Fortnite X-4 Stormwing Plane All Locations! Travel 5000 Meters in X-4 Stormwings Snowmando Challenge

The newest Operation Snowdown challenge has been released. It means it is time for you to take flight in Fortnite’s Winterfest. For this, you will have to fly 5,000 meters in X-4 Stormwings. For anyone who is not familiar, that’s the name of the place. Actually, it should not be too hard, but here is the guide to help you out.

If you want to start with the challenge, the first thing that you will have to do is to find a plane on the island and there are a few spots to get one from. All the X-4 Stormwing Fortnite planes are able to be found next to all of the Snowmando Outposts. Each outpost should consist of three spawns, and every plane will have different fuel levels. Here is the list of the POI’s that you can visit to get a plane:

  • Catty Corner
  • Weeping Woods
  • Holly Hedges
  • Steamy Stacks
  • Stealthy Stronghold

The airplane outposts are clearly seen in most POI’s and will not take too much of your time to find. You are suggested to hop right into a plane after landing and avoid taking fights in the process. This way is the best method to get done with the challenge quickly.

Fortnite X-4 Stormwing Plane All Locations! Travel 5000 Meters in X-4 Stormwings Snowmando Challenge

Once again, if you want to complete the challenge quickly, you are recommended to get the place with the most starting fuel and fly around the map until the challenge is completed. Feel free to fly to different outposts and select a fresh plane in case you are low on fuel. You can also fly around the outpost where you got a plane from and jump out the plane into another one.

Another quest is quite simple and straightforward, which requires you to hover around the island with the X-4 Stormwings until it has finished travelling about 5000 meters. However, you will need to take note that the main purpose is to complete the challenge in a single match. It means carrying fuel cans will be really helpful. Compared to the previous seasons where planes would run until they were shot down, it is really different because they now require fuel which runs out pretty quickly.

Once you and your plane named X-4 Stormwing are travelling towards the corners of the island to avoid getting shot at, you will be presented a new challenge every day by Fortnite Operation Snowdown. It will last until 30th December. There is a new reward that will wait for you right after completion.

Snowmando is in the game and Epic Games are challenging everyone to join in the event during the holiday season with a thing called Operation Snowdown 2020 in the popular version of Fortnite called Fortnite Battle Royale. The event used to be called 14 days of Fortnite, featuring a massive of two weeks of action for both gamers and fans.

One of the most popular Fortnite leakers named iFireMonkey stated that the new challenge would show up in the next 12 days, where you are able to perform the events and complete the mini-tasks, which everything will be accumulated to the major quest. These major quests will give you the exclusive holiday skins of Snowmando and Frost Squad, all exclusive to the Christmas event of this year.

All the challenges and rewards of Fortnite Operation Snowdown 2020 include:

  • Completing Operation Snowdown tasks that you reward you Snowmando skin
  • Completing Operation Snowdown tasks that you reward you Frost Squad skin
  • Visiting a few different Snowmando outposts that you reward you Operating Snowdown loading screen
  • Looking for some chests at Snowmando outposts that you reward you Christmas present back bling
  • Dancing at holiday trees that you reward you Snowmando spray
  • Placing Top 10 with your friends in squads that you reward you Winter weapon wrap
  • Destroying Nutcracker statues that you reward you Snowmando back bling
  • Traveling 5,000 meters in X-4 Stormwings that you reward you Chiller Grenade emote
  • Shooting down the enemy structures with X-4 Stormwings that you reward you Winter glider
  • Gathering Gold Bars that you reward you Candy Cane GG emote
  • Getting a Snowy Flopper that you reward you Ice Skate pickaxe
  • Bringing back a player in different matches that you reward you Nutcracker loading screen
  • Hiding inside a Sneaky Snowmando in some different matches that you reward you Fishstick spray
  • Playing duo or squad with your friends that you reward you Snowglobe pickaxe
  • Lighting up a campfire that you reward you Reactive weapon wrap
  • Dealing damage at Snwomando outposts that you reward you Chiller Grenade emote
  • Using Chiller Launcher in order to apply icy feet to enemies that you reward you glider that has Winter theme

Christmas presents are spread throughout the Fortnite game. All the presents offered vary from basic to top tier. All of them can be enjoyed by the gamers. Weapons wraps, emotes, Chiller Grenade skins are ready for you to grab. On the other hand, there is also a Holiday Sing emote offered by Fortnite for everyone. This one is able to be redeemed in the item shop throughout the event.

Some different kinds of tasks have been given by Epic Games to the players during the events such as dancing on the trees, finding out chests and some various Snowmando outposts, and destroying Nutcracker statues all around the map. This time, the developer has come out with a different approach. With the newest event, some items are rewarded for free such weapons. In the Operation Snowdown Christmas event, a few things including Chiller Grenades, the ones with the X-4 Stormwings planes, are making a comeback. Actually, the X-4 Stormwings was added for the first time in Chapter 1 Season 7. However, Epic Games stated that the X-4 Stormwings had some issues so they needed to be removed from the game. At that time, Epic Games Received some complaints from the players about some issues in the X-4 Stormwings so it had to be removed from the game.

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