The Slayer Points are basically used to unlock the ability to craft the Slayer Helmet. The ability to craft it can be purchased at any Slayer Master for 400 Slayer Points. In order to get the number of the Slayer Points, you will need to complete a number of tasks.
Unfortunately, some tasks will offer you a low amount of Slayer points. Well, to get 400 Slayer Points can be a long journey that you should pass. But, there is a certain task that will give you the higher amount of Slayer Points, so you will easily get 400 Slayer points faster. So, what’s the task to do? Let’s check it out!
Getting 400 Slayer Points Faster with the Mazchna Task, Here’s the Guide!
There are at least eight tasks that you should complete in order to get the Slayer Points. However, each task will give you different Slayer Points either with a very short task or also with a very long task to do. So, which task should you choose to get Slayer Points faster?
We think you should take a consideration of taking a very short and fast task to complete that will give you the sufficient amount of Slayer Points, compared to taking a very long task, though it offers you the high amount of the Slayer Points. By taking a very short and easy task, it will give you a big chance to get the Slayer Points faster.
One of the Slayer tasks that promisingly gives you the sufficient amount of Slayer Points is Mazchna Task. This is the second-to-low level Slayer master that will give you any tasks to you with a Combat level of 20 and above.
Mazchna can be found in north-eastern Canifis. To find him, make sure you have completed the Priest in Peril quest. He is known for offering the Slayer tasks close to his area. His tasks are relatively easy and ideal for you with lower combat levels.
Mazchna also has a unique sword and is also wearing an adamant platebody with what appears to be cloth sleeves, neither of which can be obtained by players. If you get the Slayer task from Mazchna, it means you get a task from the Morytania Easy Diary.
Well, the Slayer Points that you will get after completing Mazchna’s Slayer task is based on how many tasks that you have completed in a row. If you complete a task that is assigned by Mazchna, it will give you following amount of Slayer Points:
- Every task: 2 Slayer Points
- Every 10th: 5 Slayer Points
- Every 50th: 15 Slayer Points
- Every 100th: 50 Slayer Points
- Every 250th: 70 Slayer Points
- Every 1,000th: 100 Slayer Points
Here’s a list of Mazchna’s tasks to complete:
Monster | Amount | Unlock requirement | Alternative(s) | Weight |
Banshee | 40-70 | 15, 20, completion of Priest in Peril | Twisted Banshee | 8 |
Bat | 40-70 | 5 | Giant bat | 7 |
Bears | 40-70 | 13 | Grizzly bear cub, Bear cub, Grizzly bear, Callisto | 6 |
Catablepon | 20-30 | 35 | None | 8 |
Cave bugs | 10-20 | 7 | None | 8 |
Cave crawlers | 40-70 | 10 , 10 | None | 8 |
Cave slime | 10-20 | 17 , 15 | None | 8 |
Cockatrice | 40-70 | 25 , 25, 20 | None | 8 |
Crawling Hands | 40-70 | 5, completion of Priest in Peril | None | 8 |
Lizards | 40-70 | 22 | Small Lizard, Desert Lizard, Sulphur Lizard
(44) |
8 |
Dogs | 40-70 | 15 | Jackal, Guard dog, Wild dog | 7 |
Earth warrior | 40-70 | 35 | None | 6 |
Flesh Crawler | 15-25 | 15 | None | 7 |
Ghosts | 40-70 | 13 | Tortured soul | 7 |
Ghouls | 10-20 | 25, completion of Priest in Peril | None | 7 |
Hill Giants | 40-70 | 25 | Obor, Cyclops | 7 |
Hobgoblins | 40-70 | 20 | None | 7 |
Ice warriors | 40-70 | 45 | None | 7 |
Kalphites | 40-70 | 15 | Kalphite worker, Kalphite soldier, Kalphite guardian, Kalphite Queen | 6 |
Killerwatt | 30-80 | 37, 50, completion of Ernest the Chicken | None | 6 |
Mogres | 40-70 | 32, 30, completion of Skippy and the Mogres | None | 8 |
Pyrefiend | 40-70 | 30, 25 | None | 8 |
Rockslug | 40-70 | 20, 20 | None | 8 |
Scorpion | 40-70 | 7 | King Scorpion, Poison Scorpion, Pit Scorpion, Scorpia, Scorpia’s offspring, Scorpia’s guardian | 7 |
Shades | 40-70 | 30 | Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Asyn and Fiyr shades | 8 |
Skeletons | 40-70 | 15 | Skeleton mage, Skeletons in the Stronghold of Security and Ancient Cavern, Vet’ion | 7 |
Vampyres | 10-20 | 35, completion of Priest in Peril | Feral Vampyre, Vampyre Juvinate, Vyrewatch, Vyrewatch Sentinel | 6 |
Wall beasts | 10-20 | 3 , 30, 5 | None | 7 |
Wolves | 40-70 | 20 | Big Wolf, Desert Wolf, Ice wolf, Jungle wolf, White wolf | 7 |
Zombies | 40-70 | 10 | Monkey Zombie, Undead chicken, Undead cow, Undead one | 7 |
Learn More about Slayer Points Tasks
Slayer Point is a reward system to give points to the players after completing every Slayer task from every Slayer master, Turael and Spria for exception. In this case, the higher level the Slayer master, the more points can be received. Well, the bonus points will be granted after every 10th, 50th, 100th , 250th and 1000th task.
The Slayer reward points can be traded into any Slayer master for a variety of rewards. You can also cancel or reject the tasks at the cost of Slayer reward points. So, the only one way to get the Slayer points is by completing the Slayer assignment. Need to know, the Slayer Points are not granted for the first four tasks that you complete but will be rewarded for your fifth and further tasks.
So, here are the Slayer tasks that you should complete to get the Slayer points. Let’s see which Slayer task that will grant you the sufficient amount of Slayer Points:
Slayer Master | Points per task | Points per 10th | Points per 50th | Points per 100th | Points per 250th | Points per 1,000th |
Turael / Spria | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Mazchna | 2 | 5 | 15 | 50 | 70 | 100 |
Vannaka | 4 | 20 | 60 | 100 | 140 | 200 |
Chaeldar | 10 | 50 | 150 | 250 | 350 | 500 |
Nieve / Steve | 12 | 60 | 180 | 300 | 420 | 600 |
Duradel | (15)[1] | (75)[1] | (225)[1] | (375)[1] | (525)[1] | (750)[1] |
Konar quo Maten | 15 | 75 | 225 | 375 | 525 | 750 |
As we’ve mentioned, the fastest and easiest way to get the Slayer Points is by completing the Mazchna’s Slayer task. But, you can also attempt to complete other tasks that will give you more Slayer points. Good Luck!!!
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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