How to Teleport in Minecraft with Command Block

Getting lost in the game called Minecraft can be frustrating whether you are in a single player world of a multiplayer one. While it can be an annoying experience, sometimes it can also be deadly. Fortunately, as a player, you are allowed to travel from one place to another. Here is everything that you will have to know to easily teleport to a certain place in the game with a command block.

Supported platforms of teleporting

The /teleport command is available in some versions of Minecraft, such as:

    • Java Edition (PC/Mac) (1.10)
    • Pocket Edition (0.16.0)
    • Xbox One (1.2)
    • PS4 (1.14.0)
    • Nintendo Switch (1.5.0)
    • Windows 10 Edition (0.16.0)
    • Education Edition

Do take note that the Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10 Edition are now known as Bedrock Edition.

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Requirements to use the teleport feature

In order to run the game command in the game, you will have to turn cheats on in your world.

Steps to teleport in Minecraft on PC

  • The first thing that you will need to do is to launch Minecraft on your computer and select a world that you want to load.
launch Minecraft on your computer
  • Then, click on the option saying “Single player” and then choose the creative world to load. You can also load the new world by choosing the Create New World option that is located at the bottom of the screen. Keep in mind that the creative world should have the cheats enabled.
click on the option saying “Single player
  • The next thing is to click on the Play Selected World option so that the selected world will be loaded. To make a new world, you will have to make sure that you select “Creative mode”. Now it is time for you to click on the Creative New World option for the second time to load the world.
selected world will be loaded
  • In the fourth step, you should determine the place that you want to teleport to. There are a few coordinates in the game: X, Y, and Z. They are really useful to find the location of a certain player. The X one is located to the east or west of the spawn point. The Y one is known as the elevation, which is located right above the bedrock. As for the Z one, it is to the north or south of the spawn point. Remember that Y:63 is the sea level and your current coordinates in the game are able to be seen by pressing the keys combination F3, Fn+F3 for Windows and Mac, or Alt+Fn+F3 for those who use newer Mac systems.
should determine the place that you want to teleport to
  • After choosing a coordinate, it is the perfect time for you to load the console by using the “/” key on your keyboard.
  • In the teleport command, please enter “teleport name x y z” into the console. Do not forget that the “name” should be replaced with your username and the “X” should be replaced with the east or west coordinate to where you want to travel. Just like “X”, both “Y” and “Z” also have to be replaced to vertical coordinate and north or south coordinate respectively. Here is what the command might look like: /teleport mineuser 0 23 65. The distance will rise towards either the east or south when you choose a positive value for “X” and “Z”. On the other hand, the distance will rise towards the west of north if the negative value is used.
  • Once everything is done, the last thing that you will have to do is to press Enter and your character will be teleported to the chosen coordinates.

Teleporting players in Minecraft

What makes teleporting in Minecraft more fun is the fact that they allow teleporting a player to another one. Here is the example of the command that you can use. If you want to teleport Evans to Sam, the command that you can use is /teleport Evans Sam.

Some other commands in Minecraft

  • Help: /help [CommandName]

This one is used to provide more information on the given command.

  • Give: /give <Player> <Item> [Amount]

This one is used to give another player an item from the inventory. For instance, the command /give PCGamesN Minecraft:planks 13 will give you PCGamesN 12 Spruce Wood Planks.

  • Kill: /kill

This one is used to kill your character, adding the name of the player will apply the command to them.

  • Weather: /weather WeatherType

This one allows you to select the weather or your world.

  • Creative mode: /gamemode creative

This one can change the gamemode to Creative mode, the one mode that allows player flight, unlimited resources and stop mobs attacking you.

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  • Survival mode: /gamemode survival

This one changes the gamemode to Survival mode.

  • Set time: /time set 1000

This one sets the time to day. Feel free to change the 1000 with anything you want.

  • Change difficulty to Peaceful: /difficulty peaceful

It will change the difficulty to Peaceful mode.

  • Find the seed code: /seed

It will produce a code for your world.

  • Keep inventory when you die: /gamerule keepInventory true

It will make sure that you do not lose your items after dying.

  • Stop time: /gamerule doDaylightCycle false

It will stop the day or light cycle of the game.

  • Summon: /summon

It will instantly drop a desired creature or object into your world.

  • Altantis mode: /atlantis

It will dramatically raise the water level or the world.

  • Ride: /ride

It will turn the creature that you are facing into a mount.

  • Instant mine: /instantmine

It is one click mining with any tool.

  • Freeze: /freeze

It will stop mobs from attacking.

  • Fall damage: /falldamage

It will switch fall damage on and off.

  • Fire damage: /firedamage

It will switch fire damage on and off.

  • Water damage: /waterdamage

It will switch water damage on and off.

  • Smelt item: /superheat

It will turn all items into smelted form.

  • Instant plant: /instantplant

it can delete the time of waiting around for a planted seed to grow.

  • Store items: /dropstore

It will store all inventory items into a chest.

  • Item damage: /itemdamage

It will make the weapons no longer get damage or degrade.

  • Duplicate: /duplciate

 It will copy and drop the item stack that you have been equipped with.

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