Lost Infinity Stones Mod 1.12 2 Update

For those who are looking for information about Lost Infinity Stones Mod 1.12 2 update, you need to read this whole article. Here we are going to discuss it. Also, we are going to talk about other information related to Lost Infinity Stones Mod 1.12 2.

Overview – Lost Infinity Stones Mod 1.12 2

Formerly, Lost Infinity Stones mod was supposed to be for the Superhero server of SuumCW. But, now it turns out to be an open mod. With this mod, you will be able to add Infinity Stones to your Minecraft World. With Lucraft Core, you are able to get all the Infinity Stones easily. If you want to get the Infinity Gauntlet, you have to find out the way to get it by yourself.


    • Owner: Forge_User_55243345
    • Game Version: 1.12.2
    • Last Update: May 20
    • Total Downloads: 142, 447

Lost Infinity Stones Mod 1.12.2 Update

Apparently, there are some new features of Lost Infinity Stones mod. These include:

    • Each Lost Infinity Stone added in the Infinity Gauntlet.
    • Each Lost Infinity Stone has its power.
    • There you will be able to stop the time.
    • You will be able to warp reality.
    • You will be able to shoot the power beams.

All new features of Lost Infinity Stones mod are very helpful to boost the Lucraft mod.

Lost Infinity Stones Mod 1.12 2 Update

Based on the research, there are two versions of Infinity Stones mod:

    • The first version of Infinity Stones mod is Infinity Stones mod 1.3.
    • The second version of Infinity Stones mod is Infinity Stones mod 1.4.

As explained above, the last update of Lost Infinity Stones was on May 20. If we look at the date of the last time it was updated, it seems like this mod is abandoned. Maybe, its default file will not work with the recent version of Minecraft. In fact, there is no official announcement if this mod is out of date. Also, the author has not marked it as abandoned. Although this mod is no longer maintained, you are still able to find it on Curse Forge. To go to the page of Infinity Stones mod on Curse Forge, just visit this link here.

Trying the Lost Infinity Stones Mod 1.12.2

To try this mod, when you are on the page of the Lost Infinity Stones Mod 1.12.2, you are able to scroll down where you are able to see the two files. The first file is Infinity Stones mod 1.3. The second file is Infinity Stones mod 1.4. Press the orange download button to get any file. By pressing the button, you are going to be directed to the page where you are able to download the file. Because the file may harm your computer, you are going to be asked whether you want to keep continuing the process or to discard it.

To use the Infinity Stones mod, you need Lucraft Core 2.1.2. Also, you need the newest Heroes Expansion. The Lucraft Core is explained as new base materials. It is utilized for other mods like Infinity Stones mod. It has an API to add superpowers like the Speedforce from SpeedsterHeroes and create them using keybinds. Several items such as the Anti-Superpower Serum or the Superpower Capsule are the ways to get rid or change the superpower.

Getting the Lucraft Core 2.1.2

To get the Lucraft Core 2.1.2, you have to go to the page of Lucraft Core on Curse Forge. Once you are there, you are able to find the section where the files are located. For your information, the recent files of this mod are divided into 3: Minecraft 1.12, Minecraft 1.10, and Minecraft 1.8. Probably, the Lucraft Core 2.1.2 refers to Minecraft 1.12.2. In this one, there are two files to choose from. The first one is LucraftCore-1.12.2-2.4.16.jar. It was added on July 7, 2021. The second one is LucraftCore-1.12-1.2.3.jar. It was added on October 1, 2017. You are able to get the first or the second one by pressing the orange download button located at the right side of the page. By doing that, the file will be downloaded immediately.

Another mod with the infinity Stones – Infinity Craft

Talking about the infinity stones, there is another mod with the infinity stones. The name of that mod is Infinity Craft. According to the research, it was made on January 16, 2018. Since the mod was updated, it has been downloaded over 400,000 times. The Infinity Craft is able to be used to add the six Infinity Stones from Marvel to the Minecraft game. Like the Infinity Stones mod, it also needs Lucraft Core. You are able to get the Lucraft Core by doing the steps explained before.

In Infinity Craft, there are several stones. Each of them has different abilities.

  • Power Stone

Power stone is the first stone in Infinity Craft. The stone has almost unlimited attack damage with the hand. Also, it has almost unlimited resistance and has energy blasts with almost unlimited attack damage.

  • Reality Stone

The second stone in Infinity craft is Reality Stone. It has the ability of invisibility and size changing.

  • Soul Stone

Soul Stone is the third stone in Infinity craft. It has nearly unlimited health. Also, it is fast healing and has snap if all the stones are in the Gauntlet.

  • Time Stone

The fourth stone in Infinity craft is the Time Stone.

  • Mind Stone

The fifth stone in Infinity craft is Mind Stone. It has the ability to fly.

  • Space Stone

The last stone in Infinity craft is Space Stone

For your information, Infinity Craft has two versions: Minecraft 1.12 which was added to the platform on April 30, 2020, and Minecraft 1.7 which was added on January 16, 2018. If you want to get one of the versions, you are able to follow the same way as the way to get the two mods above. It will be easy to get any version if you follow all the steps correctly.

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