ACNH Hairstyle Packs Stylish

Do you want your character to have a stylish hairstyle in Animal Crossing New Horizon? If so, there are some stylish hairstyles and you can choose which one is the most stylish one for your character from the options. Here, I also have information about other hairstyle packs and everything related to hairstyle in Animal Crossing New Horizons according to the iMore site.

Stylish Hairstyles

According to the iMore site, there are six hairstyles that you are able to buy with 1,700 Nook Miles. On November 18th, 2020, these hairstyles were added with the Winter update.

ACNH Hairstyle Packs Stylish

Stylish Hair Colors

If you are looking for stylish hair colors, there are 8 stylish hair colors as you are able to see below.

Stylish Hair Colors

As you can see from the picture above, the stylish hair colors consist of blue hair, gray hair, green hair, red hair, orange hair, purple hair, pink hair and turquoise hair.

The Other Hairstyles and Colors in Animal Crossing New Horizons

And here are the other hairstyles and colors in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

    • Original Hairstyles
      There are eight hairstyles that you are able to choose from at the beginning of the game.
      Original Hairstyles
    • Original Hair Colors
      There are eight original hair colors that you are able to select from when you begin the game.
      Original Hair Colors
    • Mirror Hairstyles
      There are six hairstyles that are unlocked as soon as you are able to access a mirror.
      Mirror Hairstyles
    • Pop Hairstyles
      There are eight Pop Hairstyles that you are able to buy with Nook Miles.
      Pop Hairstyles
    • Cool Hairstyles
      There are eight cool hairstyles that you are able to buy with Nook Miles.
      Cool Hairstyles
    • Fab Hairstyles
      There are 4 fab hairstyles that you can buy for 1,200 Nook Miles at the kiosk.
      Fab Hairstyles

Harriet’s Haircuts on Harv’s Island

Harriet's Haircuts on Harv's Island

In the Animal Crossing 2.0 update, you are able to travel to Harv’s island and meet Harriet who is the pink poodle. This poodle is a girl and she has an outdoor salon. If you go to her salon, you will be given one surprise haircut a day. There are 7 new hairstyles that she offers.

After a new hairstyle has been placed on your head, then you can add it to your list of accessible haircuts when you interact with a mirror. Let’s say that you do not like the haircut that she gives. If so, you are able to say this: ‘Oh no…’ and then Harriet will put it back to the way it was before she touched it.

The Steps to Change Your Look in Animal Crossing New Horizons

In Animal Crossing New Horizons, you are able to customize the hair of your character. When you start the game for the first time, you may find that you only have eight style and color options. However, gradually you will be able to unlock more options. It can be done by improving your home and completing various tasks. In addition, there are new more hairstyles in the version 2.0 update of Animal Crossing New Horizons.

Well, if you want to try something new in Animal Crossing New Horizons, you have to firstly get a mirror. You can get it by visiting your villages again and again and then you may find someone who crafts a mirror and you can get them to share a DIY recipe with you. It is also important for you to note that you can look out for bottles which are washed up on your beach and balloons which are floating overhead. You may also try to go to Nook’s Cranny who knows that there you may find a mirror for sale.

After you have created a mirror or got it, then you have to place it somewhere in or around your home. After that, you have to go up to it and then you have to press A. Now, you will be directed to the character customization menu and here you will be permitted to change everything such as your eyes, mouth, nose, skin color, hair color and hairstyle. You will see that there will be six additional hairstyles which are given by the mirror in addition to the eight that you had to choose from at the beginning of the game.

Unlocking New Hairstyles and Colors

Unlocking New Hairstyles and Colors

You may wonder how to be able to unlock new hairstyles and colors since you want to try them for your character in Animal Crossing New Horizons. When you start the game for the first time, there are eight hairstyles and eight hair colors which are given to you. If you want to unlock the other looks, you need to earn some Nook Miles and also unlock Nook Miles+.

Nook Miles can be earned by you if you can complete tasks such as collecting a bunch of wood, catching fish, or selling some items. Do you need more Nook Miles? If so, but you are not sure what you have to do, you are able to open up your Nook Phone and then you are able to see what tasks that you are able to do. If you want to unlock Nook Miles+, you need to pay off your tent loan and have upgraded to a house. After that, you will be told by Tom Nook about the Nook Miles+ program after you have done it.

After some Nook Miles have been saved and you also have unlocked the Nook Miles+ program, then you are able to go to the green Nook Stop kiosk in the bottom right corner of Resident Services. If you have done it, then you have to choose Redeem Nook Miles. There, you are able to find four different hair-related packs which you are able to buy with Nook Miles. Those are listed below.

    • Top 8 Pop Hairstyles
      The price is 2,400 Nook Miles.
    • Top 8 Cool Hairstyles
      The price is 2,400 Nook Miles.
    • Top 8 Stylish Hair Colors
      The price is 3,000 Nook Miles.
    • Top 6 Stylish Hairstyles
      The price is 1,800 Nook Miles.
    • Top 4 Fab Hairstyles
      The price is 1,200 Nook Miles.

It means that if you want to unlock all of the available hairstyles and colors, you need up to 10,800 Nook Miles.

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