Monster Hunter Rise Best Palico Support Type

If you are playing Monster Hunter Rise, you may want to know the best Palico Support Type. Here, you can read the information about the best Palico Support type and anything else related to Monster Hunter Rise Palico.

All 5 Palico Support Types in Monster Hunter Rise

Palico has 5 support styles in Monster Hunter Rise. According to the Gamer Tweak site, here are 5 Palico support types in Monster Hunter Rise.

    • Assist
      This support type will be able to assist you during fights where it will place traps that can hinder the movement of the monster. At these moments, you are able to obtain a lot of benefits and chances to attack.
    • Bombardier
      This support type set off bombs. It is done to attack monsters that you are trying to fight. It will be easier to hunt down the monster with explosives when the monsters are heavily armored and other attacks cannot work.
    • Fight
      Fight support types
      If you need a fighter to be able to fight beside you, you will need this support type because it will do that for you. You can have this support type if you think that you need a strong ally during combat and they will also get attack boost when they are at it.
    • Gathering
      This support type has a power which is unique. The uniqueness is that they are able to collect precious items while you are traveling around in the map. Let’s say that you think you may miss out on any precious and high quality items. If so, you are able to go for this Gathering support type. This support type will be useful when you need rare materials while crafting some amazing gear.
    • Healer
      Healer support types
      This support type has the ability to help you heal if you take too much damage during combat. Are you newly getting into this genre or into the Monster Hunter franchise? If so, this is the best Palico support type you can go for. If you have this support type, your recovery will be easier.

The Best Palico Support Type in Monster Hunter Rise

According to the Game8 site, Healer is the best option for new players. For confident hunters, you can choose Assist. When you are farming materials, you are able to switch to Gathering. Here is the explanation about the best Palico support type in Monster Hunter Rise according to the Game8.

    • Healer: The Best Choice for New Players
      Healer The Best Choice for New Players
      Are you new to Monster Hunter and you do not know which type of the support type which will be suitable for you? If so, you can choose Healer. Healing items will be able to be created by Palicoes with Healer moves which is able to mean the difference between life and cart. Let’s say that you run out of healing items or you are inflicted with a status ailment all of sudden. If so, you will want to have a Healing Palico on your side. If you specialize your Palico to be a healer, it will guarantee a great contribution as Palamutes already serve as attackers, and are not able to use healing techniques.
    • Assist: The Best Choice for Experienced Players
      Assist The Best Choice for Experienced Players
      The amount of trap items which can be used by a hunter is limited. You also need to note that these items take time and preparation to set up. If you have a partner who is able to create chances to disable Monsters in the middle of battle and make them vulnerable to attacks, it is the most a hunter could possibly ask for. If you have reached level 20, Poison Purr-ison will be learnt by an Assist Palico where it is able to be used together with items such as the Large Barrel Bomb to deal heavy damage. You are able to provide some balance in the style of support and it can be done by having an Assist -type Palico with one or two Healer Equipped Moves which also give some defensive coverage.
    • Gathering: The Best Choice for Material Farming
      Gathering The Best Choice for Material Farming
      You can choose Gathering Support Type when you are out in the field to gather items for your next hunt. It is important for you to know that Gathering Support Type Palicos have a higher rate of items collected at the end of the hunt. When level 20 is reached by the Gathering Palico, they are also able to begin to get materials from large monsters with the Gathering Equipped Move, Pilfer. However, the important thing that you have to be aware of is that you must be careful when you are fighting monsters with a Gathering Palico because they may be vulnerable to monster attacks and you may end up not collecting anything.

Is It Possible to Change Support Type in Monster Hunter Rise?

You may wonder whether it is possible to change the support type in Monster Hunter Rise or not. Well, as explained on the Game8 site that for now, it is impossible to change the support type for a Palico. If you want to make a strong bond with your initially chosen Palico, you have to make sure to choose the Support Type which will be suitable with your playing style.

Let’s say that you are not happy with your chosen Support Type. If so, training a new Palico can be done by you so that you are able to try recruiting one with your ideal Support Type and Equipped Moves at the Buddy Scout in Buddy Plaza.

Monster Hunter Rise Best Palico Support Type

Palico Equipped Moves

According to the Game8 site, here are Palico equipped moves.

    • Healer Palico Equipped Moves: Herbaceous Healing, Healing Bubble, Vase of Vitality, Furbidden Acorn, and Health Horn.
    • Assist Palico Equipped Moves: Felyne Silkbind; Go, Fight, Win; Summeown Endemic Life; Shock Purr-ison; and Poison Purr-ison.
    • Fight Palico Equipped Moves: Rousing Roar, Whirlwind Assault, Power Drum, Fleet-foot Feat, and Furr-ious.
    • Bombardier Palico Equipped Moves: Felyne Wyvernblast, Zap Blast Spinner, Anti-Monster Mine, Flash Bombay and Giga Barrel Bombay.
    • Gathering Palico Equipped Moves: Endemic Life Barrage, Mega Boomerang, Camouflage, Shock Tripper and Pilfer.

That’s the information that I can give to you about Palico’s support type, Palico’s best support type and also Palico equipped moves.

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