Aside from purchasing the Graceful outfit from Grace in Rogues’ Den beneath The Toad and Chicken in Burthorpe, you can also recolor it with available color. Of course, before you are able to recolor the Graceful outfit, there are plenty of requirements that you should complete.
Well, let’s learn how to recolor the Graceful outfit in the OSRS game!
Recoloring Graceful Outfit, Here’s the Guide!
Here are the requirements to recolor Graceful outfit:
- Get 100% favor with any house in Zeah
- Talk to Osten in the Shayzien House in Great Kourend
- Prepare 15 Marks of grace
- Purchase certain colors
Here’s how to recolor the Graceful outfit
You first have to talk to Osten that you can find in the Shayzien House in Great Kourend. Before you can recolor the Graceful outfit, you should obtain100% favor with any house in Zeah. After talking to Osten, he will recolor your Graceful outfit. Each item will cost 15 Marks of Grace. If you want to recolor a whole of Graceful set, you should add 90 Marks.
However, if you really do not like a color given by Osten, you can also ask him to revert the outfit to the default look. But, you will not get a refund and recoloring agail will cost the same number of Marks.
Of course, each house has their own unique color. Here are available colors that you can choose to recolor the Graceful outfit:
Default Color
Arceuus House (Dark Purple)
Piscarilius House (Aquamarine)
Lovakengj House (Yellow)
Shayzien House (Red)
Hosidius House(Green)
All Houses 100% (White)
Brimhaven Agility Arena (Dark Blue)
Apart from the six colors as we’ve mentioned above, you will also get a dark blue color scheme to the Agility Cap from Pirate Jackie the fruit which is located in Brimhaven. However, he is not interested in marks of grace and then purchasing this color scheme will set you back 250 Agility Arena tickets. You should also have the complete outfit to wear this color scheme.
While, a dark-purple colored set (Arceuus House) can be bought from the Brimhaven Agility Arena Stone in exchange for 250 tickets, the good news is no marks of grace required. Then, if you add Hallowed Sepulchre, you can also recolor your outfit black by purchasing a dark dye for 300 Hallowed marks per piece or 1800 for the whole outfit set.
Last, you will have a right to recolor your Graceful outfit to brown with a Trailblazer graceful ornament kit which is a tradeable item that you can use to change the look of the players’ Graceful outfit. The Graceful outfit will then turn it into a Trailblazer League-themed version.
This ornament kit can be removed from Graceful outfit pieces and return the outfit piece and kit. However, the recolor method won’t be retained once removing the ornament kit. Alternatively, the Graceful armor will be back to the default color once removing the kit. You can purchase it from Leagues Reward shop upon Trailblazer League is over. The buy limit was changed from 5 to 6 shortly after release to accommodate players who want to buy the kit for a whole of Graceful set.
How to Get a Graceful Outfit?
The only one way to get the Graceful outfit is by purchasing it from Grace with marks of grace. The Graceful outfit consists of 6 items which include Hood, Top, Legs, Gloves, Boots and also Cape. If you want to buy a whole set, you should spend about 260 Marks of Grace. While, you can also resell your Graceful outfit and you will get 208 Marks.
Of course, each item has a different cost explained as follow:
- Hood: You can buy a hood with 35 marks and sell it for 28 marks.
- Top: You can buy a top with 55 marks and sell it for 44 marks.
- Legs: You can buy legs with 60 marks and sell it for 48 marks.
- Gloves: You can buy gloves with 30 marks and sell it for 24 marks.
- Boots: You can buy boots with 40 marks and sell it for 32 marks.
- Cape: You can buy boots with 40 marks and sell it for 32 marks.
Graceful Outfit’s Effect
Not only giving a more gorgeous look, Graceful outfit can also give beneficial effects for you. Here are they:
- If you’re wearing the Graceful in a whole set, it will grant an additional 10% bonus and give a total 30% increased natural run energy restoration.
- It can increase the rate of the player’s natural run energy restoration.
- The total of the individual item is around 20%, but the set effect will add another 10% increasing the total 30%.
How to Get Marks of Grace?
As we know to get the Graceful outfit, you should buy it with marks of grace. In the OSRS game, a mark of grace can be mentioned as a type of currency that you can get from the Rooftop Agility Courses.
Besides being used to purchase the Graceful outfit, you can also use a mark of grace to buy amylase as a secondary ingredient to create stamina potions. Moreover, your marks of grace can be exchanged with Osten to recolor the graceful outfit.
You can get marks of grace by passing any obstacle on Rooftop courses. Higher level courses really have a chance to spawn marks of grace. The players can only pick up the marks of grace which are spawned for them and not for other players.
If marks of grace spawn on the course, you will have 10 minutes to take a mark before it disappears. It will appear at random times at certain locations along a course. So, it’s possible for you to get multiple marks which will spawn on the same tile. The marks of grace will appear on the ground even logged out.
Moreover, you can also obtain marks of grace every lap or every other lap by gathering a mark of grace and moving 1 section forward in the Agility Course. Then, you should wait for 3 – 4 minutes and continue onto the next lap.
Here, Ardougne is the only exception due to marks of grace will appear on the same tile and each new mark will refresh the 10 minute despawn timer. If a player’s Agility level is 20 levels higher than the course requirement, of course the Chance of getting a grace mark is reduced to 20% of the normal level. Once a player reaches the level, the marks of grace will continually appear.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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