How to Fix PSN Error WS-37431-8 [SOLVED]

The WS-37431-8 error can make the players unable to play the PlayStation games online, which causes frustration when it appears. Fortunately, there are some fixes that will surely help you to resolve the issue and get back to the online gaming sessions.

Fix 1: Reboot or reset the router or modem

  1. In order to reboot or reset the router or modem, you will need to power off the router and then unplug it.
  2. Please wait for about five minutes before you can plug the router back in.
  3. When the time comes, power on the router back on again.

Reboot or reset the router or modem

There is also a small Reset button on the router that is able to be pressed with the paper clip. With this kind of button, the router can be reset. Before resetting the router using the Reset button, keep in mind that it will completely erase all the currents settings.

Fix 2: Rebuild the database

Rebuild the database

  1. If you want to rebuild the database, firstly, hold the power button of the PS4 for about five to ten seconds until you hear the beep sound from the console twice.
  2. After that, connect a DualShock 4 control pad to the PS4 with USB cable so you will be able to navigate the Safe Mode.
  3. Once it is connected, press the PS button that is located on the DualShock 4 gamepad.
  4. Lastly, choose Rebuild Database on the Safe Mode menu of the PS4.

Fix 3: Change the MTU setting

Change the MTU setting

  1. First of all, you will need to open the Settings menu of the PlayStation 4.
  2. Then, choose the Network option.
  3. Choose Set up Internet Connection and the Use Wi-Fi option.
  4. Choose to configure the network connection with the option named Custom.
  5. In the next step, choose the required Wi-Fi connection to utilize.
  6. Choose the Automatic IP address option.
  7. Select Do Not Specify for the DHCP.
  8. choose Automatic for DNS settings
  9. Afterward, choose the Manual MTU option.
  10. Enter 1473 as the MTU number and then choose Next so you can continue.
  11. The last thing that you will need to do is to choose the Do not use proxy server option.

Fix 4: Change the DNS settings

Change the DNS settings

  1. The first thing that you will have to do to change the DNS settings is to open the Settings menu on the PS4.
  2. Then, choose Network in order to open the further networking options.
  3. The next thing that should be done is to go to Set Up Internet Connection and choose the Wi-Fi or LAN cable option depending on how you connect.
  4. After that, choose the Custom option.
  5. Choose a Wi-Fi network to utilize and type the password for it.
  6. Choose the Automatic option for IP address settings.
  7. Choose the Do not Specify DHCP setting.
  8. Select the Manual DNS setting.
  9. Input as the primary DNS and enter as the secondary DNS.
  10. Finally, choose the Next > Automatic > Do Not Use options to finish.

The fixes above should fix the WS-37431-8 error as well as the CE-37813-2 error.

If you want to learn more about the WS-37431-8, here is the FAQ:

  • Do you need to change the LAN cable to fix the WS-37431-8?

Answer: Everyone who uses the LAN cables to connect the PS4 should check the condition of the cables. Some people might have to get replacement LAN cables if the current ones are not in good condition.

  • Is it possible if the WS-37431-8 error is happening due to the server issues?

Answer: Definitely! The WS-37431-8 error might occasionally be due to the PlayStation Network outages. Feel free to check the status of the PlayStation Network at

  • Where can you discuss the WS-37431-8 with the PlayStation support?

Answer: You are able to get in touch with the support agent to discuss the issue through the live chat at the Support Home site for PlayStation 4.

In general, if you cannot connect the PlayStation to the Internet, you can try some of these solutions:

  • Check in order to see if the PlayStation Network is online
  • Determine if the other devices can connect to the internet
  • Change the connection of the PS4 to the router
  • Re-enter the Wi-Fi password of the PS4
  • Change the DNS settings of the PS4

For everyone who can get online but cannot access the PSN, the first step that you have to do is to make sure that it is online. You can visit the PSN Network Status page and see if the status is green. If it is down, your only option is to wait for a while for the issue to be solved.

If the PS4 that you own is facing a hard time connecting to the internet, you can try to narrow down where the issue is by determining if the issue is related to the PS4 or to the Wi-Fi network. To do so, you can check to see if the other devices on your place such as tablets and computers can connect. Another thing that you need to make sure is the devices that share the same connection are working. For instance, if the PS4 is connected to the router with a wired Ethernet cable, then you can plug a computer into the router as well. In case the PS4 is using Wi-Fi, then you are recommended to connect to Wi-Fi with the phone and see if it works. If the other devices that you have also cannot connect, it is the perfect time to shut down the modem or the router and wait several minutes before you turn them back on. If it still does not work, you are encouraged to contact your internet service provider for help.

If you think the issue has something to do with the password, you can try re-entering it on the PS4. First, choose Settings. Then, choose Network and choose Set Up Internet Connection. Next, choose Use Wi-Fi. After that, choose Easy. Finally, select the Wi-Fi network, enter the password, and wait for it to connect.

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