where you are able to get special holiday-themed DIY recipes. You will see that from December 15th to January 6th, the pine tree is decorated to celebrate the holidays. And as explained above that if you shake the decorated pine trees, it will drop ornaments including blue, red, and gold ornaments. And those ornaments can be the materials for making something.

During this period, you have a chance to gather seasonal recipes by shooting down balloons with your slingshot. Since you can only get the recipes during this event period, if you miss some of them, it means that you must time travel or ask your friends to get help. So, what are the recipes? You are able to check them below.

  • Festive Rug

You are able to make it by using these materials: 5 Red Ornaments, 5 Blue Ornaments, and 5 Gold Ornaments.

  • Festive Top Set

It can be crafted by using 2 Gold Ornaments and 1 Hardwood.

  • Big Festive Tree

You can make it by using these materials: 6 Red Ornaments, 6 Blue Ornaments, 4 Gold Ornaments, 5 Wood, and 5 Clay.

  • Festive Tree

It can be crafted by using 3 Red Ornaments, 3 Blue Ornaments, 2 Gold Ornaments, and 5 Wood.

  • Illuminated Present

You are able to make it by 3 Red Ornaments, 4 Gold Ornaments, and 3 Iron Nuggets.

  • Illuminated Snowflakes

The things that you need to make it are 9 Blue Ornaments and 3 Iron Nuggets.

  • Illuminated Reindeer

You need 6 Gold Ornaments and 5 Iron Nuggets to make an Illuminated Reindeer.

  • Illuminated Tree

The things that you need to make this item are 8 Red Ornaments, 8 Blue Ornaments, 6 Gold Ornaments and 5 Iron Nuggets.

  • Holiday Candle

It can be made by using 5 Red Ornaments and 5 Weeds.

  • Jingle Wall

The things that you need for making this item are 5 Red Ornaments, 5 Blue Ornaments, 5 Gold Ornaments and 5 Clay.

  • Ornament Wreath

The materials that you need for making this item are 6 Blue Ornaments and 2 Gold Ornaments. It is important for you to know that you will be given this DIY recipe by Isabelle during her morning announcements. However, you are able to shoot it down from balloons if you want.

  • Ornament Mobile

The materials that you need for making an Ornament Mobile are 1 Red Ornament, 1 Blue Ornament, 1 Gold Ornament and 4 Tree Branches.

  • Tabletop Festive Tree

The materials that you need for making it are 5 Gold Ornaments, 3 Tree Branches and 2 Clay.

As you are able to see in the list above, gold ornaments are used in 11 recipes including Festive Rug, Festive Top Set, Big Festive Tree, Festive Tree, Illuminated Present, Illuminated Reindeer, Illuminated Tree, Jingle Wall, Ornament Wreath, Ornament Mobile and Tabletop Festive Tree.

About Festive Season

Festive Season in Animal Crossing: New Horizon is an event which lasts from December 15th to January 6th. During this season, you will see that the decorated cedar trees can drop ornaments. The ornaments which can drop including red ornaments, blue ornaments and gold ornaments. The red and blue ones have a 7.5% drop chance. How about the gold one? The gold ornament has a 5% drop chance.

There are a total of 14 ornaments that you are able to collect from a tree from both sides. It is important to know that there is no limit and an infinite spawn of ornaments per cedar tree. The ornaments that you got from the decorated trees can be used for crafting special seasonal DIY recipes. If you want to get ornaments, make sure that you shake the decorated pine trees because the pine trees without decoration will not drop anything.

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