How to Make a Snowball in Animal Crossing

Snowball will appear during the winter time in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Indeed, the snowball here will be used to make a Snowman/ Snowboy. As we know, today is the time at the end of the year for the players who live in the Northern Hemisphere. Well, in this snow time, it’s such a perfect time to create Snowman from Snowballs.

Before you go on making the Snowman, it’s better for you to get the Snowball first, isn’t it? Let’s see how to find Snowball in Animal Crossing so that you can make a perfect snowman!

Getting a Snowball in Animal Crossing. Here’s the Guides!

Getting a Snowball in Animal Crossing. Here’s the Guides

There’s no exact way that you can find in making the snowball in Animal Crossing. However, the snowball is scattered around the player’s island from late November to 25th February. In other words, you do not bother to make the snowball as they can be found anywhere on your island.

To make the snowball, you can just find the two snowballs each day. Then, you can roll them to make it bigger. Then, you can push them toward each other to make them attached. Please be careful in rolling them as it can destroy if you hit them strongly.

The Snowballs will actually become large if you roll them in snow. While, they can be smaller if you roll them in dirt, grass or stone. So if you want bigger snowballs, make sure to roll them in snow. You can also push the snowballs into the rover to make them flow and melt. Then, if you bump them into an object, it automatically will break and will appear at random spots on your island.

In fact, Dung Beetles as the rare Winter bugs which can be only obtained when the snow settles from early December to late February will also rill the snowballs during the winter.

In the Animal Crossing: New Leaf, the snowballs can be used to create a single Snowman. There are only two snowballs in the town that you can use to make only one snowman possible each day. The Snowman will not regenerate until the following days. Well, this creature will  melt and disappear.

If you do not use the Snowball to make the Snowman and you lose it, so a new one will appear randomly on your island. Moreover, the snowballs provide as the winter equivalent to sport balls that were removed in later games. The Snowman size is totally determined by the size of the snowballs. That means if you want to make a large Snowman, you have to make it from the large snowball all at. While, if you want to make a tiny Snowman, the small size of snowballs can be your option.

In Animal Crossing; New Horizons, the snowballs return. If they are rolled into another snowball, they automatically become Snowboys. Then, they will return with the melting phase as well. From this time, the smaller snowballs can kick into the directions before the rolling phase.

More facts about Snowballs, here they are:

  • The snowballs will be destroyed if it is hit with a shovel.
  • The snowballs will be destroyed after hitting the ground if it gets pushed off a cliff.
  • The snowmen family is going to judge the player’s building capability and their own look depending on the snowball proportions.

So, make sure to make Snowman of the appropriate snowball portion.

How to Make Snowman in Animal Crossing?

How to Make Snowman in Animal Crossing

In order to make a Snowman, you will need the snowballs. Before making it, make sure you already collect the snowballs which are scattered anywhere on your island during winter. However, getting the snowballs is pretty easy in which you can find them in open areas. The primary thing that you should do to make the Snowman is to locate the two snowballs first. They will appear on your island each day.

Once you have found the snowballs, you can then kick each one around until you are able to start rolling them. Here, you just need to roll them until each one is big enough. To make them attached, you just need to push them towards each other. If you already get the sizes and also the ratios correctly, you can then make a perfect Snowman. Make sure to not destroy the snowballs if they already have a enough size that you want to make a Snowman.

To make a perfect Snowman, you can also get the full set of Frozen Diy Recipe which will be available during the snowy season in Animal Crossing. Once you already have the snowballs, you can start making the Snowman from the bottom half. To make it, you can roll the snowballs until you’re able to move it anymore. Push them where you want to stand.

Then, you can start making the Snowman’s head. However, it’s a bit tricky as making this part will determine whether you have created a perfect Snowman or less perfect. All you need to do in this step is to aim at rolling the snowballs until it’s around the size where the top part reaches the bottom of your Villager’s ear or around their mouth level. After that, push the head towards the body to stick it on top.

In the way of making the Snowman’s head, you are basically searching for a head to body ratio in which the head is smaller than the body depending on the overall Snowman size.

Once you successfully created the body of the Snowman, you can then making the Snowman’s mouth and eyes by making some holes using wood to mark the mouth and eyes. You have to be careful in making these parts as the Snowman will potentially destroy if you give a strong pressure in making the holes. While, if you destroy the Snowman by accident, you’re able to respawn one by exiting and entering a building.

Those are all ways that you can do to make a Snowman from the snowballs. Hopefully, your Snowman will sparkle like a shiny Pokemon. If you want to make it, make sure to follow our guides as we have mentioned previously. Good Luck, Dude!

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