ACNH Daisy Mae Hours & Times

For those who are looking for information about Daisy Mae hours and times in Animal Crossing, you are able to read this text until the end. Here we are going to explain some information about that. Ensure that you will not miss any information from this text.

Daisy Mae in Animal Crossing

Daisy Mae is a character who debuted in the game of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Daisy Mae sells turnips to the players. She is taking over the role established by her grandmother named Joan in the previous games.

Daisy Mae in Animal Crossing

    • Gender: Female
    • Species: Boar
    • Service: Selling turnips
    • Birthday: May 5th (Taurus)
    • Appearances: Pocket Camp, New Horizons
    • Regional names: Jorna (Germany), Mupani (South Korea), Porcelette (France), Brunella (Italy),  Juliana (Spain),  Cao Mai (China)

Daisy Mae Hours & Times

Usually, Daisy Mae arrives at the island every Sunday morning (from 5 AM to 12 PM) to sell the turnips.

    • Appearing after building Nook’s Cranny

Appearing after building Nook's Cranny

After building Nook’s Cranny, Daisy Mae is going to come to your island. Remember that Daisy Mae specializes in selling turnips. For note: There is no other method to get turnips in the game of Animal Crossing.

    • Leaves after noon

Daisy Mae is only going to be on your island in the morning on Sunday. As soon as the clock turns to 12:00pm, she will leave the island, so you have to be careful.

    • Time travel works to meet Daisy Mae

You will be able to time travel to Sunday to meet Daisy Mae. But, remember that if you purchase a turnip and time travel backward, your turnip is going to rot. You are able to fast forward with time travel to a different date, however your turnip is going to rot after 1 week, like usual.

    • Is Daisy Mae Missing? Do not worry!

Is Daisy Mae Missing Do not worry

If Daisy Mae does not seem to be showing up right away, you do not despair. Sometimes, this little piggy wanders around your island. She will not always be near your other facilities.

Buying and Selling Turnips

Buying and Selling Turnips


After 10 years of running “Sow Joan’s Stalk Market” on her own, Joan allowed Daisy Mae (her granddaughter) to take the reins of her turnip-selling business starting in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Firstly, Daisy Mae shows on the first Sunday following the completion of Nook’s Cranny. She is inexperienced and nervous. However, she wants to prove herself. For note: Fundamentally, the Stalk Market remains unchanged from the previous games.

Every Sunday morning, Daisy Mae will come on the island to sell Turnips at a specific price between 90 and 110 bells. The turnips have to be sold before the next Sunday, or they are going to rot and lose all value. As a player, you are able to ask Timmy and Tommy what the current cost of Turnips is between Monday and Saturday, and also the price changes twice per day. Optimally, the players will be able to sell their turnips at a higher price than they bought them and make a profit.


Timmy and Tommy in Nook’s Cranny are going to buy turnips every day, except for Sundays, at a different price every morning (before 12 p.m.) and every afternoon (12pm-10pm). Their price can be as low as 9 Bells, and as high as 660 Bells. Keep in mind that time Travel has no effect on changing the price that week. But, time travel backwards in time will make rot any turnips that you have bought.

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the Stalk Market features four patterns. Those four patterns are Random, Large Spike, Decreasing, and Small Spike. The pattern from the previous week is going to effect the following week’s pattern. In the text below, we are going to share a table. The first column is the pattern of the previous week. The row for that pattern indicates the probability of getting each pattern the week after. Now, we are going to give an example. If there was a small spike pattern last week, then this week will be a 45 percent opportunity of getting the Random pattern, a 25 percent opportunity the Large Spike, a 15 percent opportunity of getting the Decreasing pattern, and a 15 percent opportunity of getting the Small Spike.

Pattern Random Large Spike Decreasing Small Spike
Random 20% 30% 15% 35%
Large Spike 50% 5% 20% 25%
Decreasing 25% 45% 5% 25%
Small Spike 45% 25% 15% 15%

Daisy Mae Appearance in New Horizons  

Now, you may want to know the appearance of Daisy Mae in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Need to know, Daisy Mae is a small boar. She has deep orange cheeks. Also, Daisy Mae has brown hair in straight bangs. The little curls peek out of her white headscarf. A crucial feature is her nose drip that hangs from her left nostril. Her outfit consists of blue kimono dress, along with a blue apron. An apron is tied by a red sash, topped with a bow. Aside from that, she carries a bowl of turnips on her head tied on with red string.

Daisy Mae Appearance in Pocket Camp

Daisy Mae comes to Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp as the host of the gardening event “Daisy Mae’s Pickin’ Patch”. That event explains rare farmer seeds and seedwings, also the gifts from the farm-fresh series. For your information, the event ran from April 30th 2020 to May 11th 2020.


Here are some notes that you need to know about Daisy Mae:

    • Similar with Daisy Mae’s grandmother (Joan), the name of Daisy Mae is a possible reference to Fannie Mae.
    • Purchasing 100 turnips every Sunday, she is going to send Bamboo shoots to the player through mail.
    • Daisy Mae features the voice of a Sisterly villager.
    • Daisy Mae has the same birthday as Paolo. In fact, Daisy Mae and Paolo have a birthday on May 5th. For your information, Paolo is a lazy elephant from the game of Animal Crossing.

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