Where is the Yule Log in the Cozy Lodge in Fortnite

Epic Games, the developers of the popular game with so many followings called Fortnite, have officially announced an event known as Fortnite Winterfest 2021. A blog post that informs everything about the event has been released. On the blog, you will be able to find the challenges. One of the challenges for the players like you to complete is to warm yourself at the Yule Log in the Cozy Lodge.

The first thing that you need to do before warming yourself at the Yule Log in the Cozy Lodge is to find the Cozy Lodge itself. Where is the location of the Cozy Lodge in Fortnite? If you have no idea where it is located, find out the answer to the question below.

Where is the Yule Log in the Cozy Lodge in Fortnite

The thing called Cozy Lodge is not on the island nor on the map. It is not the Nutcracker House. Besides, this one is also far away from the Camp Cuddle, even though both areas fit the bill for the seasonal lodging. If you want to find the Cozy Lodge, you do not have to go into the game. To be able to find one, the first thing that you have to do is to simply boot up Fortnite since it is in the menu. When you start the game for the first time during the Fortnite Winterfest 2021, there will be an exclamation mark that is seen over a large snowflake on the right side of the navigation bar. Going to the Cozy Lodge is as easy as clicking on the Enter Cozy Lodge button located in the bottom right. Once you are in the Cozy Lodge, you will need to click on the military grade Santa character sitting in the chair named Sgt. Winter. There is no way for you to interact with the character and you will automatically choose the Yule Log. Then, click on the fireplace to warm yourself by the thing. Just like that the challenge is completed after a few seconds. If you want to earn XP that can be useful if you are afk and need to level up, you will have to stay there longer or come back again. For every few seconds, you will be able to collect a total of 10 XP.

Once again, going to the Cozy Lodge makes it possible for you to get the presents from Sgt. Winter. Talking about the presents, there are 14 of them and only one of them can be opened every single day during the event. These presents vary from wraps, pickaxes, gliders, loading screens, and many more. It is unlikely for you to know the thing that is inside until you open it up. If you are curious to hell and cannot wait, here is the leak of what’s on inside:

    • Present description: Long red present with a green bow. It’s in front of the Christmas tree
      The thing inside of the present: Snowplower Harvesting Tool
    • Present description: Square purple box with a silver bow
      The thing inside of the present: Bombastic Winterfest Spray
    • Present description: Long gold box with a red bow
      The thing inside of the present: It’s Perfect Emote
    • Present description: Small rectangular cream-colored box with a purple bow
      The thing inside of the present: Twinkly Wrap
    • Present description: Square purple box with a silver bow hanging from a device on the left side of the room
      The thing inside of the present: Holly Hatchets Harvesting Tool
    • Present description: Large square red box with a green bow
      The thing inside of the present: Choice Knit Emote
    • Present description: Blue square box with a silver bow
      The thing inside of the present: Loot in the Mountains Music
    • Present description: Blue and yellow square box with a purple bow
      The thing inside of the present: You better Watch Out Loading Screen
    • Present description: A small rectangular yellow box with a green bow
      The thing inside of the present: Snowflake Banner Icon
    • Present description: Small square gray box with a red bow
      The thing inside of the present: Wolly Wrap
    • Present description: Green, Matric-looking bag on the right
      The thing inside of the present: Sentinel Glider
    • Present description: Small square purple box with a yellow bow on the left
      The thing inside of the present: Auroral Arc Contrail
    • Present description: Large frozen box on the right
      The thing inside of the present: It’ll melt over time to reveal the Polar Peely outfit
    • Present description: The big box on the left
      The thing inside of the present: Available on the last day of the event and it’ll be the Krisabelle Outfit, a festive take on Isabelle

Warming yourself at the Yule Log inside the Cozy Log is one of the challenges or quests in Fortnite Winterfest 2021. The other challenges or quests include:

    • Dealing damage to the enemies with the Snowball Launcher (50)
    • Collecting Toy Biplanes at Condo Canyon, Greasy Groove, or Sleepy Sound (3)
    • Traveling while having icy feet (200)
    • Flying with a kitchen (200)
    • Dancing for three seconds at Crackshot’s Cabin and Sgt. Winter’s Workshop (2)
    • Ramming a snowman with a vehicle (1)
    • Using Holiday Presents! Item (1)
    • Searching a treasure chest under a holiday tree (1)
    • Eating five foods in a single match (5)
    • Hiding for ten seconds as a Sneaky Snowman within 25 meters of an enemy (10)
    • Lighting campfire while having icy feet (1)
    • Traveling 1000 meters on a Crackshot Quadcrasher (1000)
    • Destroying holiday decorations (10)
    • Handing an enemy icy feet with a Chiller Grenade (1)

As part of the Winterfest 2021, the trailer released by Epic Games also has the Tom Holland Spider-Man skin and Zendaya MJ skin from Spiderman No Way Home featured. These two items are available to purchase in the Item Shop starting from December 16 at 7 PM ET.

Besides these outfits, there are more outfits rotating into the Item Shop throughout the Winterfest event, including the ones that are inspired by the concepts from @Ibdart and @AltaCalls. As it has been announced before, both of them are the members of the community that won the June’s Concept Royale.

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