Green Dragon Pet OSRS Locations

In the world of the game called Old School RuneScape or OSRS, green dragons are named as the weakest adult chromatic dragons. There are various locations to find these dragons. If you want to know these locations, you are encouraged to read the entire post.

The first location of the green dragon is located north of Goblin Village and west of Dark Warriors’ Fortress. There are a total of three green dragons in this location. It is for level 12 to level 15 Wilderness. Everyone who is in the Wilderness is able to also attack you. The place is rarely being controlled due to the fact that the players are able to teleport immediately. Besides, the chance of getting attacked is also due to the fact that the place is rarely crowded.

Goblin Village
Goblin Village
Dark Warriors' Fortress
Dark Warriors’ Fortress

The second location is located east of Boneyard. There are a total of 12 green dragons in this location. It is for level 18 to level 24 Wilderness. It is considered as the most popular one to kill green dragons. Apparently, the chance of the player getting killed in this area is known to be low.


The third location is located southeast of the Lava Maze. There are a total of five green dragons found in this location. The location is for level 48 to level 52 Wilderness. It is possible for the area to be controlled by the pkers.

Lava Maze
Lava Maze

The fourth location is located in Forinthry Dungeon. This one is for around level 17 to level 18 Wilderness. There are a total of five green dragons located in this location and all of them are next to the Greater demons area. You are able to access the place in level 39 or level 22 Wilderness. Keep in mind that it is close to the southwest entrance to the Wilderness Volcano. Despite being named as one of the safest locations to hunt the green dragon, due to the popularity of the place, it has been reported that a lot of players have been killed. The sad news is that there is no way for the players to skip this as it is a must pass area to access the revenants. There is one thing that is worth noting. For anyone who takes the level 39 entrance, it might be needed for you to pass through the revenants and the other dangerous monsters in the dungeon to be able to get the spot.

Forinthry Dungeon
Forinthry Dungeon

The fifth location is located on the Abandoned set of floors. Compared to the ones located in the other locations, the green dragons in this location are far more dangerous. They range from low to very high levels and they also do magic attacks and long range firebreath.

Daemonheim entrance
Daemonheim entrance

Every location mentioned above is available for free to play players. For the members, you might also want to go to the Chaos Tunnels to find the green dragons. There are three in one cave and four in another cave. This location is not only inhabited by the green dragons. Among the others, the baby black dragons are the ones that annoy the players a lot.

In addition to these wildernesses, the green dragons are also found in the Corsair Cove Dungeon. For anyone who is not familiar with this dungeon and you obviously have zero knowledge about it, it refers to a big cave system that is located underneath the southern part of Feldip Hills. Ogresses are the ones that dominate this place even though the western caves are part of the Myths’ Guild.

The eastern side of Corsair Cove Dungeon is able to be accessed by all players of the game. In this area, you are able to find Ogress Warriors, Ogress Shamans, and some Spiders. The bank vault of the ogresses is located at the east and this area is known to be used as a scenery. A brother of Arsen named Francois is able to be seen digging towards the vault.

At the northwest, there is a mining site. If you want to access this area, you will have to get the completion of Dragon Slayer. As a player, you have a chance to access this place from the dungeon north of the bridge and to do so, you are required to get level 15 in Agility. There are four coals in total in this site with the addition of two mithril and one adamantite rock.

The western side of the dungeon called Corsair Cove Dungeon, which is also known as the basement of Myths’ Guild, is only able to be accessed to those who have completed Dragon Slayer II. These members are able to access it through the Mythic Statue that is located in the center of the Myths’ Guild. Actually, it is not the only one. As an alternative, you can also pass the barriers that are guarded by Ponts the Bridgemaster west of the ogresses. This place, there is the Fountain of Uhld, the one that is able to be used to recharge a few things, including skill necklaces, combat bracelets and amulets of glory, and a small mine that consists of four adamantite rocks and two runite rocks.

The western side of the dungeon called Corsair Cove Dungeon is the best place to find all chromatic dragons, along with the six blue dragon scale spawns. Two green dragons (and one baby) can be found here. In addition to these two, there are also five blue dragons (and three babies), three red dragons (and two babies), and two black dragons (and one baby).

As for the southern area of the dungeon, it is the place that connects the players to a small island south of the Guild. This area has the runecrafting altar that is able to be accessed after completing the Dragon Slayer II called wrath altar and it is known to be the place where the players are able to craft the highest levelled runes in the game called wrath runes.

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