Recipe for Disaster OSRS RuneHQ

You may be come here because you are looking for recipe for Disaster OSRS RuneHQ. If so, you come to the right site and read the right article because here, you are able to read the information about recipe for Disaster. According to RuneHQ site, here is the information about recipe for Disaster OSRS.

Quest Requirements

The difficulty of this recipe is master and the length is long. Here are the quest requirements for Disaster.

    • Big Chompy Bird Hunting
    • Biohazard
    • Cook’s Assistant
    • Demon Slayer
    • Desert Treasure
    • Fishing Contest
    • Gertrude’s Cat
    • Goblin Diplomacy
    • Horror From The Deep
    • Lost City
    • Monkey Madness
    • Murder Mystery
    • Nature Spirit
    • Priest in Peril
    • The Restless Ghost
    • Shadow of the Storm
    • Witch’s House
    • Need to have started the Legends Quest

Skill/ Other Requirements

Here are skill or other requirements.

    • 70 Cooking (can be boosted)
    • 48 Agility (cannot be boosted)
    • 20 Firemaking
    • Need to be able to beat high leveled, tough monsters
    • 175 Quest Points

The quests unlocked/ partially unlocked if you are able to complete Monkey Madness II quest.

Items Needed to Be Able to Complete Quest

Here are the items that you need to be able to complete quest:

Dirty blast (Must make this yourself), Eye of Newt, Rotten tomato, Greenman’s ale, 2 Lemons, Orange, Pineapple, Cocktail glass, Cocktail shaker, Knife, Ashes, 221gp, 3 Buckets of milk, 2 Pots of flour, Egg, 2 Bowls of water, 4 Asgarnian ales, Ice gloves, Charcoal, Spice or Gnome spice, 1 Fishing bait, 2 Bread, Orange slices, any Dye other than orange, red, or yellow, 3 Bronze wires, Needle, Fishbowl, Pestle and mortar, Raw cod, Egg, Cake tin, Kitten/Cat/Wily/Lazy Cat, lots of Stews (you can buy at the Seers village pub for 20gp each), Axe, Pickaxe, Any ogre bow, Any ogre/brutal arrows, Iron spit (smith with an iron bar), Log, Tinderbox, Ogre bellows, Ball of wool, Pot of cream, Raw sweetcorn, Hatchet, Machete, Pot, Raw chicken, Dramen staff, Anti-dragon shield(or a Dragonfire shield), Weapon and Armour (recommended), Prayer potions (recommended), Rope, M’speak Amulet, 3 Greegrees (Ninja/Archer, Guard, and Zombie).

And the items recommended for quest are: Antipoison, Prayer potions, Super Restore potions, Weapon, Ring of Chaos (a), and Armor.

The points of the quest are 10.

Reward of the Quest

    • 10 Quest Points
    • 10,000 Agility exp (King Awowogei)
    • 28,000 Cooking exp (All Subquests give some xp)
    • 3,500 Crafting exp (1,000 Goblins, 1,000 Pirate Pete, 1,500 Skrach)
    • 1,000 Farming exp (Goblins)
    • 1,000 Fishing: (Pirate Pete)
    • 4,000 Hit Points exp (Sir Amik Varze)
    • 2,500 Magic exp (Lumbridge Guide)
    • 1,500 Ranging exp (Skrach)
    • 1,000 Slayer exp (Dwarf)
    • 1,000 Smithing exp (Pirate Pete)
    • 1,500 Woodcutting exp (Skrach)
    • A Red Lamp that gives 20,000 exp to any skill over 50 of your choice (Final Battle)
    • Capability to make Spicy Stew (Evil Dave)
    • Capability to cast Teleport to Ape Atoll Spell, Capability to cook Stuffed Snake, Entrance to Monkey Agility Course (King Awowogei)
    • Entrance to Mogre Camp, Capability to craft Crab Claw and Crab Helmet (Pirate Pete)
    • Capability to hunt Jubbly birds (Skrach)
    • Entrance to Evil Chicken’s Lair (Sir Amik Varze)
    • Entrance to the Culinaromancer’s Chest


Here are the instructions to complete the quest.

Part 1: Helping the Cook

Sub-quest 1: Freeing the Mountain Dwarf

Sub-quest 2: Freeing the Goblins

Sub-quest 3: Freeing Pirate Pete

Sub-quest 4: Freeing the Lumbridge Guide

Sub-quest 5: Freeing Evil Dave

Sub-quest 6: Freeing Skrach Uglogwee

Sub-quest 7: Freeing Sir Amik Varze

Sub-quest 8: Freeing King Awowogei

Part 3: The Fights

Let’s find out the process of each step above, but I only can explain one of the steps above. For the rest explanation to get the complete explanation about recipe for Disaster, you can access RuneHQ site. Visit this link here.

The first step is helping the cook where the difficulty is novice and the length is short. The requirements are 10 cooking and you need to complete Cooks Assistant. The items that you need are Rotten tomato, Eye of Newt, Greenman’s ale, 2 Lemons, Pineapple, Orange, Cocktail glass, Knife, Cocktail shaker, and Ashes. The quest points reward is 1 and the reward is the ability to start the sub-quests. The start point is Lumbridge Castle Kitchen. To begin, you have to speak to cook.

    • When you speak to Cook, you will be told that it was not actually the Duke’s birthday and that the Cooks Assistant Quest was a test of your fidelity. The 100th anniversary of a great banquet cooked by his ancestor, Franizzard Van Lumbcook, will be held and Cook needs to make a banquet to prove the world that he is a great cook. He wants the banquet cooked by Franizzard is recreated by you. However, there is no ingredients for creating it so that you have to look for them.
    • You will be given 100 gp and you will be told to get him an Eye of Newt, a Rotten tomato, a Dirty Blast, and a glass of Greenman’s ale. If you want to get the Greenman’s Ale, you are able to brew it or you are able to buy it at the Yanille Pub and Light House General Shop. There are also some players who sell it, but the price may be expensive. You can buy a newt’s eye from the Taverley herblore store or the Port Sarim magic store. You are able to make rotten tomatoes in compost bins, or bought at the duel arena or pillory sites.
    • How to make a Dirty Blast? You need to make your own fruit blast and add ashes. It can be made by using a lemon, pineapple, and orange on your cocktail shaker and then it must be used with a cocktail glass. Then, you have to use a knife with a lemon to cut it into slices and after that you have to add a lemon slice to the unfinished cocktail. At last, you have to add ashes to it. How to get a cocktail shaker? You are able to begin or have already completed the Blueberry Bartender mini-game (Gnome Stronghold). You are also able to buy one from Funch’s Fine Groceries beside the Cocktail Bar, second floor, Gnome Stronghold. A glass can be obtained by drinking any cocktail or you can buy it. You are able to buy lemon and oranges from a gnome barman, and all three fruits may be purchased from the supply store at the Grand Tree.
    • And now, you have to take these items back to Cook and you will be invited to the feast.

Well, to see the explanation of each step, you are able to access RuneHQ site and read about it completely there.

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