Who Has the Power Stone in Insane Craft

Do you watch the gameplay of finding the Infinity Stone played by the Insane Craft developer? If so, you may wonder who will get the Power Stone in Insane Craft. If you have played Thanos in Minecraft, you may not be familiar with a team who developed the Insane Craft modpack.

The Insane Craft modpack is a Minecraft modpack that was created by a team including Sigils, Nicovald, Ssundee, JeromeASF, Biffle, and Spark Universe. As the developer of Insane Craft modpack, they also often share their game  with a team in Minecraft related to Thanos gameplay.

One of the gameplays that they share on YouTube is to get the Power Stone. In the video, they play the game in the case of finding the Power Stone. So, who has the Power Stone in Insane Craft? If you are curious, let’s see our post below!

Who Has the Power Stone in Insane Craft?

When you watch any videos from Minecraft creators that shows the gameplay of Thanos, you may wonder who the players will get the Infinity Stone. So as with a YouTube video uploaded by SSundee that shows the gameplay of finding the Power Stone in Insane Craft.

In the series of Thanos gameplay with a team, Ssundee claims that he finally found the Power Stone in Insane Craft. Is it true? Well, if you want to know the real fact, you can watch Ssundee’s YouTube Video entitled ‘I FOUND The FINAL Thanos *POWER STONE* in Minecraft (Insane Craft)’ that you can watch here.

Who Has the Power Stone in Insane Craft

As you can watch on the video, SSundee emphasizes that he really got the Power Stone, after a long journey scrambling with his team. We think that it’s such a big achievement that Ssundee reaches, as he has beaten other players who are still a team in making Insane Craft modpack.

If you want to see how he beats his friends in the case of finding the Power Stone, you surely need to watch his video. After you watch his video, you may then apply his tips and tricks on finding the Power Stone easily in your gameplay.

What Other Things Do SSundee Perform in Insane Craft?

If you explore SSundee’s Channel, you will find a number of performances that he has done in Insane Craft. Certainly, he mostly shares the Minecraft gameplay. So, if you want to get more tips and tricks of playing Minecraft, especially if you use the Insane Craft mod, you can try to watch more SSundee’s videos.

Here are some SSundee’s YouTube videos that show his Minecraft gameplay in Insane Craft:

    • A SSundee’s  video entitled ‘CRAFTING a LOST INFINITY TRAP in Minecraft (Insane Craft)’ that you can watch here.
    • A SSundee’s  video entitled ‘BUILDING a *THANOS* ROBOT ARMY in Minecraft (Insane Craft)’ that you can watch here.
    • A SSundee’s  video entitled ‘ELIMINATING *EVERYONE* in Insane Craft (Minecraft)’ that you can watch here.
    • A SSundee’s  video entitled ‘How To DEFEAT *OP* INFINITY ARMOR in Insane Craft (Minecraft)’ that you can watch here.
    • A SSundee’s  video entitled ‘CRAFTING a *BAN HAMMER* in Minecraft (Insane Craft)’ that you can watch here.

So, there are some SSundee’s  videos uploaded on his YouTube Channel. Certainly, there are remaining videos about his Minecraft gameplay that you can watch on SSundee’s Channel here.

If you need more tutorials about using the Insane Craft mod, you can try to watch one-by-one SSundee’s  videos based on what you want to do in Minecraft with Insane craft. After watching his videos, you can try to apply what SSundee shares on his video.

Why Do People Scramble to Get the Power Stone?

There’s a strong reason why people in the game, including SSundee, really want to get the Power Stone. As you know that Power Stone is one of the Infinity Stones that you may want to get to fight and damage the universe.

In the game of Thanos in Minecraft, Power Stone is a special stone that you can find in dungeons and mineshafts. This stone can be used to fight and defend yourself in the game. The Power Stone has loads of types of powers including fire, electricity, water, life, plant, darkness, tricks, death, magic, speed, soul, psychic, and weather.

The Power Stone also has the binder that can be obtained randomly in a cave with a 10/100 chance. If you have successfully obtained a binder, put stone in and use some levels (over 10) to bind it to you. By doing it, you successfully use the binder’s power.

Just like other Infinity Stones, the Power Stone also has Gauntlet abilities. Here are they:

    • Bolt
      This ability can be used to shoot a blast of energy. So it can break all blocks in its path.
    • Ignition Blast
      This ability is able to create a massive explosion  at your location. But you cannot take damage from this massive explosion
    • Pulse
      This ability can be used to  push back all nearby entities away from yourself
    • Fire Redirection
      This ability can be used to absorb nearby Fire Blocks. Aside from that, you can also release the Fire Blocks as a blast of flames.

How Worthy is the Insane Craft Mod?

Insane Craft modpack seems to answer what the Minecraft players need by providing a number of mods within. Aside from giving the easier way of playing Thanos, including finding Infinity Stone, creating a secret Infinity Stone base to hide the Infinity Stone, etc, the Insane Craft modpack also gives you more mods that you can use in Minecraft.

Here are the mods contained in the Insane Craft modpack:

    • Lucky Blocks
    • Animated Player Mod
    • AnimationAPI
    • Armourers Workshop
    • BackTools
    • BeeBarker
    • CodeChickenCore
    • CreativeCore
    • CustomMainMenu
    • Damage Indicators
    • Dark Core
    • Decocraft
    • Exotic Birds
    • Flans Mod
    • Hats
    • Hat Stand
    • IChunUtil
    • InventoryPets
    • Item Physics
    • Legends Core
    • Lucky Block ADDON – Block Night-2
    • M-Ore
    • MalisisCore
    • MalisisDoors
    • Mc Helicopters Mod
    • Mobius Core
    • Morph
    • Nei Addons- EX Nihilo
    • Not Enough Items
    • Origin
    • Pandora’s Box
    • PortalGun
    • RailCraft
    • Rei’s Minimap
    • Recourse Loader
    • Rival Rebels
    • Security Craft
    • Superheroes Mod Unlimited
    • Tardis Mod
    • The SecretRoomsMod
    • Transformers Mod
    • Weeping Angels
    • Youtuber Structers
    • Youtubers+

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